--- /dev/null
+sst.py =-- Super Star Trek in Python
+import math
+FULLCREW = 428 # BSD Trek was 387, that's wrong
+FOREVER = 1e30
+# Feature vakues
+IHR = 'R',
+IHK = 'K',
+IHC = 'C',
+IHS = 'S',
+IHSTAR = '*',
+IHP = 'P',
+IHW = '@',
+IHB = 'B',
+IHBLANK = ' ',
+IHDOT = '.',
+IHQUEST = '?',
+IHE = 'E',
+IHF = 'F',
+IHT = 'T',
+IHWEB = '#',
+IHMATER0 = '-',
+IHMATER1 = 'o',
+IHMATER2 = '0',
+class coord:
+ def __init(self, x=None, y=None):
+ self.x = x
+ self.y = y
+ def invalidate(self):
+ self.x = self.y = None
+ def is_valid(self):
+ return self.x != None and self.y != None
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return self.x == other.y and self.x == other.y
+ def distance(self, other):
+ return math.sqrt((self.x - other.x)**2 + (self.y - other.y)**2)
+class planet:
+ def __init(self):
+ self.w = coord()
+ self.name = None
+ self.crystals = None # "absent", "present", or "mined"
+ self.known = "unknown" # Other values: "known" and "shuttle down"
+class quadrant:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.stars = None
+ self.planet = None
+ self.starbase = None
+ self.klingons = None
+ self.romulans = None
+ self.supernova = None
+ self.charted = None
+ self.status = "secure" # Other valuues: "distressed", "enslaved"
+class page:
+ "A chart page. The starchart is a 2D array of these."
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.stars = None # Will hold a number
+ self.starbase = None # Will hold a bool
+ self.klingons = None # Will hold a number
+class snapshot:
+ "State of the universe. The galaxy is a 2D array of these."
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.crew = None # crew complement
+ self.remkl = None # remaining klingons
+ self.remcom = None # remaining commanders
+ self.nscrem = None # remaining super commanders
+ self.rembase = None # remaining bases
+ self.starkl = None # destroyed stars
+ self.basekl = None # destroyed bases
+ self.nromrem = None # Romulans remaining
+ self.nplankl = None # destroyed uninhabited planets
+ self.nworldkl = None # destroyed inhabited planets
+ self.plnets = []; # List of planets known
+ self.date = None # stardate
+ self.remres = None # remaining resources
+ self. remtime = None # remaining time
+ self.bases = [] # Base quadrant coordinates
+ self.kcmdr = [] # Commander quadrant coordinates
+ self.kscmdr = None # Supercommander quadrant coordinates
+ self.galaxy = {} # Dictionary of quadrant objects
+ self.chart = {} # Dictionary of page objects
+def damaged(dev):
+ return game.damage[dev] != 0.0
+class event:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.date = None # The only mandatory attribute
+class game:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.options = [] # List of option strings
+ self.state = snapshot() # State of the universe
+ self.snapsht = snapshot() # For backwards timetravel
+ self.quad = {} # contents of our quadrant
+ self.kpower = {} # enemy energy levels
+ self.kdist = {} # enemy distances
+ self.kavgd = {} # average distances
+ self.damage = {} # damage encountered
+ self.future = [] # future events
+ self.passwd = None # Self Destruct password
+ # Coordinate members start here
+ self.ks = {} # enemy sector locations
+ self.quadrant = None # where we are
+ self.sector = None
+ self.tholian = None # coordinates of Tholian
+ self.base = None # position of base in current quadrant
+ self.battle = None # base coordinates being attacked
+ self.plnet = None # location of planet in quadrant
+ self.probec = None # current probe quadrant
+ # Flag members start here
+ self.gamewon = None # Finished!
+ self.ididit = None # action taken -- allows enemy to attack
+ self.alive = None # we are alive (not killed)
+ self.justin = None # just entered quadrant
+ self.shldup = None # shields are up
+ self.shldchg = None # shield changing (affects efficiency)
+ self.comhere = None # commander here
+ self.ishere = None # super-commander in quadrant
+ self.iscate = None # super commander is here
+ self.ientesc = None # attempted escape from supercommander
+ self.ithere = None # Tholian is here
+ self.resting = None # rest time
+ self.icraft = None # Kirk in Galileo
+ self.landed = None # party on planet or on ship
+ self.alldone = None # game is now finished
+ self.neutz = None # Romulan Neutral Zone
+ self.isarmed = None # probe is armed
+ self.inorbit = None # orbiting a planet
+ self.imine = None # mining
+ self.icrystl = None # dilithium crystals aboard
+ self.iseenit = None # seen base attack report
+ self.thawed = None # thawed game
+ # String members start here
+ self.condition = None # green, yellow, red, docked, dead,
+ self.iscraft = None # onship, offship, removed
+ self.skill = None # levels: none, novice, fair, good,
+ # expert, emeritus
+ # Integer nembers sart here
+ self.inkling = None # initial number of klingons
+ self.inbase = None # initial number of bases
+ self.incom = None # initial number of commanders
+ self.inscom = None # initial number of commanders
+ self.inrom = None # initial number of commanders
+ self.instar = None # initial stars
+ self.intorps = None # initial/max torpedoes
+ self.torps = None # number of torpedoes
+ self.ship = None # ship type -- 'E' is Enterprise
+ self.abandoned = None # count of crew abandoned in space
+ self.length = None # length of game
+ self.klhere = None # klingons here
+ self.casual = None # causalties
+ self.nhelp = None # calls for help
+ self.nkinks = None # count of energy-barrier crossings
+ self.iplnet = None # planet # in quadrant
+ self.inplan = None # initial planets
+ self.nenhere = None # number of enemies in quadrant
+ self.irhere = None # Romulans in quadrant
+ self.isatb = None # =1 if super commander is attacking base
+ self.tourn = None # tournament number
+ self.proben = None # number of moves for probe
+ self.nprobes = None # number of probes available
+ # Float members start here
+ self.inresor = None # initial resources
+ self.intime = None # initial time
+ self.inenrg = None # initial/max energy
+ self.inshld = None # initial/max shield
+ self.inlsr = None # initial life support resources
+ self.indate = None # initial date
+ self.energy = None # energy level
+ self.shield = None # shield level
+ self.warpfac = None # warp speed
+ self.wfacsq = None # squared warp factor
+ self.lsupres = None # life support reserves
+ self.dist = None # movement distance
+ self.direc = None # movement direction
+ self.optime = None # time taken by current operation
+ self.docfac = None # repair factor when docking (constant?)
+ self.damfac = None # damage factor
+ self.lastchart = None # time star chart was last updated
+ self.cryprob = None # probability that crystal will work
+ self.probex = None # location of probe
+ self.probey = None #
+ self.probeinx = None # probe x,y increment
+ self.probeiny = None #
+ self.height = None # height of orbit around planet