
CrowdStrike Incident: A Vivid Demonstration of Proprietary Software's Hidden Costs

Wed, 24 Jul 2024

On July 19, a routine update from cybersecurity giant CrowdStrike went horribly wrong. Millions of Windows devices crashed, leaving businesses and individuals scrambling to restore critical systems. A malicious attack didn't cause this widespread outage, but a faulty configuration within CrowdStrike's Falcon sensor software. While the immediate crisis has been addressed, it serves as a vivid demonstration of the inherent dangers of proprietary software and the alarming lack of control it leaves in the hands of its supposed users.

This incident is not merely a technical glitch but a symptom of a more significant problem. When we rely on proprietary software, we relinquish control over our digital lives. We become dependent on the whims of the software developer, vulnerable to their mistakes, and powerless to fix the problems ourselves. The CrowdStrike debacle is a cautionary tale, demonstrating the hidden costs of proprietary software and the urgent need for a different approach: One based on freedom.

The root of all problems with proprietary software lies in its very nature. Unlike free software, proprietary software is a tightly guarded secret. Its source code, the underlying instructions that dictate how the software functions, is kept hidden from users. This is a fundamental barrier to user control.

The CrowdStrike incident is a stark illustration of this power imbalance, where the dependence was painfully evident. Users were utterly helpless when the faulty update wreaked havoc on millions of Windows devices. They could not examine the inner workings of the software to understand how it operates, identify potential vulnerabilities, or propose fixes for bugs and glitches. Without the source code, users are effectively locked out of their systems. This vulnerability left millions of users stranded, their systems crippled, while they anxiously awaited a patch from CrowdStrike. The outage stretched for hours, with countless businesses and individuals unable to work, communicate, or access vital services. When problems arise, as they inevitably do, users are entirely at the mercy of the software developer.

The incident raises troubling questions: What if the fix had taken longer to develop? What if the damage had been more severe? These are not hypothetical scenarios but ever-present risks in the proprietary software world. The software's proprietary nature means that users are always at the developer's mercy, with no recourse but to wait and hope for a solution. This dependence is a fundamental flaw in proprietary software, leaving users disempowered and helpless.

The global scale of the outage only amplifies the severity of the issue. The impact was felt worldwide, with countless corporations across various sectors relying on Microsoft Windows and CrowdStrike's security software. This massive loss of control underscores the inherent risks of trusting proprietary software over our rights. It's a wake-up call for those who believe that proprietary software offers security and stability. In reality, it creates a dangerous dependency that can have catastrophic consequences, affecting not just individual users but entire global systems.

The CrowdStrike incident is a harsh lesson in the dangers of relinquishing control over our digital lives. It exposes the inherent flaws of proprietary software and the ethical implications of a system that leaves users powerless and dependent. When we rely on proprietary software, we not only forfeit our ability to understand and control the software we use but also become vulnerable to the errors and vulnerabilities embedded within it. This incident is a stark reminder that proprietary software is not just a technological choice; it's an ethical one. When we embrace proprietary software, we surrender control over our digital lives. We accept a system based on subjugation and disempowerment and leave ourselves vulnerable to the consequences. As we've seen, this can manifest in devastating ways. A software developer's mistake can disrupt millions of lives, halting businesses and impeding access to essential services. This future where users are powerless over their software is not one we should accept.

How might the CrowdStrike incident have unfolded differently in a world where all software, everywhere, was free? This question deserves serious consideration. It should challenge people to rethink their relationship with software and demand software respecting their freedom, autonomy, and right to control their computing.

The CrowdStrike incident is a wake-up call. It's time to break free from the shackles of proprietary software and embrace a future where we control our digital destiny. The first step is to explore the wealth of free software available.

Consider switching to one of the 100% free GNU/Linux distros. I wrote a review about some of them earlier. These operating systems are built entirely on free software.

For those seeking free software replacements for specific applications, the Free Software Directory provides an extensive catalog of options for everything from office suites to web browsers to multimedia tools.

Remember, we have the power to change the software landscape. By choosing free software, we support a movement that champions users' rights and invests in a future where our tools are not shackles of subjugation but instruments of empowerment.

Let's learn from the CrowdStrike incident and advocate for a more ethical, user-centric approach to software. The future of computing is in our hands. Let's make it free.