There is food here.
-> drop pillow
+> drop vase
+The ming vase drops with a delicate crash.
-> drop vase
+> drop pillow
-The vase is now resting, delicately, on a velvet pillow.
> drop trident
There is a jewel-encrusted trident here!
-There is a delicate, precious, ming vase here!
A small velvet pillow lies on the floor.
+The floor is littered with worthless shards of pottery.
There is a platinum pyramid here, 8 inches on a side!
There are diamonds here!
There is a jewel-encrusted trident here!
-There is a delicate, precious, ming vase here!
A small velvet pillow lies on the floor.
+The floor is littered with worthless shards of pottery.
There is a platinum pyramid here, 8 inches on a side!
There are diamonds here!
There is a jewel-encrusted trident here!
-There is a delicate, precious, ming vase here!
A small velvet pillow lies on the floor.
+The floor is littered with worthless shards of pottery.
There is a platinum pyramid here, 8 inches on a side!
There are diamonds here!
There is a jewel-encrusted trident here!
-There is a delicate, precious, ming vase here!
A small velvet pillow lies on the floor.
+The floor is littered with worthless shards of pottery.
There is a platinum pyramid here, 8 inches on a side!
There are diamonds here!
wall, burying the snakes in the rubble. A river of molten lava pours
in through the hole, destroying everything in its path, including you!
-You scored 413 out of a possible 430, using 468 turns.
+You scored 399 out of a possible 430, using 468 turns.
-Your score puts you in Master Adventurer Class A.
+Your score puts you in Master Adventurer Class B.
-To achieve the next higher rating, you need 14 more points.
+To achieve the next higher rating, you need 12 more points.
+++ /dev/null
-Welcome to Adventure!! Would you like instructions?
-> n
-You are standing at the end of a road before a small brick building.
-Around you is a forest. A small stream flows out of the building and
-down a gully.
-> quit
-Do you really want to quit now?
-> yes
-You scored 32 out of a possible 430, using 1 turn.
-You are obviously a rank amateur. Better luck next time.
-To achieve the next higher rating, you need 14 more points.