extern long YES(FILE *,vocab_t,vocab_t,vocab_t);
extern long GETTXT(bool,bool,bool);
extern token_t MAKEWD(long);
-extern void PUTTXT(token_t,long*,long);
-extern void SHFTXT(long,long);
extern void TYPE0(void);
extern long VOCAB(long,long);
extern void DSTROY(long);
return word;
-void PUTTXT(token_t word, long *state, long casemake)
-/* Unpack the 30-bit value in word to obtain up to TOKLEN (currently
- * 5) integer-encoded chars, and store them in inline starting at
- * LNPOSN. If LNLENG>=LNPOSN, shift existing characters to the right
- * to make room. STATE will be zero when puttxt is called with the
- * first of a sequence of words, but is thereafter unchanged by the
- * caller, so PUTTXT can use it to maintain state across calls.
- * LNPOSN and LNLENG are incremented by the number of chars stored.
- * If CASEMAKE=1, all letters are made uppercase; if -1, lowercase; if 0,
- * as is. any other value for case is the same as 0 but also causes
- * trailing blanks to be included (in anticipation of subsequent
- * additional text). */
- long alph1, alph2, byte, div, i, w;
- alph1=13*casemake+24;
- alph2=26*labs(casemake)+alph1;
- if (labs(casemake) > 1)
- alph1=alph2;
- /* alph1&2 define range of wrong-case chars, 11-36 or 37-62 or empty. */
- div=64L*64L*64L*64L;
- w=word;
- for (i=1; i<=TOKLEN; i++)
- {
- if (w <= 0 && *state == 0 && labs(casemake) <= 1)
- return;
- byte=w/div;
- w=(w-byte*div)*64;
- if (!(*state != 0 || byte != ascii_to_advent['%'])) {
- *state=ascii_to_advent['%'];
- continue;
- }
- *state=*state+byte;
- if (*state < alph2 && *state >= alph1)*state=*state-26*casemake;
- INLINE[LNPOSN]=*state;
- *state=0;
- }
-void SHFTXT(long from, long delta)
-/* Move INLINE(N) to INLINE(N+DELTA) for N=FROM,LNLENG. Delta can be
- * negative. LNLENG is updated; LNPOSN is not changed. */
- long I, k, j;
- if (!(LNLENG < from || delta == 0)) {
- for (I=from; I<=LNLENG; I++) {
- k=I;
- if (delta > 0)
- k=from+LNLENG-I;
- j=k+delta;
- }
- }
void TYPE0(void)
/* Type a blank line. This procedure is provided as a convenience for callers
* who otherwise have no use for MAPCOM. */