an a lot of parallel arrays where a more modern language would use structures
or objects.
-import os, sys, math, curses, time
+import os, sys, math, curses, time, atexit, readline
SSTDOC = "/usr/share/doc/sst/sst.doc"
fp.write(_(" Your score: %d\n\n" % iscore))
fp.write(_(" Klingons per stardate: %.2f\n" % perdate))
+# Code from io.c begins here
+rows = linecount = 0 # for paging
+stdscr = None
+fullscreen_window = None
+srscan_window = None
+report_window = None
+status_window = None
+lrscan_window = None
+message_window = None
+prompt_window = None
+def outro():
+ "wrap up, either normally or due to signal"
+ if game.options & OPTION_CURSES:
+ #clear()
+ #curs_set(1)
+ #refresh()
+ #resetterm()
+ #echo()
+ curses.endwin()
+ stdout.write('\n')
+ if logfp:
+ logfp.close()
+def iostart():
+ global stdscr
+ #setlocale(LC_ALL, "")
+ #bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR)
+ #textdomain(PACKAGE)
+ if atexit.register(outro):
+ sys.stderr.write("Unable to register outro(), exiting...\n")
+ os.exit(1)
+ if not (game.options & OPTION_CURSES):
+ ln_env = os.getenv("LINES")
+ if ln_env:
+ rows = ln_env
+ else:
+ rows = 25
+ else:
+ stdscr = curses.initscr()
+ stdscr.keypad(True)
+ #saveterm()
+ curses.nonl()
+ curses.cbreak()
+ curses.start_color()
+ curses.init_pair(curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_BLACK)
+ curses.init_pair(curses.COLOR_GREEN, curses.COLOR_GREEN, curses.COLOR_BLACK)
+ curses.init_pair(curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLACK)
+ curses.init_pair(curses.COLOR_CYAN, curses.COLOR_CYAN, curses.COLOR_BLACK)
+ curses.init_pair(curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLACK)
+ curses.init_pair(curses.COLOR_MAGENTA, curses.COLOR_MAGENTA, curses.COLOR_BLACK)
+ curses.init_pair(curses.COLOR_BLUE, curses.COLOR_BLUE, curses.COLOR_BLACK)
+ curses.init_pair(curses.COLOR_YELLOW, curses.COLOR_YELLOW, curses.COLOR_BLACK)
+ #noecho()
+ global fullscreen_window, srscan_window, report_window, status_window
+ global lrscan_window, message_window, prompt_window
+ fullscreen_window = stdscr
+ srscan_window = curses.newwin(12, 25, 0, 0)
+ report_window = curses.newwin(11, 0, 1, 25)
+ status_window = curses.newwin(10, 0, 1, 39)
+ lrscan_window = curses.newwin(5, 0, 0, 64)
+ message_window = curses.newwin(0, 0, 12, 0)
+ prompt_window = curses.newwin(1, 0, rows-2, 0)
+ message_window.scrollok(True)
+ setwnd(fullscreen_window)
+ textcolor(DEFAULT)
+def waitfor():
+ "wait for user action -- OK to do nothing if on a TTY"
+ if game.options & OPTION_CURSES:
+ stsdcr.getch()
+def announce():
+ skip(1)
+ if game.skill > SKILL_FAIR:
+ prouts(_("[ANOUNCEMENT ARRIVING...]"))
+ else:
+ skip(1)
+def pause_game():
+ if game.skill > SKILL_FAIR:
+ prompt = _("[CONTINUE?]")
+ else:
+ prompt = _("[PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE]")
+ if game.options & OPTION_CURSES:
+ drawmaps(0)
+ setwnd(prompt_window)
+ prompt_window.wclear()
+ prompt_window.addstr(prompt)
+ prompt_window.getstr()
+ prompt_window.clear()
+ prompt_window.refresh()
+ setwnd(message_window)
+ else:
+ global linecount
+ stdout.write('\n')
+ proutn(prompt)
+ raw_input()
+ for j in range(0, rows):
+ stdout.write('\n')
+ linecount = 0
+def skip(i):
+ "Skip i lines. Pause game if this would cause a scrolling event."
+ while dummy in range(i):
+ if game.options & OPTION_CURSES:
+ (y, x) = curwnd.getyx()
+ (my, mx) = curwnd.getmaxyx()
+ if curwnd == message_window and y >= my - 3:
+ pause_game()
+ clrscr()
+ else:
+ proutn("\n")
+ else:
+ global linecount
+ linecount += 1
+ if linecount >= rows:
+ pause_game()
+ else:
+ stdout.write('\n')
+def proutn(line):
+ "Utter a line with no following line feed."
+ if game.options & OPTION_CURSES:
+ curwnd.addstr(line)
+ curwnd.refresh()
+ else:
+ stdout.write(line)
+def prout(line):
+ proutn(line)
+ skip(1)
+def prouts(line):
+ "print slowly!"
+ for c in line:
+ curses.delay_output(30)
+ proutn(c)
+ if game.options & OPTION_CURSES:
+ wrefresh(curwnd)
+ else:
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ curses.delay_output(300)
+def cgetline(line, max):
+ "Get a line of input."
+ if game.options & OPTION_CURSES:
+ line = curwnd.getstr() + "\n"
+ curwnd.refresh()
+ else:
+ if replayfp and not replayfp.closed:
+ line = replayfp.readline()
+ else:
+ sys.stdin.readline()
+ if logfp:
+ logfp.write(line)
+def setwnd(wnd):
+ "Change windows -- OK for this to be a no-op in tty mode."
+ if game.options & OPTION_CURSES:
+ curwnd = wnd
+ curses.curs_set(wnd == fullscreen_window or wnd == message_window or wnd == prompt_window)
+def clreol():
+ "Clear to end of line -- can be a no-op in tty mode"
+ if game.options & OPTION_CURSES:
+ wclrtoeol(curwnd)
+ wrefresh(curwnd)
+def clrscr():
+ "Clear screen -- can be a no-op in tty mode."
+ global linecount
+ if game.options & OPTION_CURSES:
+ curwnd.clear()
+ curwnd.move(0, 0)
+ curwnd.refresh()
+ linecount = 0
+def textcolor(color):
+ "Set the current text color"
+ if game.options & OPTION_CURSES:
+ if color == DEFAULT:
+ curwnd.attrset(0)
+ elif color == BLACK:
+ curwnd.attron(curses.COLOR_PAIR(curses.COLOR_BLACK))
+ elif color == BLUE:
+ curwnd.attron(curses.COLOR_PAIR(curses.COLOR_BLUE))
+ elif color == GREEN:
+ curwnd.attron(curses.COLOR_PAIR(curses.COLOR_GREEN))
+ elif color == CYAN:
+ curwnd.attron(curses.COLOR_PAIR(curses.COLOR_CYAN))
+ elif color == RED:
+ curwnd.attron(curses.COLOR_PAIR(curses.COLOR_RED))
+ elif color == MAGENTA:
+ curwnd.attron(curses.COLOR_PAIR(curses.COLOR_MAGENTA))
+ elif color == BROWN:
+ curwnd.attron(curses.COLOR_PAIR(curses.COLOR_YELLOW))
+ elif color == LIGHTGRAY:
+ curwnd.attron(curses.COLOR_PAIR(curses.COLOR_WHITE))
+ elif color == DARKGRAY:
+ curwnd.attron(curses.COLOR_PAIR(curses.COLOR_BLACK) | curses.A_BOLD)
+ elif color == LIGHTBLUE:
+ curwnd.attron(curses.COLOR_PAIR(curses.COLOR_BLUE) | curses.A_BOLD)
+ elif color == LIGHTGREEN:
+ curwnd.attron(curses.COLOR_PAIR(curses.COLOR_GREEN) | curses.A_BOLD)
+ elif color == LIGHTCYAN:
+ curwnd.attron(curses.COLOR_PAIR(curses.COLOR_CYAN) | curses.A_BOLD)
+ elif color == LIGHTRED:
+ curwnd.attron(curses.COLOR_PAIR(curses.COLOR_RED) | curses.A_BOLD)
+ elif color == LIGHTMAGENTA:
+ curwnd.attron(curses.COLOR_PAIR(curses.COLOR_MAGENTA) | curses.A_BOLD)
+ elif color == YELLOW:
+ curwnd.attron(curses.COLOR_PAIR(curses.COLOR_YELLOW) | curses.A_BOLD)
+ elif color == WHITE:
+ curwnd.attron(curses.COLOR_PAIR(curses.COLOR_WHITE) | curses.A_BOLD)
+def highvideo():
+ "Set highlight video, if this is reasonable."
+ if game.options & OPTION_CURSES:
+ curwnd.attron(curses.A_REVERSE)
+def commandhook(cmd, before):
+ pass
+# Things past this point have policy implications.
+def drawmaps(mode):
+ "Hook to be called after moving to redraw maps."
+ if game.options & OPTION_CURSES:
+ if mode == 1:
+ sensor()
+ setwnd(srscan_window)
+ curwnd.move(0, 0)
+ srscan()
+ if mode != 2:
+ setwnd(status_window)
+ status_window.clear()
+ status_window.move(0, 0)
+ setwnd(report_window)
+ report_window.clear()
+ report_window.move(0, 0)
+ status(0)
+ setwnd(lrscan_window)
+ lrscan_window.clear()
+ lrscan_window.move(0, 0)
+ lrscan()
+def put_srscan_sym(w, sym):
+ "Emit symbol for short-range scan."
+ srscan_window.move(w.x+1, w.y*2+2)
+ srscan_window.addch(sym)
+ srscan_window.refresh()
+def boom(w):
+ "Enemy fall down, go boom."
+ if game.options & OPTION_CURSES:
+ drawmaps(2)
+ setwnd(srscan_window)
+ srscan_window.attron(curses.A_REVERSE)
+ put_srscan_sym(w, game.quad[w.x][w.y])
+ #sound(500)
+ #delay(1000)
+ #nosound()
+ srscan_window.attroff(curses.A_REVERSE)
+ put_srscan_sym(w, game.quad[w.x][w.y])
+ curses.delay_output(500)
+ setwnd(message_window)
+def warble():
+ "Sound and visual effects for teleportation."
+ if game.options & OPTION_CURSES:
+ drawmaps(2)
+ setwnd(message_window)
+ #sound(50)
+ prouts(" . . . . . ")
+ if game.options & OPTION_CURSES:
+ #curses.delay_output(1000)
+ #nosound()
+ pass
+def tracktorpedo(w, l, i, n, iquad):
+ "Torpedo-track animation."
+ if not game.options & OPTION_CURSES:
+ if l == 1:
+ if n != 1:
+ skip(1)
+ proutn(_("Track for torpedo number %d- " % i))
+ else:
+ skip(1)
+ proutn(_("Torpedo track- "))
+ elif l==4 or l==9:
+ skip(1)
+ proutn("%d - %d " % (w.x, w.y))
+ else:
+ if not damaged(DSRSENS) or game.condition=="docked":
+ if i != 1 and l == 1:
+ drawmaps(2)
+ curses.delay_output(400)
+ if (iquad==IHDOT) or (iquad==IHBLANK):
+ put_srscan_sym(w, '+')
+ #sound(l*10)
+ #curses.delay_output(100)
+ #nosound()
+ put_srscan_sym(w, iquad)
+ else:
+ curwnd.attron(curses.A_REVERSE)
+ put_srscan_sym(w, iquad)
+ #sound(500)
+ #curses.delay_output(1000)
+ #nosound()
+ curwnd.attroff(curses.A_REVERSE)
+ put_srscan_sym(w, iquad)
+ else:
+ proutn("%d - %d " % (w.x, w.y))
+def makechart():
+ "Display the current galaxy chart."
+ if game.options & OPTION_CURSES:
+ setwnd(message_window)
+ message_window.clear()
+ chart()
+ if game.options & OPTION_TTY:
+ skip(1)
+NSYM = 14
+def prstat(txt, data):
+ proutn(txt)
+ if game.options & OPTION_CURSES:
+ skip(1)
+ setwnd(status_window)
+ else:
+ proutn(" " * NSYM - len(tx))
+ vproutn(data)
+ skip(1)
+ if game.options & OPTION_CURSES:
+ setwnd(report_window)