(define-mhandler (gameobj-get-commands actor message verb)
+ "Get commands a co-occupant of the room might execute for VERB"
(define filtered-commands
(filter-commands (val-or-run (slot-ref actor 'commands))
#:goes-by (gameobj-goes-by actor)))
(define-mhandler (gameobj-get-container-commands actor message verb)
+ "Get commands as the container / room of message's sender"
(define filtered-commands
(filter-commands (val-or-run (slot-ref actor 'container-commands))
(<-reply actor message #:commands filtered-commands))
(define-mhandler (gameobj-add-occupant! actor message who)
+ "Add an actor to our list of present occupants"
(hash-set! (slot-ref actor 'occupants)
who #t))
(define-mhandler (gameobj-remove-occupant! actor message who)
+ "Remove an occupant from the room."
(hash-remove! (slot-ref actor 'occupants) who))
(define-mhandler (gameobj-get-occupants actor message)
+ "Get all present occupants of the room."
(define occupants
(hash-map->list (lambda (key val) key)
(gameobj-occupants actor)))
;; @@: Should it really be #:id ? Maybe #:loc-id or #:loc?
(define-mhandler (gameobj-set-loc! actor message loc)
+ "Set the location of this object."
(define old-loc (gameobj-loc actor))
(format #t "DEBUG: Location set to ~s for ~s\n"
loc (actor-id-actor actor))