if ( head -3 $$f | grep -q '^ *##' ); then :; else echo "$$f needs a description"; fi; \
+ $(ECHO) "cheat: Generate save file with -1000 deaths"
+ ../cheat -d -1000 -o cheat_numdie.adv > /tmp/cheat_numdie
+ $(ECHO) "cheat: Generate save file with version -1337"
+ ../cheat -v -1337 -o resume_badversion.adv > /tmp/cheat_badversion
+ $(ECHO) "cheat: Generate save file 1000 saves"
+ ../cheat -s -1000 -o thousand_saves.adv > /tmp/cheat_1000saves
+ rm -f /tmp/cheat*
# General regression testing of commands and output; look at the *.log and
# corresponding *.chk files to see which tests this runs.
TESTLOADS := $(shell ls -1 *.log | sed '/.log/s///' | sort)
- $(ECHO) "Generate save file with -1000 deaths: "
- ../cheat -d -1000 -o cheat_numdie.adv
- $(ECHO) "Generate save file with version -1337: "
- ../cheat -v -1337 -o resume_badversion.adv
- $(ECHO) "TEST cheat: Generate save file 1000 saves"
+buildregress: savegames
../cheat -s -1000 -o thousand_saves.adv > /tmp/regress1000saves
@for file in $(TESTLOADS); do \
echo "Remaking $${file}.chk"; \
advent $$OPTS <$${file}.log >$${file}.chk 2>&1 || exit 1; \
done; \
rm -f scratch.tmp
- $(ECHO) "TEST cheat: Generate save file with -1000 deaths"
- ../cheat -d -1000 -o cheat_numdie.adv > /tmp/regressdumdie
- $(ECHO) "TEST cheat: Generate save file with version -1337"
- ../cheat -v -1337 -o resume_badversion.adv > /tmp/regressbadversion
- $(ECHO) "TEST cheat: Generate save file 1000 saves"
- ../cheat -s -1000 -o thousand_saves.adv > /tmp/regress1000saves
+regress: savegames
$(ECHO) "TEST cheat: Bogus option for save file generation"
../cheat -QqQ 2> /tmp/coverage_cheat_batopt | true
$(ECHO) "TEST cheat: Fail to save because we omit -o"