OBJS=main.o init.o actions.o score.o misc.o saveresume.o common.o
CHEAT_OBJS=cheat.o init.o actions.o score.o misc.o saveresume.o common.o
-SOURCES=$(OBJS:.o=.c) dungeon.c advent.h common.h adventure.text adventure.yaml Makefile control linenoise/linenoise.[ch] newdungeon.py
+SOURCES=$(OBJS:.o=.c) advent.h common.h adventure.text adventure.yaml Makefile control linenoise/linenoise.[ch] newdungeon.py
$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(DBX) -c $<
advent: $(OBJS) linenoise.o newdb.o
$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(DBX) -o advent $(OBJS) newdb.o linenoise.o $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS)
-main.o: advent.h database.h common.h newdb.h
+main.o: advent.h common.h newdb.h
-init.o: advent.h database.h common.h newdb.h
+init.o: advent.h common.h newdb.h
-actions.o: advent.h database.h common.h newdb.h
+actions.o: advent.h common.h newdb.h
-score.o: advent.h database.h common.h newdb.h
+score.o: advent.h common.h newdb.h
-misc.o: advent.h database.h common.h newdb.h
+misc.o: advent.h common.h newdb.h
-cheat.o: advent.h database.h common.h newdb.h
+cheat.o: advent.h common.h newdb.h
-saveresume.o: advent.h database.h common.h newdb.h
+saveresume.o: advent.h common.h newdb.h
common.o: common.h
-dungeon.o: common.h newdb.h
newdb.o: newdb.c newdb.h
$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(DBX) -c newdb.c
-database.h: dungeon
- ./dungeon
newdb.c newdb.h: newdungeon.py adventure.yaml
python3 newdungeon.py
linenoise.o: linenoise/linenoise.h
$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c linenoise/linenoise.c
-dungeon: dungeon.o common.o
- $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -o $@ dungeon.o common.o
- rm -f *.o advent cheat *.html database.h dungeon *.gcno *.gcda
+ rm -f *.o advent cheat *.html *.gcno *.gcda
rm -f newdb.c newdb.h
rm -f README advent.6 MANIFEST *.tar.gz
rm -f *~
#include <ctype.h>
#include "advent.h"
-#include "database.h"
#include "linenoise/linenoise.h"
#include "newdb.h"
-bool GETIN(FILE *input,
- long *pword1, long *pword1x,
- long *pword2, long *pword2x)
-/* Get a command from the adventurer. Snarf out the first word, pad it with
- * blanks, and return it in WORD1. Chars 6 thru 10 are returned in WORD1X, in
- * case we need to print out the whole word in an error message. Any number of
- * blanks may follow the word. If a second word appears, it is returned in
- * WORD2 (chars 6 thru 10 in WORD2X), else WORD2 is -1. */
- long junk;
- for (;;) {
- if (game.blklin)
- fputc('\n', stdout);;
- if (!MAPLIN(input))
- return false;
- *pword1 = GETTXT(true, true, true);
- if (game.blklin && *pword1 < 0)
- continue;
- *pword1x = GETTXT(false, true, true);
- do {
- junk = GETTXT(false, true, true);
- } while
- (junk > 0);
- *pword2 = GETTXT(true, true, true);
- *pword2x = GETTXT(false, true, true);
- do {
- junk = GETTXT(false, true, true);
- } while
- (junk > 0);
- if (GETTXT(true, true, true) <= 0)
- return true;
- rspeak(TWO_WORDS);
- }
void echo_input(FILE* destination, char* input_prompt, char* input)
size_t len = strlen(input_prompt) + strlen(input) + 1;
return (outcome);
-/* Line-parsing routines (GETTXT, MAKEWD, PUTTXT, SHFTXT) */
-long GETTXT(bool skip, bool onewrd, bool upper)
-/* Take characters from an input line and pack them into 30-bit words.
- * Skip says to skip leading blanks. ONEWRD says stop if we come to a
- * blank. UPPER says to map all letters to uppercase. If we reach the
- * end of the line, the word is filled up with blanks (which encode as 0's).
- * If we're already at end of line when TEXT is called, we return -1. */
- long text;
- static long splitting = -1;
- if (LNPOSN != splitting)
- splitting = -1;
- text = -1;
- while (true) {
- return (text);
- if ((!skip) || INLINE[LNPOSN] != 0)
- break;
- }
- text = 0;
- for (int I = 1; I <= TOKLEN; I++) {
- text = text * 64;
- if (LNPOSN > LNLENG || (onewrd && INLINE[LNPOSN] == 0))
- continue;
- char current = INLINE[LNPOSN];
- if (current < ascii_to_advent['%']) {
- splitting = -1;
- if (upper && current >= ascii_to_advent['a'])
- current = current - 26;
- text = text + current;
- continue;
- }
- if (splitting != LNPOSN) {
- text = text + ascii_to_advent['%'];
- splitting = LNPOSN;
- continue;
- }
- text = text + current - ascii_to_advent['%'];
- splitting = -1;
- }
- return text;
-token_t MAKEWD(long letters)
-/* Combine TOKLEN (currently 5) uppercase letters (represented by
- * pairs of decimal digits in lettrs) to form a 30-bit value matching
- * the one that GETTXT would return given those characters plus
- * trailing blanks. Caution: lettrs will overflow 31 bits if
- * 5-letter word starts with V-Z. As a kludgey workaround, you can
- * increment a letter by 5 by adding 50 to the next pair of
- * digits. */
- long i = 1, word = 0;
- for (long k = letters; k != 0; k = k / 100) {
- word = word + i * (MOD(k, 50) + 10);
- i = i * 64;
- if (MOD(k, 100) > 50)word = word + i * 5;
- }
- i = 64L * 64L * 64L * 64L * 64L / i;
- word = word * i;
- return word;
/* Data structure routines */
-long vocab(long id, long init)
-/* Look up ID in the vocabulary (ATAB) and return its "definition" (KTAB), or
- * -1 if not found. If INIT is positive, this is an initialisation call setting
- * up a keyword variable, and not finding it constitutes a bug. It also means
- * that only KTAB values which taken over 1000 equal INIT may be considered.
- * (Thus "STEPS", which is a motion verb as well as an object, may be located
- * as an object.) And it also means the KTAB value is taken modulo 1000. */
- long lexeme;
- for (long i = 1; i <= TABSIZ; i++) {
- if (KTAB[i] == -1) {
- lexeme = -1;
- if (init < 0)
- return (lexeme);
- }
- if (init >= 0 && KTAB[i] / 1000 != init)
- continue;
- if (ATAB[i] == id) {
- lexeme = KTAB[i];
- if (init >= 0)
- lexeme = MOD(lexeme, 1000);
- return (lexeme);
- }
- }
int get_motion_vocab_id(const char* word)
// Return the first motion number that has 'word' as one of its words.
return range * get_next_lcg_value() / game.lcg_m;
-long rndvoc(long second, long force)
-/* Searches the vocabulary ATAB for a word whose second character is
- * char, and changes that word such that each of the other four
- * characters is a random letter. If force is non-zero, it is used
- * as the new word. Returns the new word. */
- long rnd = force;
- if (rnd == 0) {
- for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
- long j = 11 + randrange(26);
- if (i == 2)
- j = second;
- rnd = rnd * 64 + j;
- }
- }
- long div = 64L * 64L * 64L;
- for (int i = 1; i <= TABSIZ; i++) {
- if (MOD(ATAB[i] / div, 64L) == second) {
- ATAB[i] = rnd;
- break;
- }
- }
- return rnd;
void make_zzword(char zzword[6])
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)