game.ithere = False
game.nenhere -= 1
+# Code from battle.c begins here
+def doshield(shraise):
+ # change shield status
+ action = "NONE"
+ game.ididit = False
+ if shraise:
+ action = "SHUP"
+ else:
+ key = scan()
+ if key == IHALPHA:
+ if isit("transfer"):
+ action = "NRG"
+ else:
+ chew()
+ if damaged(DSHIELD):
+ prout(_("Shields damaged and down."))
+ return
+ if isit("up"):
+ action = "SHUP"
+ elif isit("down"):
+ action = "SHDN"
+ if action=="NONE":
+ proutn(_("Do you wish to change shield energy? "))
+ if ja() == True:
+ proutn(_("Energy to transfer to shields- "))
+ action = "NRG"
+ elif damaged(DSHIELD):
+ prout(_("Shields damaged and down."))
+ return
+ elif game.shldup:
+ proutn(_("Shields are up. Do you want them down? "))
+ if ja() == True:
+ action = "SHDN"
+ else:
+ chew()
+ return
+ else:
+ proutn(_("Shields are down. Do you want them up? "))
+ if ja() == True:
+ action = "SHUP"
+ else:
+ chew()
+ return
+ if action == "SHUP": # raise shields
+ if game.shldup:
+ prout(_("Shields already up."))
+ return
+ game.shldup = True
+ game.shldchg = True
+ if game.condition != "docked":
+ -= 50.0
+ prout(_("Shields raised."))
+ if <= 0:
+ skip(1)
+ prout(_("Shields raising uses up last of energy."))
+ finish(FNRG)
+ return
+ game.ididit=True
+ return
+ elif action == "SHDN":
+ if not game.shldup:
+ prout(_("Shields already down."))
+ return
+ game.shldup=False
+ game.shldchg=True
+ prout(_("Shields lowered."))
+ game.ididit = True
+ return
+ elif action == "NRG":
+ while scan() != IHREAL:
+ chew()
+ proutn(_("Energy to transfer to shields- "))
+ chew()
+ if aaitem==0:
+ return
+ if aaitem >
+ prout(_("Insufficient ship energy."))
+ return
+ game.ididit = True
+ if game.shield+aaitem >= game.inshld:
+ prout(_("Shield energy maximized."))
+ if game.shield+aaitem > game.inshld:
+ prout(_("Excess energy requested returned to ship energy"))
+ -= game.inshld-game.shield
+ game.shield = game.inshld
+ return
+ if aaitem < 0.0 and > game.inenrg:
+ # Prevent shield drain loophole
+ skip(1)
+ prout(_("Engineering to bridge--"))
+ prout(_(" Scott here. Power circuit problem, Captain."))
+ prout(_(" I can't drain the shields."))
+ game.ididit = False
+ return
+ if game.shield+aaitem < 0:
+ prout(_("All shield energy transferred to ship."))
+ += game.shield
+ game.shield = 0.0
+ return
+ proutn(_("Scotty- \""))
+ if aaitem > 0:
+ prout(_("Transferring energy to shields.\""))
+ else:
+ prout(_("Draining energy from shields.\""))
+ game.shield += aaitem
+ -= aaitem
+ return
+def randdevice():
+ # choose a device to damage, at random.
+ #
+ # Quoth Eric Allman in the code of BSD-Trek:
+ # "Under certain conditions you can get a critical hit. This
+ # sort of hit damages devices. The probability that a given
+ # device is damaged depends on the device. Well protected
+ # devices (such as the computer, which is in the core of the
+ # ship and has considerable redundancy) almost never get
+ # damaged, whereas devices which are exposed (such as the
+ # warp engines) or which are particularly delicate (such as
+ # the transporter) have a much higher probability of being
+ # damaged."
+ #
+ # This is one place where OPTION_PLAIN does not restore the
+ # original behavior, which was equiprobable damage across
+ # all devices. If we wanted that, we'd return NDEVICES*Rand()
+ # and have done with it. Also, in the original game, DNAVYS
+ # and DCOMPTR were the same device.
+ #
+ # Instead, we use a table of weights similar to the one from BSD Trek.
+ # BSD doesn't have the shuttle, shield controller, death ray, or probes.
+ # We don't have a cloaking device. The shuttle got the allocation
+ # for the cloaking device, then we shaved a half-percent off
+ # everything to have some weight to give DSHCTRL/DDRAY/DDSP.
+ #
+ weights = (
+ 105, # DSRSENS: short range scanners 10.5%
+ 105, # DLRSENS: long range scanners 10.5%
+ 120, # DPHASER: phasers 12.0%
+ 120, # DPHOTON: photon torpedoes 12.0%
+ 25, # DLIFSUP: life support 2.5%
+ 65, # DWARPEN: warp drive 6.5%
+ 70, # DIMPULS: impulse engines 6.5%
+ 145, # DSHIELD: deflector shields 14.5%
+ 30, # DRADIO: subspace radio 3.0%
+ 45, # DSHUTTL: shuttle 4.5%
+ 15, # DCOMPTR: computer 1.5%
+ 20, # NAVCOMP: navigation system 2.0%
+ 75, # DTRANSP: transporter 7.5%
+ 20, # DSHCTRL: high-speed shield controller 2.0%
+ 10, # DDRAY: death ray 1.0%
+ 30, # DDSP: deep-space probes 3.0%
+ )
+ idx = Rand() * 1000.0 # weights must sum to 1000
+ sum = 0
+ for (i, w) in enumerate(weights):
+ sum += w
+ if idx < sum:
+ return i
+ return None; # we should never get here
+def ram(ibumpd, ienm, w):
+ # make our ship ram something
+ prouts(_("***RED ALERT! RED ALERT!"))
+ skip(1)
+ prout(_("***COLLISION IMMINENT."))
+ skip(2)
+ proutn("***")
+ crmshp()
+ hardness = {IHR:1.5, IHC:2.0, IHS:2.5, IHT:0.5, IHQUEST:4.0}.get(ienm, 1.0)
+ if ibumpd:
+ proutn(_(" rammed by "))
+ else:
+ proutn(_(" rams "))
+ crmena(False, ienm, sector, w)
+ if ibumpd:
+ proutn(_(" (original position)"))
+ skip(1)
+ deadkl(w, ienm, game.sector)
+ proutn("***")
+ crmshp()
+ prout(_(" heavily damaged."))
+ icas = 10.0+20.0*Rand()
+ prout(_("***Sickbay reports %d casualties"), icas)
+ game.casual += icas
+ game.state.crew -= icas
+ #
+ # In the pre-SST2K version, all devices got equiprobably damaged,
+ # which was silly. Instead, pick up to half the devices at
+ # random according to our weighting table,
+ #
+ ncrits = Rand() * (NDEVICES/2)
+ for m in range(ncrits):
+ dev = randdevice()
+ if game.damage[dev] < 0:
+ continue
+ extradm = (10.0*hardness*Rand()+1.0)*game.damfac
+ # Damage for at least time of travel!
+ game.damage[dev] += game.optime + extradm
+ game.shldup = False
+ prout(_("***Shields are down."))
+ if game.state.remkl + game.state.remcom + game.state.nscrem:
+ pause_game(True)
+ damagereport()
+ else:
+ finish(FWON)
+ return;
+def torpedo(course, r, incoming, i, n):
+ # let a photon torpedo fly
+ iquad = 0
+ shoved = False
+ ac = course + 0.25*r
+ angle = (15.0-ac)*0.5235988
+ bullseye = (15.0 - course)*0.5235988
+ deltax = -math.sin(angle);
+ deltay = math.cos(angle);
+ x = incoming.x; y = incoming.y
+ w = coord(); jw = coord()
+ w.x = w.y = jw.x = jw.y = 0
+ bigger = max(math.fabs(deltax), math.fabs(deltay))
+ deltax /= bigger
+ deltay /= bigger
+ if not damaged(DSRSENS) or game.condition=="docked":
+ setwnd(srscan_window)
+ else:
+ setwnd(message_window)
+ # Loop to move a single torpedo
+ for l in range(1, 15+1):
+ x += deltax
+ w.x = x + 0.5
+ y += deltay
+ w.y = y + 0.5
+ if not VALID_SECTOR(w.x, w.y):
+ break
+ iquad=game.quad[w.x][w.y]
+ tracktorpedo(w, l, i, n, iquad)
+ if iquad==IHDOT:
+ continue
+ # hit something
+ setwnd(message_window)
+ if damaged(DSRSENS) and not game.condition=="docked":
+ skip(1); # start new line after text track
+ if iquad in (IHE, IHF): # Hit our ship
+ skip(1)
+ proutn(_("Torpedo hits "))
+ crmshp()
+ prout(".")
+ hit = 700.0 + 100.0*Rand() - \
+ 1000.0 * distance(w, incoming) * math.fabs(math.sin(bullseye-angle))
+ newcnd(); # we're blown out of dock
+ # We may be displaced.
+ if game.landed or game.condition=="docked":
+ return hit # Cheat if on a planet
+ ang = angle + 2.5*(Rand()-0.5)
+ temp = math.fabs(math.sin(ang))
+ if math.fabs(math.cos(ang)) > temp:
+ temp = math.fabs(math.cos(ang))
+ xx = -math.sin(ang)/temp
+ yy = math.cos(ang)/temp
+ jw.x=w.x+xx+0.5
+ jw.y=w.y+yy+0.5
+ if not VALID_SECTOR(jw.x, jw.y):
+ return hit
+ if game.quad[jw.x][jw.y]==IHBLANK:
+ finish(FHOLE)
+ return hit
+ if game.quad[jw.x][jw.y]!=IHDOT:
+ # can't move into object
+ return hit
+ game.sector = jw
+ crmshp()
+ shoved = True
+ elif iquad in (IHC, IHS): # Hit a commander
+ if Rand() <= 0.05:
+ crmena(True, iquad, sector, w)
+ prout(_(" uses anti-photon device;"))
+ prout(_(" torpedo neutralized."))
+ return None
+ elif iquad in (IHR, IHK): # Hit a regular enemy
+ # find the enemy
+ for ll in range(1, game.nenhere+1):
+ if same(w, game.ks[ll]):
+ break
+ kp = math.fabs(game.kpower[ll])
+ h1 = 700.0 + 100.0*Rand() - \
+ 1000.0 * distance(w, incoming) * math.fabs(math.sin(bullseye-angle))
+ h1 = math.fabs(h1)
+ if kp < h1:
+ h1 = kp
+ if game.kpower[ll] < 0:
+ game.kpower[ll] -= -h1
+ else:
+ game.kpower[ll] -= h1
+ if game.kpower[ll] == 0:
+ deadkl(w, iquad, w)
+ return None
+ crmena(True, iquad, "sector", w)
+ # If enemy damaged but not destroyed, try to displace
+ ang = angle + 2.5*(Rand()-0.5)
+ temp = math.fabs(math.sin(ang))
+ if math.fabs(math.cos(ang)) > temp:
+ temp = math.fabs(math.cos(ang))
+ xx = -math.sin(ang)/temp
+ yy = math.cos(ang)/temp
+ jw.x=w.x+xx+0.5
+ jw.y=w.y+yy+0.5
+ if not VALID_SECTOR(jw.x, jw.y):
+ prout(_(" damaged but not destroyed."))
+ return
+ if game.quad[jw.x][jw.y]==IHBLANK:
+ prout(_(" buffeted into black hole."))
+ deadkl(w, iquad, jw)
+ return None
+ if game.quad[jw.x][jw.y]!=IHDOT:
+ # can't move into object
+ prout(_(" damaged but not destroyed."))
+ return None
+ proutn(_(" damaged--"))
+ game.ks[ll] = jw
+ shoved = True
+ break
+ elif iquad == IHB: # Hit a base
+ skip(1)
+ prout(_("***STARBASE DESTROYED.."))
+ for ll in range(1, game.state.rembase+1):
+ if same(game.state.baseq[ll], game.quadrant):
+ game.state.baseq[ll]=game.state.baseq[game.state.rembase]
+ break
+ game.quad[w.x][w.y]=IHDOT
+ game.state.rembase -= 1
+ game.base.x=game.base.y=0
+ game.state.galaxy[game.quadrant.x][game.quadrant.y].starbase -= 1
+ game.state.chart[game.quadrant.x][game.quadrant.y].starbase -= 1
+ game.state.basekl += 1
+ newcnd()
+ return None
+ elif iquad == IHP: # Hit a planet
+ crmena(True, iquad, sector, w)
+ prout(_(" destroyed."))
+ game.state.nplankl += 1
+ game.state.galaxy[game.quadrant.x][game.quadrant.y].planet = NOPLANET
+ game.state.planets[game.iplnet].pclass = destroyed
+ game.iplnet = 0
+ invalidate(game.plnet)
+ game.quad[w.x][w.y] = IHDOT
+ if game.landed:
+ # captain perishes on planet
+ finish(FDPLANET)
+ return None
+ elif iquad == IHW: # Hit an inhabited world -- very bad!
+ crmena(True, iquad, sector, w)
+ prout(_(" destroyed."))
+ game.state.nworldkl += 1
+ game.state.galaxy[game.quadrant.x][game.quadrant.y].planet = NOPLANET
+ game.state.planets[game.iplnet].pclass = destroyed
+ game.iplnet = 0
+ invalidate(game.plnet)
+ game.quad[w.x][w.y] = IHDOT
+ if game.landed:
+ # captain perishes on planet
+ finish(FDPLANET)
+ prout(_("You have just destroyed an inhabited planet."))
+ prout(_("Celebratory rallies are being held on the Klingon homeworld."))
+ return None
+ elif iquad == IHSTAR: # Hit a star
+ if Rand() > 0.10:
+ nova(w)
+ return None
+ crmena(True, IHSTAR, sector, w)
+ prout(_(" unaffected by photon blast."))
+ return None
+ elif iquad == IHQUEST: # Hit a thingy
+ if not (game.options & OPTION_THINGY) or Rand()>0.7:
+ skip(1)
+ skip(1)
+ prouts(_(" HACK! HACK! HACK! *CHOKE!* "))
+ skip(1)
+ proutn(_("Mr. Spock-"))
+ prouts(_(" \"Fascinating!\""))
+ skip(1)
+ deadkl(w, iquad, w)
+ else:
+ #
+ # Stas Sergeev added the possibility that
+ # you can shove the Thingy and piss it off.
+ # It then becomes an enemy and may fire at you.
+ #
+ iqengry = True
+ shoved = True
+ return None
+ elif iquad == IHBLANK: # Black hole
+ skip(1)
+ crmena(True, IHBLANK, sector, w)
+ prout(_(" swallows torpedo."))
+ return None
+ elif iquad == IHWEB: # hit the web
+ skip(1)
+ prout(_("***Torpedo absorbed by Tholian web."))
+ return None
+ elif iquad == IHT: # Hit a Tholian
+ h1 = 700.0 + 100.0*Rand() - \
+ 1000.0 * distance(w, incoming) * math.fabs(math.sin(bullseye-angle))
+ h1 = math.fabs(h1)
+ if h1 >= 600:
+ game.quad[w.x][w.y] = IHDOT
+ game.ithere = False
+ deadkl(w, iquad, w)
+ return None
+ skip(1)
+ crmena(True, IHT, sector, w)
+ if Rand() > 0.05:
+ prout(_(" survives photon blast."))
+ return None
+ prout(_(" disappears."))
+ game.quad[w.x][w.y] = IHWEB
+ game.ithere = False
+ game.nenhere -= 1
+ dropin(IHBLANK)
+ return None
+ else: # Problem!
+ skip(1)
+ proutn("Don't know how to handle torpedo collision with ")
+ crmena(True, iquad, sector, w)
+ skip(1)
+ return None
+ break
+ if curwnd!=message_window:
+ setwnd(message_window)
+ if shoved:
+ game.quad[w.x][w.y]=IHDOT
+ game.quad[jw.x][jw.y]=iquad
+ prout(_(" displaced by blast to %s "), cramlc(sector, jw))
+ for ll in range(1, game.nenhere+1):
+ game.kdist[ll] = game.kavgd[ll] = distance(game.sector,game.ks[ll])
+ sortklings()
+ return None
+ skip(1)
+ prout(_("Torpedo missed."))
+ return None;
+def fry(hit):
+ # critical-hit resolution
+ ktr=1
+ # a critical hit occured
+ if hit < (275.0-25.0*game.skill)*(1.0+0.5*Rand()):
+ return
+ ncrit = 1.0 + hit/(500.0+100.0*Rand())
+ proutn(_("***CRITICAL HIT--"))
+ # Select devices and cause damage
+ cdam = []
+ for loop1 in range(ncrit):
+ while True:
+ j = randdevice()
+ # Cheat to prevent shuttle damage unless on ship
+ if not (game.damage[j]<0.0 or (j==DSHUTTL and game.iscraft != "onship")):
+ break
+ cdam.append(j)
+ extradm = (hit*game.damfac)/(ncrit*(75.0+25.0*Rand()))
+ game.damage[j] += extradm
+ if loop1 > 0:
+ for loop2 in range(loop1):
+ if j == cdam[loop2]:
+ break
+ if loop2 < loop1:
+ continue
+ ktr += 1
+ if ktr==3:
+ skip(1)
+ proutn(_(" and "))
+ proutn(device[j])
+ prout(_(" damaged."))
+ if damaged(DSHIELD) and game.shldup:
+ prout(_("***Shields knocked down."))
+ game.shldup=False
+def attack(torps_ok):
+ # bad guy attacks us
+ # torps_ok == false forces use of phasers in an attack
+ atackd = False; attempt = False; ihurt = False;
+ hitmax=0.0; hittot=0.0; chgfac=1.0
+ jay = coord()
+ where = "neither"
+ # game could be over at this point, check
+ if game.alldone:
+ return
+ if idebug:
+ prout("=== ATTACK!")
+ # Tholian gewts to move before attacking
+ if game.ithere:
+ movetholian()
+ # if you have just entered the RNZ, you'll get a warning
+ if game.neutz: # The one chance not to be attacked
+ game.neutz = False
+ return
+ # commanders get a chance to tac-move towards you
+ if (((game.comhere or game.ishere) and not game.justin) or game.skill == SKILL_EMERITUS) and torps_ok:
+ moveklings()
+ # if no enemies remain after movement, we're done
+ if game.nenhere==0 or (game.nenhere==1 and iqhere and not iqengry):
+ return
+ # set up partial hits if attack happens during shield status change
+ pfac = 1.0/game.inshld
+ if game.shldchg:
+ chgfac = 0.25+0.5*Rand()
+ skip(1)
+ # message verbosity control
+ if game.skill <= SKILL_FAIR:
+ where = "sector"
+ for loop in range(1, game.nenhere+1):
+ if game.kpower[loop] < 0:
+ continue; # too weak to attack
+ # compute hit strength and diminish shield power
+ r = Rand()
+ # Increase chance of photon torpedos if docked or enemy energy low
+ if game.condition == "docked":
+ r *= 0.25
+ if game.kpower[loop] < 500:
+ r *= 0.25;
+ jay = game.ks[loop]
+ iquad = game.quad[jay.x][jay.y]
+ if iquad==IHT or (iquad==IHQUEST and not iqengry):
+ continue
+ # different enemies have different probabilities of throwing a torp
+ usephasers = not torps_ok or \
+ (iquad == IHK and r > 0.0005) or \
+ (iquad==IHC and r > 0.015) or \
+ (iquad==IHR and r > 0.3) or \
+ (iquad==IHS and r > 0.07) or \
+ (iquad==IHQUEST and r > 0.05)
+ if usephasers: # Enemy uses phasers
+ if game.condition == "docked":
+ continue; # Don't waste the effort!
+ attempt = True; # Attempt to attack
+ dustfac = 0.8+0.05*Rand()
+ hit = game.kpower[loop]*math.pow(dustfac,game.kavgd[loop])
+ game.kpower[loop] *= 0.75
+ else: # Enemy uses photon torpedo
+ course = 1.90985*math.atan2(game.sector.y-jay.y, jay.x-game.sector.x)
+ hit = 0
+ proutn(_("***TORPEDO INCOMING"))
+ if not damaged(DSRSENS):
+ proutn(_(" From "))
+ crmena(False, iquad, where, jay)
+ attempt = True
+ prout(" ")
+ r = (Rand()+Rand())*0.5 -0.5
+ r += 0.002*game.kpower[loop]*r
+ hit = torpedo(course, r, jay, 1, 1)
+ if (game.state.remkl + game.state.remcom + game.state.nscrem)==0:
+ finish(FWON); # Klingons did themselves in!
+ if game.state.galaxy[game.quadrant.x][game.quadrant.y].supernova or game.alldone:
+ return; # Supernova or finished
+ if hit == None:
+ continue
+ # incoming phaser or torpedo, shields may dissipate it
+ if game.shldup or game.shldchg or game.condition=="docked":
+ # shields will take hits
+ propor = pfac * game.shield
+ if game.condition =="docked":
+ propr *= 2.1
+ if propor < 0.1:
+ propor = 0.1
+ hitsh = propor*chgfac*hit+1.0
+ absorb = 0.8*hitsh
+ if absorb > game.shield:
+ absorb = game.shield
+ game.shield -= absorb
+ hit -= hitsh
+ # taking a hit blasts us out of a starbase dock
+ if game.condition == "docked":
+ dock(False)
+ # but the shields may take care of it
+ if propor > 0.1 and hit < 0.005*
+ continue
+ # hit from this opponent got through shields, so take damage
+ ihurt = True
+ proutn(_("%d unit hit") % int(hit))
+ if (damaged(DSRSENS) and usephasers) or game.skill<=SKILL_FAIR:
+ proutn(_(" on the "))
+ crmshp()
+ if not damaged(DSRSENS) and usephasers:
+ proutn(_(" from "))
+ crmena(False, iquad, where, jay)
+ skip(1)
+ # Decide if hit is critical
+ if hit > hitmax:
+ hitmax = hit
+ hittot += hit
+ fry(hit)
+ -= hit
+ if <= 0:
+ # Returning home upon your shield, not with it...
+ finish(FBATTLE)
+ return
+ if not attempt and game.condition == "docked":
+ prout(_("***Enemies decide against attacking your ship."))
+ if not atackd:
+ return
+ percent = 100.0*pfac*game.shield+0.5
+ if not ihurt:
+ # Shields fully protect ship
+ proutn(_("Enemy attack reduces shield strength to "))
+ else:
+ # Print message if starship suffered hit(s)
+ skip(1)
+ proutn(_("Energy left %2d shields ") % int(
+ if game.shldup:
+ proutn(_("up "))
+ elif not damaged(DSHIELD):
+ proutn(_("down "))
+ else:
+ proutn(_("damaged, "))
+ prout(_("%d%%, torpedoes left %d"), percent, game.torps)
+ # Check if anyone was hurt
+ if hitmax >= 200 or hittot >= 500:
+ icas= hittot*Rand()*0.015
+ if icas >= 2:
+ skip(1)
+ prout(_("Mc Coy- \"Sickbay to bridge. We suffered %d casualties") % icas)
+ prout(_(" in that last attack.\""))
+ game.casual += icas
+ game.state.crew -= icas
+ # After attack, reset average distance to enemies
+ for loop in range(1, game.nenhere+1):
+ game.kavgd[loop] = game.kdist[loop]
+ sortklings()
+ return;
+def deadkl(w, type, mv):
+ # kill a Klingon, Tholian, Romulan, or Thingy
+ # Added mv to allow enemy to "move" before dying
+ crmena(True, type, sector, mv)
+ # Decide what kind of enemy it is and update appropriately
+ if type == IHR:
+ # chalk up a Romulan
+ game.state.galaxy[game.quadrant.x][game.quadrant.y].romulans -= 1
+ game.irhere -= 1
+ game.state.nromrem -= 1
+ elif type == IHT:
+ # Killed a Tholian
+ game.ithere = False
+ elif type == IHQUEST:
+ # Killed a Thingy
+ iqhere = iqengry = False
+ invalidate(thing)
+ else:
+ # Some type of a Klingon
+ game.state.galaxy[game.quadrant.x][game.quadrant.y].klingons -= 1
+ game.klhere -= 1
+ if type == IHC:
+ game.comhere = False
+ for i in range(1, game.state.remcom+1):
+ if same(game.state.kcmdr[i], game.quadrant):
+ break
+ game.state.kcmdr[i] = game.state.kcmdr[game.state.remcom]
+ game.state.kcmdr[game.state.remcom].x = 0
+ game.state.kcmdr[game.state.remcom].y = 0
+ game.state.remcom -= 1
+ unschedule(FTBEAM)
+ if game.state.remcom != 0:
+ schedule(FTBEAM, expran(1.0*game.incom/game.state.remcom))
+ elif type == IHK:
+ game.state.remkl -= 1
+ elif type == IHS:
+ game.state.nscrem -= 1
+ game.ishere = False
+ game.state.kscmdr.x = game.state.kscmdr.y = game.isatb = 0
+ game.iscate = False
+ unschedule(FSCMOVE)
+ unschedule(FSCDBAS)
+ else:
+ prout("*** Internal error, deadkl() called on %s\n" % type)
+ # For each kind of enemy, finish message to player
+ prout(_(" destroyed."))
+ game.quad[w.x][w.y] = IHDOT
+ if (game.state.remkl + game.state.remcom + game.state.nscrem)==0:
+ return
+ game.state.remtime = game.state.remres/(game.state.remkl + 4*game.state.remcom)
+ # Remove enemy ship from arrays describing local conditions
+ if is_scheduled(FCDBAS) and same(game.battle, game.quadrant) and type==IHC:
+ unschedule(FCDBAS)
+ for i in range(1, game.nenhere+1):
+ if same(game.ks[i], w):
+ break
+ game.nenhere -= 1
+ if i <= game.nenhere:
+ for j in range(i, game.nenhere+1):
+ game.ks[j] = game.ks[j+1]
+ game.kpower[j] = game.kpower[j+1]
+ game.kavgd[j] = game.kdist[j] = game.kdist[j+1]
+ game.ks[game.nenhere+1].x = 0
+ game.ks[game.nenhere+1].x = 0
+ game.kdist[game.nenhere+1] = 0
+ game.kavgd[game.nenhere+1] = 0
+ game.kpower[game.nenhere+1] = 0
+ return;
+def targetcheck(x, y):
+ # Return None if target is invalid
+ if not VALID_SECTOR(x, y):
+ huh()
+ return None
+ deltx = 0.1*(y - game.sector.y)
+ delty = 0.1*(x - game.sector.x)
+ if deltx==0 and delty== 0:
+ skip(1)
+ prout(_("Spock- \"Bridge to sickbay. Dr. McCoy,"))
+ prout(_(" I recommend an immediate review of"))
+ prout(_(" the Captain's psychological profile.\""))
+ chew()
+ return None
+ return 1.90985932*math.atan2(deltx, delty)
+def photon():
+ # launch photon torpedo
+ game.ididit = False
+ if damaged(DPHOTON):
+ prout(_("Photon tubes damaged."))
+ chew()
+ return
+ if game.torps == 0:
+ prout(_("No torpedoes left."))
+ chew()
+ return
+ key = scan()
+ while True:
+ if key == IHALPHA:
+ huh()
+ return
+ elif key == IHEOL:
+ prout(_("%d torpedoes left."), game.torps)
+ proutn(_("Number of torpedoes to fire- "))
+ key = scan()
+ else: # key == IHREAL {
+ n = aaitem + 0.5
+ if n <= 0: # abort command
+ chew()
+ return
+ if n > 3:
+ chew()
+ prout(_("Maximum of 3 torpedoes per burst."))
+ key = IHEOL
+ return
+ if n <= game.torps:
+ break
+ chew()
+ key = IHEOL
+ for i in range(1, n+1):
+ key = scan()
+ if i==1 and key == IHEOL:
+ break; # we will try prompting
+ if i==2 and key == IHEOL:
+ # direct all torpedoes at one target
+ while i <= n:
+ targ[i][1] = targ[1][1]
+ targ[i][2] = targ[1][2]
+ course[i] = course[1]
+ i += 1
+ break
+ if key != IHREAL:
+ huh()
+ return
+ targ[i][1] = aaitem
+ key = scan()
+ if key != IHREAL:
+ huh()
+ return
+ targ[i][2] = aaitem
+ course[i] = targetcheck(targ[i][1], targ[i][2])
+ if course[i] == None:
+ return
+ chew()
+ if i == 1 and key == IHEOL:
+ # prompt for each one
+ for i in range(1, n+1):
+ proutn(_("Target sector for torpedo number %d- "), i)
+ key = scan()
+ if key != IHREAL:
+ huh()
+ return
+ targ[i][1] = aaitem
+ key = scan()
+ if key != IHREAL:
+ huh()
+ return
+ targ[i][2] = aaitem
+ chew()
+ course[i] = targetcheck(targ[i][1], targ[i][2])
+ if course[i] == None:
+ return
+ game.ididit = True
+ # Loop for moving <n> torpedoes
+ for i in range(1, n+1):
+ if game.condition != "docked":
+ game.torps -= 1
+ r = (Rand()+Rand())*0.5 -0.5
+ if math.fabs(r) >= 0.47:
+ # misfire!
+ r = (Rand()+1.2) * r
+ if n>1:
+ prouts(_("***TORPEDO NUMBER %d MISFIRES"), i)
+ else:
+ prouts(_("***TORPEDO MISFIRES."))
+ skip(1)
+ if i < n:
+ prout(_(" Remainder of burst aborted."))
+ if Rand() <= 0.2:
+ prout(_("***Photon tubes damaged by misfire."))
+ game.damage[DPHOTON] = game.damfac*(1.0+2.0*Rand())
+ break
+ if game.shldup or game.condition == "docked":
+ r *= 1.0 + 0.0001*game.shield
+ torpedo(course[i], r, game.sector, i, n)
+ if game.alldone or game.state.galaxy[game.quadrant.x][game.quadrant.y].supernova:
+ return
+ if (game.state.remkl + game.state.remcom + game.state.nscrem)==0:
+ finish(FWON);
+def overheat(rpow):
+ # check for phasers overheating
+ if rpow > 1500:
+ chekbrn = (rpow-1500.)*0.00038
+ if Rand() <= chekbrn:
+ prout(_("Weapons officer Sulu- \"Phasers overheated, sir.\""))
+ game.damage[DPHASER] = game.damfac*(1.0 + Rand()) * (1.0+chekbrn)
+def checkshctrl(rpow):
+ # check shield control
+ skip(1)
+ if Rand() < 0.998:
+ prout(_("Shields lowered."))
+ return False
+ # Something bad has happened
+ prouts(_("***RED ALERT! RED ALERT!"))
+ skip(2)
+ hit = rpow*game.shield/game.inshld
+ -= rpow+hit*0.8
+ game.shield -= hit*0.2
+ if <= 0.0:
+ prouts(_("Sulu- \"Captain! Shield malf***********************\""))
+ skip(1)
+ stars()
+ finish(FPHASER)
+ return True
+ prouts(_("Sulu- \"Captain! Shield malfunction! Phaser fire contained!\""))
+ skip(2)
+ prout(_("Lt. Uhura- \"Sir, all decks reporting damage.\""))
+ icas = hit*Rand()*0.012
+ skip(1)
+ fry(0.8*hit)
+ if icas:
+ skip(1)
+ prout(_("McCoy to bridge- \"Severe radiation burns, Jim."))
+ prout(_(" %d casualties so far.\""), icas)
+ game.casual += icas
+ game.state.crew -= icas
+ skip(1)
+ prout(_("Phaser energy dispersed by shields."))
+ prout(_("Enemy unaffected."))
+ overheat(rpow)
+ return True;
+def hittem(doublehits):
+ # register a phaser hit on Klingons and Romulans
+ nenhr2=game.nenhere; kk=1
+ w = coord()
+ skip(1)
+ for k in range(1, nenhr2+1):
+ wham = hits[k]
+ if wham==0:
+ continue
+ dustfac = 0.9 + 0.01*Rand()
+ hit = wham*math.pow(dustfac,game.kdist[kk])
+ kpini = game.kpower[kk]
+ kp = math.fabs(kpini)
+ if PHASEFAC*hit < kp:
+ kp = PHASEFAC*hit
+ if game.kpower[kk] < 0:
+ game.kpower[kk] -= -kp
+ else:
+ game.kpower[kk] -= kp
+ kpow = game.kpower[kk]
+ w = game.ks[kk]
+ if hit > 0.005:
+ if not damaged(DSRSENS):
+ boom(w)
+ proutn(_("%d unit hit on ") % int(hit))
+ else:
+ proutn(_("Very small hit on "))
+ ienm = game.quad[w.x][w.y]
+ if ienm==IHQUEST:
+ iqengry = True
+ crmena(False, ienm, "sector", w)
+ skip(1)
+ if kpow == 0:
+ deadkl(w, ienm, w)
+ if (game.state.remkl + game.state.remcom + game.state.nscrem)==0:
+ finish(FWON);
+ if game.alldone:
+ return
+ kk -= 1; # don't do the increment
+ else: # decide whether or not to emasculate klingon
+ if kpow > 0 and Rand() >= 0.9 and \
+ kpow <= ((0.4 + 0.4*Rand())*kpini):
+ prout(_("***Mr. Spock- \"Captain, the vessel at %s"),
+ cramlc(sector, w))
+ prout(_(" has just lost its firepower.\""))
+ game.kpower[kk] = -kpow
+ kk += 1
+ return;
+def phasers():
+ # fire phasers
+ hits = []; rpow=0
+ kz = 0; k = 1; irec=0 # Cheating inhibitor
+ ifast = False; no = False; itarg = True; msgflag = True
+ automode = "NOTSET"
+ key=0
+ skip(1)
+ # SR sensors and Computer are needed fopr automode
+ if damaged(DSRSENS) or damaged(DCOMPTR):
+ itarg = False
+ if game.condition == "docked":
+ prout(_("Phasers can't be fired through base shields."))
+ chew()
+ return
+ if damaged(DPHASER):
+ prout(_("Phaser control damaged."))
+ chew()
+ return
+ if game.shldup:
+ if damaged(DSHCTRL):
+ prout(_("High speed shield control damaged."))
+ chew()
+ return
+ if <= 200.0:
+ prout(_("Insufficient energy to activate high-speed shield control."))
+ chew()
+ return
+ prout(_("Weapons Officer Sulu- \"High-speed shield control enabled, sir.\""))
+ ifast = True
+ # Original code so convoluted, I re-did it all
+ while automode=="NOTSET":
+ key=scan()
+ if key == IHALPHA:
+ if isit("manual"):
+ if game.nenhere==0:
+ prout(_("There is no enemy present to select."))
+ chew()
+ key = IHEOL
+ automode="AUTOMATIC"
+ else:
+ automode = "MANUAL"
+ key = scan()
+ elif isit("automatic"):
+ if (not itarg) and game.nenhere != 0:
+ automode = "FORCEMAN"
+ else:
+ if game.nenhere==0:
+ prout(_("Energy will be expended into space."))
+ automode = "AUTOMATIC"
+ key = scan()
+ elif isit("no"):
+ no = True
+ else:
+ huh()
+ return
+ elif key == IHREAL:
+ if game.nenhere==0:
+ prout(_("Energy will be expended into space."))
+ automode = "AUTOMATIC"
+ elif not itarg:
+ automode = "FORCEMAN"
+ else:
+ automode = "AUTOMATIC"
+ else:
+ if game.nenhere==0:
+ prout(_("Energy will be expended into space."))
+ automode = "AUTOMATIC"
+ elif not itarg:
+ automode = "FORCEMAN"
+ else:
+ proutn(_("Manual or automatic? "))
+ avail =
+ if ifast:
+ avail -= 200.0
+ if automode == "AUTOMATIC":
+ if key == IHALPHA and isit("no"):
+ no = True
+ key = scan()
+ if key != IHREAL and game.nenhere != 0:
+ prout(_("Phasers locked on target. Energy available: %.2f"),
+ avail)
+ irec=0
+ while True:
+ chew()
+ if not kz:
+ for i in range(1, game.nenhere+1):
+ irec += math.fabs(game.kpower[i])/(PHASEFAC*math.pow(0.90,game.kdist[i]))*(1.01+0.05*Rand()) + 1.0
+ kz=1
+ proutn(_("%d units required. "), irec)
+ chew()
+ proutn(_("Units to fire= "))
+ key = scan()
+ if key!=IHREAL:
+ return
+ rpow = aaitem
+ if rpow > avail:
+ proutn(_("Energy available= %.2f") % avail)
+ skip(1)
+ key = IHEOL
+ if not rpow > avail:
+ break
+ if rpow<=0:
+ # chicken out
+ chew()
+ return
+ key=scan()
+ if key == IHALPHA and isit("no"):
+ no = True
+ if ifast:
+ -= 200; # Go and do it!
+ if checkshctrl(rpow):
+ return
+ chew()
+ -= rpow
+ extra = rpow
+ if game.nenhere:
+ extra = 0.0
+ powrem = rpow
+ for i in range(1, game.nenhere+1):
+ hits[i] = 0.0
+ if powrem <= 0:
+ continue
+ hits[i] = math.fabs(game.kpower[i])/(PHASEFAC*math.pow(0.90,game.kdist[i]))
+ over = (0.01 + 0.05*Rand())*hits[i]
+ temp = powrem
+ powrem -= hits[i] + over
+ if powrem <= 0 and temp < hits[i]:
+ hits[i] = temp
+ if powrem <= 0:
+ over = 0.0
+ extra += over
+ if powrem > 0.0:
+ extra += powrem
+ hittem(hits)
+ game.ididit = True
+ if extra > 0 and not game.alldone:
+ if game.ithere:
+ proutn(_("*** Tholian web absorbs "))
+ if game.nenhere>0:
+ proutn(_("excess "))
+ prout(_("phaser energy."))
+ else:
+ prout(_("%d expended on empty space."), int(extra))
+ elif automode == "FORCEMAN":
+ chew()
+ key = IHEOL
+ if damaged(DCOMPTR):
+ prout(_("Battle computer damaged, manual fire only."))
+ else:
+ skip(1)
+ prouts(_("---WORKING---"))
+ skip(1)
+ prout(_("Short-range-sensors-damaged"))
+ prout(_("Insufficient-data-for-automatic-phaser-fire"))
+ prout(_("Manual-fire-must-be-used"))
+ skip(1)
+ elif automode == "MANUAL":
+ rpow = 0.0
+ for k in range(1, game.nenhere+1):
+ aim = game.ks[k]
+ ienm = game.quad[aim.x][aim.y]
+ if msgflag:
+ proutn(_("Energy available= %.2f") % avail-0.006)
+ skip(1)
+ msgflag = False
+ rpow = 0.0
+ if damaged(DSRSENS) and not (abs(game.sector.x-aim.x) < 2 and abs(game.sector.y-aim.y) < 2) and \
+ (ienm == IHC or ienm == IHS):
+ cramen(ienm)
+ prout(_(" can't be located without short range scan."))
+ chew()
+ key = IHEOL
+ hits[k] = 0; # prevent overflow -- thanks to Alexei Voitenko
+ k += 1
+ continue
+ if key == IHEOL:
+ chew()
+ if itarg and k > kz:
+ irec=(abs(game.kpower[k])/(PHASEFAC*math.pow(0.9,game.kdist[k]))) * (1.01+0.05*Rand()) + 1.0
+ kz = k
+ proutn("(")
+ if not damaged(DCOMPTR):
+ proutn("%d", irec)
+ else:
+ proutn("??")
+ proutn(") ")
+ proutn(_("units to fire at "))
+ crmena(False, ienm, sector, aim)
+ proutn("- ")
+ key = scan()
+ if key == IHALPHA and isit("no"):
+ no = True
+ key = scan()
+ continue
+ if key == IHALPHA:
+ huh()
+ return
+ if key == IHEOL:
+ if k==1: # Let me say I'm baffled by this
+ msgflag = True
+ continue
+ if aaitem < 0:
+ # abort out
+ chew()
+ return
+ hits[k] = aaitem
+ rpow += aaitem
+ # If total requested is too much, inform and start over
+ if rpow > avail:
+ prout(_("Available energy exceeded -- try again."))
+ chew()
+ return
+ key = scan(); # scan for next value
+ k += 1
+ if rpow == 0.0:
+ # zero energy -- abort
+ chew()
+ return
+ if key == IHALPHA and isit("no"):
+ no = True
+ -= rpow
+ chew()
+ if ifast:
+ -= 200.0
+ if checkshctrl(rpow):
+ return
+ hittem(hits)
+ game.ididit = True
+ # Say shield raised or malfunction, if necessary
+ if game.alldone:
+ return
+ if ifast:
+ skip(1)
+ if no == 0:
+ if Rand() >= 0.99:
+ prout(_("Sulu- \"Sir, the high-speed shield control has malfunctioned . . ."))
+ prouts(_(" CLICK CLICK POP . . ."))
+ prout(_(" No response, sir!"))
+ game.shldup = False
+ else:
+ prout(_("Shields raised."))
+ else:
+ game.shldup = False
+ overheat(rpow);