"Turns passed since beginning of the game")\r
(defparameter *player* nil\r
- "Current player object (will be initialised later")\r
+ "Current player object (will be initialised later)")\r
(declare-predicate add-to-scope add-to-outscope found-in seen-from)\r
`(defpackage ,name\r
(:use :common-lisp :if-basic-lib :if-lib :verb-lib ,@other-packages)\r
(:shadowing-import-from :if-lib :room)\r
- (:shadowing-import-from :verb-lib :listen :fill)))\r
+ (:shadowing-import-from :verb-lib :listen :fill :open :close)))\r
(defmacro free-symbol (id)\r
"Frees a symbol from current package using shadow"\r
:take :put-in :put-on :drop :receive\r
:wear :strip :enter :climb :drink :eat\r
:rub :turn :switch-on :switch-off\r
- :fill :empty :extract :let-go)\r
- (:shadow :listen :fill)\r
+ :fill :empty :extract :let-go :open :close)\r
+ (:shadow :listen :fill :open :close)\r
(:shadowing-import-from :if-lib :room))\r
(in-package :verb-lib)\r
(verb "empty" '(:noun -> empty))\r
+(verb "open" \r
+ '(:noun -> open)\r
+ '(:noun "with" :held -> unlock-open))\r
+(verb "close" '(:noun -> close))\r
+(verb "shut" \r
+ '(:noun -> close)\r
+ '("off" :noun -> switch-off)\r
+ '(:noun "off" -> switch-off))\r
+(verb "lock"\r
+ '(:noun "with" :held -> lock))\r
+(verb "unlock"\r
+ '(:noun "with" :held -> unlock))\r
+ \r
(defaction attack (obj) "Violence is not the answer.")\r
"This action achieves nothing.")\r
(defaction turn (what)\r
- "That's fixed in place")\r
+ "That's fixed in place.")\r
(defmethod turn ((item item))\r
(if (has item :item)\r
(defmethod let-go ((host container) (item item))\r
(move item (parent host))\r
(run-action-after host))\r
+(defaction open (obj)\r
+ "You cannot open this")\r
+(defmethod open ((obj container))\r
+ (unless (has obj :container) (return-from open (call-next-method)))\r
+ (if (has obj :closed)\r
+ (if (hasnt obj :locked)\r
+ (progn \r
+ (give obj :~closed)\r
+ (when (run-action-after obj)\r
+ (format nil "You open ~a." (the-name obj))))\r
+ "It's locked.")\r
+ (format nil "~a is already open." (the-name obj))))\r
+(defmethod close ((obj container))\r
+ (unless (has obj :container) (return-from closed (call-next-method)))\r
+ (if (hasnt obj :closed)\r
+ (progn \r
+ (give obj :closed)\r
+ (when (run-action-after obj)\r
+ (format nil "You close ~a." (the-name obj))))\r
+ (format nil "~a is already closed." (the-name obj))))\r