echo ">>>>> no cmdline file <<<<<"
coverage run -a --branch bin/kernel-hardening-checker -c ./test.config -l ./nosuchfile && exit 1
+echo ">>>>> empty cmdline file <<<<<"
+touch ./empty_file
+coverage run -a --branch bin/kernel-hardening-checker -c ./test.config -l ./empty_file && exit 1
echo ">>>>> no sysctl file <<<<<"
coverage run -a --branch bin/kernel-hardening-checker -s ./nosuchfile && exit 1
coverage run -a --branch bin/kernel-hardening-checker -c test.config -s error_sysctls && exit 1
echo ">>>>> invalid sysctl file <<<<<"
-touch empty_file
coverage run -a --branch bin/kernel-hardening-checker -c test.config -s empty_file && exit 1
echo "The end of the functional tests"