
LibrePlanet 2024, Day 1

Sat, 4 May 2024

Greetings, fellow free software warriors. Another LibrePlanet, another incredible first day. I'm writing to you live from the conference room of the FSF as the first day of LibrePlanet 2024 draws to a close and let me tell you, the energy here is electric! What a kick-off to LibrePlanet 2024!

But for a free software fighter like me, the journey to Boston and LibrePlanet 2024 started well before the conference. I arrived in Boston on Thursday to soak in the atmosphere and prepare for the event.

What better way to kick things off on Thursday than with a gathering of fellow activists? I hosted a dinner at Veggie Galaxy, where we enjoyed delicious food, had inspiring conversations, and shared our passion for free software. It was a perfect opportunity to connect with friends in person, make new ones, and reinforce the sense of unity and camaraderie that we share as a global family in the free software community.

Friday was dedicated to meeting new and familiar faces at the FSF, socializing, and getting myself prepped for the whirlwind of LibrePlanet. It's always energizing to see the heart of the Free Software Foundation buzzing with activity. It's these informal gatherings that truly solidify the sense of community within the free software movement.

But then came Saturday, and with it came the official opening of LibrePlanet! And let me tell you, as always, it did not disappoint and was as inspiring and informative as I've come to expect. This year's lineup was packed with phenomenal, thought-provoking talks. Here are a few talks that particularly resonated with me:

"Hosting freedom: A behind-the-scenes tour with the Savannah Hackers" by Corwin Brust was a fascinating glimpse into the inner workings of Savannah, a vital piece of the free software infrastructure. Rubén's "Trisquel twentieth anniversary spectacular" was a celebration of the popular GNU/Linux distribution's dedication to software freedom over two whole decades. Ciarán O'Riordan's "Free software legislation: How we win" provided useful insights. Felix Freeman's talk on "Digital freedom as a moral imperative for authors" was a reminder of the ethical dimensions of the free software movement.

I enjoyed hosting the annual FSF associate members' meeting during the lunch break. It's always inspiring to connect with so many passionate people dedicated to supporting the FSF and fueling the fight for free software to make the FSF's work possible.

The day wrapped up with the much-anticipated keynote address from the FSF, followed by the prestigious Free Software Awards presentation. These awards recognize the incredible contributions made by individuals and projects to the free software movement.

Learning, connecting, and celebrating our victories together was truly inspiring. The energy at the conference was palpable, a testament to the unwavering commitment to free software that unites us all. This conference is more than just presentations and workshops; it's a powerful source of inspiration, a platform to strategize for the future, and a catalyst to reignite our passion for free software. It's also a time to get together and celebrate our movement and a call to action for everyone who believes in the power of free software. Walking away from LibrePlanet's first day, I'm brimming with motivation, a perfect way to refuel my passion for free software. My software freedom batteries are fully charged, and I can't wait to see what the rest of the conference holds.

But here's the real question: Are you ready to join the fight for software freedom? The Free Software Foundation needs your support now more than ever. Consider becoming a member, donating your time or skills, or simply spreading the word about the importance of free software. Your support is not just important; it's vital in helping us secure a future where software empowers, not restricts. Let's keep the momentum going!

Stay tuned for more updates from the trenches of LibrePlanet!