;; mutates AND is worst case of O(n) in both space and time :(
;; but at least it'll be reasonably easy to refactor to
;; a more functional setup?
-(define (schedule-add! time proc schedule)
+(define (schedule-add! schedule time proc)
(let ((time (time-segment-right-format time)))
(define (new-time-segment)
(let ((new-segment
(proc-result (call-proc proc))
(lambda (run-request)
- (match (run-request-when run-request)
- ((? time-delta? _)
- (error "TODO"))
- ((? integer? sec)
- (let ((time (cons sec 0)))
- (error "Also TODO")))
- (((? integer? sec) . (? integer? usec))
- (error "Also also TODO"))
- (#f
- (enq! next-queue (run-request-proc run-request)))))))
+ (define (schedule-at! time proc)
+ (schedule-add! (agenda-schedule agenda) time proc))
+ (let ((request-time (run-request-when run-request)))
+ (match request-time
+ ((? time-delta? time-delta)
+ (let ((time (time-+ (agenda-time agenda)
+ time-delta)))
+ (schedule-at! time (run-request-proc proc))))
+ ((? integer? sec)
+ (let ((time (cons sec 0)))
+ (schedule-at! time (run-request-proc proc))))
+ (((? integer? sec) . (? integer? usec))
+ (schedule-at! request-time (run-request-proc proc)))
+ (#f
+ (enq! next-queue (run-request-proc run-request))))))))
;; @@: We might support delay-wrapped procedures here
(match proc-result
;; TODO: replace procedure with something that indicates
;; do nothing
(_ #f))))
- ;; TODO: Selecting on ports would happen here?
+ ;; TODO: Alternately, we could return the next-queue
+ ;; along with changes to be added to the schedule here?
;; Return new agenda, with next queue set
(set-field agenda (agenda-queue) next-queue)))