__kconfig-hardened-check__ helps me to check the Linux kernel options
against my security hardening preferences, which are based on the
- - [KSPP recommended settings][1],
- - [CLIP OS kernel configuration][2],
- - Last public [grsecurity][3] patch (options which they disable),
- - [SECURITY_LOCKDOWN_LSM][5] patchset,
- - [Direct feedback from the Linux kernel maintainers][23].
+ - [KSPP recommended settings][1]
+ - [CLIP OS kernel configuration][2]
+ - Last public [grsecurity][3] patch (options which they disable)
+ - [SECURITY_LOCKDOWN_LSM][5] patchset
+ - [Direct feedback from the Linux kernel maintainers][23]
This tool supports checking __Kconfig__ options and __kernel cmdline__ parameters.
-I also created [__Linux Kernel Defence Map__][4] that is a graphical representation of the
+I also created the [__Linux Kernel Defence Map__][4], which is a graphical representation of the
relationships between security hardening features and the corresponding vulnerability classes
or exploitation techniques.
- ARM64
-TODO: RISC-V (the issue [#56][22])
+TODO: RISC-V (issue [#56][22])
## Installation
The rationale:
- - A nice LWN article about the corresponding LKML discussion: https://lwn.net/Articles/673597/
+ - An LWN article about the corresponding LKML discussion: https://lwn.net/Articles/673597/
- A twitter thread about `CONFIG_USER_NS` and security: https://twitter.com/robertswiecki/status/1095447678949953541
__A:__ I personally don't support this recommendation because:
- It decreases system safety (kernel oops is still not a rare situation)
- - It allows easier denial-of-service attacks for the whole system.
+ - It allows easier denial-of-service attacks for the whole system
I think having `CONFIG_BUG` is enough here.
If a kernel oops happens in the process context, the offending/attacking process is killed.
-In other cases the kernel panics, which is similar to `CONFIG_PANIC_ON_OOPS=y`.
+In other cases, the kernel panics, which is similar to `CONFIG_PANIC_ON_OOPS=y`.
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__Q:__ Can I easily check which kernel versions support some Kconfig option?
-__A:__ Yes, see the [LKDDb][18] project (Linux Kernel Driver Database) by Giacomo Catenazzi [@cateee][19].
+__A:__ Yes. See the [LKDDb][18] project (Linux Kernel Driver Database) by Giacomo Catenazzi [@cateee][19].
You can use it for the `mainline` or `stable` tree from [kernel.org][20] or for your custom kernel sources.
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