:go-to \r
:take :put-in :put-on :drop :receive\r
:wear :strip :enter :climb :drink :eat\r
- :rub :turn :switch-on :switch-off)\r
- (:shadow :listen)\r
+ :rub :turn :switch-on :switch-off\r
+ :fill :empty :extract :let-go)\r
+ (:shadow :listen :fill)\r
(:shadowing-import-from :if-lib :room))\r
(in-package :verb-lib)\r
(verb "take"\r
'(:noun -> take)\r
'("off" :held -> strip)\r
- '(:held "off" -> strip))\r
+ '(:held "off" -> strip)\r
+ '(:noun "from" :noun -> extract)\r
+ '(:noun "from" :noun -> extract))\r
(verb "get"\r
'(:noun -> take)\r
- '((:or "in" "into" "on" "onto") :noun -> enter rest))\r
+ '((:or "out" "off" "up") -> go-to cdir-out)\r
+ '((:or "in" "into" "on" "onto") :noun -> enter rest)\r
+ '(:noun "from" :noun -> extract))\r
(verb "drop" "discard" "throw"\r
'(:held -> drop)\r
(verb "remove"\r
'(:held -> strip)\r
- '(:noun -> take))\r
+ '(:noun -> take)\r
+ '(:noun "from" :noun -> extract))\r
(verb "shed" "disrobe" "doff"\r
'(:held -> strip))\r
'("on" :noun -> switch-on)\r
'("off" :noun -> switch-off))\r
+(verb "fill" '(:noun -> fill))\r
+ \r
+(verb "empty" '(:noun -> empty))\r
(defaction attack (obj) "Violence is not the answer.")\r
(if (has obj :item)\r
(if (in obj *player*) \r
(progn (sprint "You already have ~A" (the-name obj)) t) \r
- (progn \r
- (move obj *player*)\r
- (when (run-action-after obj) "Taken.")))\r
+ (if (below obj (parent *player*))\r
+ (let ((loc (parent *player*)))\r
+ (and\r
+ (loop for x = (parent obj)\r
+ until (eql x loc)\r
+ always (run-action 'extract-silent (list obj x))\r
+ finally (return t))\r
+ (move obj *player*)\r
+ (run-action-after obj)\r
+ "Taken."))\r
+ (sprint "You cannot take ~a from here." (the-name obj))))\r
(defaction drop (obj)\r
;;(format t "(~a ~a)" (print-name item) (print-name host)) \r
(unless (has item :item) (return-from put-on "You can't get rid of that."))\r
(unless (has host :supporter) (return-from put-on (call-next-method)))\r
+ (when (has item :worn)\r
+ (sprint "(first removing ~a)~%" (the-name item))\r
+ (unless (run-action 'strip item)\r
+ (return-from put-on "You can't drop it.")))\r
(and (run-action 'receive (reverse *args*) :time 0)\r
(run-action-after item) \r
(when (has host :closed) \r
(return-from put-in \r
(format nil "~a is closed." (the-name host :capital t))))\r
+ (when (has item :worn)\r
+ (sprint "(first removing ~a)~%" (the-name item))\r
+ (unless (run-action 'strip item)\r
+ (return-from put-in "You can't drop it.")))\r
(and (run-action 'receive (reverse *args*) :time 0)\r
(run-action-after item) \r
(when (run-action-after obj) "Done."))))\r
(call-next-method))) \r
+(defaction fill (what) "You can't fill that.")\r
+(defaction empty (what) "That doesn't make sense.")\r
+(defmethod empty ((obj container))\r
+ (unless (has obj :container) (return-from empty (call-next-method)))\r
+ (if (has obj :closed)\r
+ "But it is closed!"\r
+ (if (children obj)\r
+ (objectloop (in x obj)\r
+ (sprint "~a: " (print-name x))\r
+ (run-action 'extract (list x obj)))\r
+ "It is already empty.")))\r
+(defaction extract (obj1 obj2 &key silent) "You can't do that.")\r
+(defmethod extract ((item item) (host container) &key silent)\r
+ (unless (has item :item) (return-from extract (call-next-method)))\r
+ (unless (has host :container) (return-from extract (call-next-method)))\r
+ (when (has host :closed) \r
+ (return-from extract \r
+ (format nil "~a is closed." (the-name host :capital t))))\r
+ (and (run-action 'let-go (reverse *args*))\r
+ *after*\r
+ (run-action-after item) \r
+ (if silent t "Done."))) \r
+(defmethod extract ((item item) (host supporter) &key silent)\r
+ (unless (has item :item) (return-from extract (call-next-method)))\r
+ (unless (has host :supporter) (return-from extract (call-next-method)))\r
+ (and (run-action 'let-go (reverse *args*))\r
+ *after*\r
+ (run-action-after item)\r
+ (if silent t "Done.")))\r
+(defaction extract-silent (obj1 obj2)\r
+ (extract obj1 obj2 :silent t))\r
+(defaction let-go (host thing)\r
+ "Something's wrong happened.")\r
+(defmethod let-go ((host supporter) (item item))\r
+ (move item (parent host))\r
+ (run-action-after host))\r
+(defmethod let-go ((host container) (item item))\r
+ (move item (parent host))\r
+ (run-action-after host))\r