of the player (and *not* of the forest), and the player is both a parent
(of the bird) and a child (of the forest).
-In this diagram, we show how the object relationships change during the
-course of the game. The straight lines represent parent--child
-relationships, with the parent object at the top of the line, and the child
-object at the bottom.
+Here we show how the object relationships change during the course of the
+game. The straight lines represent parent--child relationships, with the
+parent object at the top of the line, and the child object at the bottom.
-.. list-table::
- :widths: 1 3 5
+1. At the start of the game:
- * - 1.
- - At the start of the game:
- - .. image:: /images/heidiobj1.*
+ .. blockdiag:: /figures/heidiobj1.diag
+ :align: center
+ :scale: 80%
- * - 2.
- - The player types: ``GO EAST``
- - .. image:: /images/heidiobj2.*
+2. The player types: ``GO EAST``
- * - 3.
- - The player types: ``TAKE THE BIRD``
- - .. image:: /images/heidiobj3.*
+ .. blockdiag:: /figures/heidiobj2.diag
+ :align: center
+ :scale: 80%
- * - 4.
- - The player types: ``GO NORTHEAST``
- - .. image:: /images/heidiobj4.*
+3. The player types: ``TAKE THE BIRD``
- * - 5.
- - The player types: ``PUT BIRD IN NEST``
- - .. image:: /images/heidiobj5.*
+ .. blockdiag:: /figures/heidiobj3.diag
+ :align: center
+ :scale: 80%
- * - 6.
- - The player types: ``TAKE NEST``
- - .. image:: /images/heidiobj6.*
+4. The player types: ``GO NORTHEAST``
- * - 7.
- - The player types: ``UP``
- - .. image:: /images/heidiobj7.*
+ .. blockdiag:: /figures/heidiobj4.diag
+ :align: center
+ :scale: 80%
- * - 8.
- - The player types: ``PUT NEST ON BRANCH``
- - .. image:: /images/heidiobj8.*
+5. The player types: ``PUT BIRD IN NEST``
+ .. blockdiag:: /figures/heidiobj5.diag
+ :align: center
+ :scale: 80%
+6. The player types: ``TAKE NEST``
+ .. blockdiag:: /figures/heidiobj6.diag
+ :align: center
+ :scale: 80%
+7. The player types: ``UP``
+ .. blockdiag:: /figures/heidiobj7.diag
+ :align: center
+ :scale: 80%
+8. The player types: ``PUT NEST ON BRANCH``
+ .. blockdiag:: /figures/heidiobj8.diag
+ :align: center
+ :scale: 80%
In this short example, we've taken a lot of time and space to spell out
exactly how the objects relationship patterns -- generally known as the
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ blockdiag.sphinx_ext
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Allow blockdiag-formatted diagrams to be included in Sphinx-generated
+ documents inline.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2010 by Takeshi Komiya.
+ :license: BSDL.
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import os
+import re
+import posixpath
+import traceback
+import pkg_resources
+from collections import namedtuple
+from docutils import nodes
+from sphinx import addnodes
+from sphinx.util.osutil import ensuredir
+import blockdiag.utils.rst.nodes
+import blockdiag.utils.rst.directives
+from blockdiag.utils.bootstrap import detectfont, Application
+from blockdiag.utils.compat import u, string_types
+from blockdiag.utils.fontmap import FontMap
+from blockdiag.utils.rst.directives import with_blockdiag
+# fontconfig; it will be initialized on `builder-inited` event.
+fontmap = None
+class blockdiag_node(blockdiag.utils.rst.nodes.blockdiag):
+ def to_drawer(self, image_format, builder, **kwargs):
+ if 'filename' in kwargs:
+ filename = kwargs.pop('filename')
+ else:
+ filename = self.get_abspath(image_format, builder)
+ antialias = builder.config.blockdiag_antialias
+ transparency = builder.config.blockdiag_transparency
+ image = super(blockdiag_node, self).to_drawer(image_format, filename, fontmap,
+ antialias=antialias, transparency=transparency,
+ **kwargs)
+ for node in image.diagram.traverse_nodes():
+ node.href = resolve_reference(builder, node.href)
+ return image
+ def get_relpath(self, image_format, builder):
+ options = dict(antialias=builder.config.blockdiag_antialias,
+ fontpath=builder.config.blockdiag_fontpath,
+ fontmap=builder.config.blockdiag_fontmap,
+ format=image_format,
+ transparency=builder.config.blockdiag_transparency)
+ if hasattr(builder, 'imgpath'): # Sphinx (<= 1.2.x) or HTML writer
+ outputdir = builder.imgpath
+ else:
+ outputdir = ''
+ return posixpath.join(outputdir, self.get_path(**options))
+ def get_abspath(self, image_format, builder):
+ options = dict(antialias=builder.config.blockdiag_antialias,
+ fontpath=builder.config.blockdiag_fontpath,
+ fontmap=builder.config.blockdiag_fontmap,
+ format=image_format,
+ transparency=builder.config.blockdiag_transparency)
+ if hasattr(builder, 'imagedir'): # Sphinx (>= 1.3.x)
+ outputdir = os.path.join(builder.outdir, builder.imagedir)
+ elif hasattr(builder, 'imgpath'): # Sphinx (<= 1.2.x) and HTML writer
+ outputdir = os.path.join(builder.outdir, '_images')
+ else:
+ outputdir = builder.outdir
+ path = os.path.join(outputdir, self.get_path(**options))
+ ensuredir(os.path.dirname(path))
+ return path
+class Blockdiag(blockdiag.utils.rst.directives.BlockdiagDirective):
+ node_class = blockdiag_node
+ def node2image(self, node, diagram):
+ return node
+def resolve_reference(builder, href):
+ if href is None:
+ return None
+ pattern = re.compile(u("^:ref:`(.+?)`"), re.UNICODE)
+ matched = pattern.search(href)
+ if matched is None:
+ return href
+ elif not hasattr(builder, 'current_docname'): # ex. latex builder
+ return matched.group(1)
+ else:
+ refid = matched.group(1)
+ domain = builder.env.domains['std']
+ node = addnodes.pending_xref(refexplicit=False)
+ xref = domain.resolve_xref(builder.env, builder.current_docname, builder,
+ 'ref', refid, node, node)
+ if xref:
+ if 'refid' in xref:
+ return "#" + xref['refid']
+ else:
+ return xref['refuri']
+ else:
+ builder.warn('undefined label: %s' % refid)
+ return None
+def html_render_svg(self, node):
+ image = node.to_drawer('SVG', self.builder, filename=None, nodoctype=True)
+ image.draw()
+ if 'align' in node['options']:
+ align = node['options']['align']
+ self.body.append('<div align="%s" class="align-%s">' % (align, align))
+ self.context.append('</div>\n')
+ else:
+ self.body.append('<div>')
+ self.context.append('</div>\n')
+ # reftarget
+ for node_id in node['ids']:
+ self.body.append('<span id="%s"></span>' % node_id)
+ # resize image
+ size = image.pagesize().resize(**node['options'])
+ self.body.append(image.save(size))
+ self.context.append('')
+def html_render_clickablemap(self, image, width_ratio, height_ratio):
+ href_nodes = [node for node in image.nodes if node.href]
+ if not href_nodes:
+ return
+ self.body.append('<map name="map_%d">' % id(image))
+ for node in href_nodes:
+ x1, y1, x2, y2 = image.metrics.cell(node)
+ x1 *= width_ratio
+ x2 *= width_ratio
+ y1 *= height_ratio
+ y2 *= height_ratio
+ areatag = '<area shape="rect" coords="%s,%s,%s,%s" href="%s">' % (x1, y1, x2, y2, node.href)
+ self.body.append(areatag)
+ self.body.append('</map>')
+def html_render_png(self, node):
+ image = node.to_drawer('PNG', self.builder)
+ if not os.path.isfile(image.filename):
+ image.draw()
+ image.save()
+ # align
+ if 'align' in node['options']:
+ align = node['options']['align']
+ self.body.append('<div align="%s" class="align-%s">' % (align, align))
+ self.context.append('</div>\n')
+ else:
+ self.body.append('<div>')
+ self.context.append('</div>')
+ # link to original image
+ relpath = node.get_relpath('PNG', self.builder)
+ if 'width' in node['options'] or 'height' in node['options'] or 'scale' in node['options']:
+ self.body.append('<a class="reference internal image-reference" href="%s">' % relpath)
+ self.context.append('</a>')
+ else:
+ self.context.append('')
+ # <img> tag
+ original_size = image.pagesize()
+ resized = original_size.resize(**node['options'])
+ img_attr = dict(src=relpath,
+ width=resized.width,
+ height=resized.height)
+ if any(node.href for node in image.nodes):
+ img_attr['usemap'] = "#map_%d" % id(image)
+ width_ratio = float(resized.width) / original_size.width
+ height_ratio = float(resized.height) / original_size.height
+ html_render_clickablemap(self, image, width_ratio, height_ratio)
+ if 'alt' in node['options']:
+ img_attr['alt'] = node['options']['alt']
+ self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'img', '', empty=True, **img_attr))
+def html_visit_blockdiag(self, node):
+ try:
+ image_format = get_image_format_for(self.builder)
+ if image_format.upper() == 'SVG':
+ html_render_svg(self, node)
+ else:
+ html_render_png(self, node)
+ except UnicodeEncodeError:
+ if self.builder.config.blockdiag_debug:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ msg = ("blockdiag error: UnicodeEncodeError caught "
+ "(check your font settings)")
+ self.builder.warn(msg)
+ raise nodes.SkipNode
+ except Exception as exc:
+ if self.builder.config.blockdiag_debug:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.builder.warn('dot code %r: %s' % (node['code'], str(exc)))
+ raise nodes.SkipNode
+def html_depart_blockdiag(self, node):
+ self.body.append(self.context.pop())
+ self.body.append(self.context.pop())
+def get_image_format_for(builder):
+ if builder.format in ('html', 'slides'):
+ image_format = builder.config.blockdiag_html_image_format.upper()
+ elif builder.format == 'latex':
+ if builder.config.blockdiag_tex_image_format:
+ image_format = builder.config.blockdiag_tex_image_format.upper()
+ else:
+ image_format = builder.config.blockdiag_latex_image_format.upper()
+ else:
+ image_format = 'PNG'
+ if image_format.upper() not in ('PNG', 'PDF', 'SVG'):
+ raise ValueError('unknown format: %s' % image_format)
+ if image_format.upper() == 'PDF':
+ try:
+ import reportlab # NOQA: importing test
+ except ImportError:
+ raise ImportError('Could not output PDF format. Install reportlab.')
+ return image_format
+def on_builder_inited(self):
+ # show deprecated message
+ if self.builder.config.blockdiag_tex_image_format:
+ self.builder.warn('blockdiag_tex_image_format is deprecated. Use blockdiag_latex_image_format.')
+ # initialize fontmap
+ global fontmap
+ try:
+ fontmappath = self.builder.config.blockdiag_fontmap
+ fontmap = FontMap(fontmappath)
+ except:
+ fontmap = FontMap(None)
+ try:
+ fontpath = self.builder.config.blockdiag_fontpath
+ if isinstance(fontpath, string_types):
+ fontpath = [fontpath]
+ if fontpath:
+ config = namedtuple('Config', 'font')(fontpath)
+ fontpath = detectfont(config)
+ fontmap.set_default_font(fontpath)
+ except:
+ pass
+def on_doctree_resolved(self, doctree, docname):
+ if self.builder.format in ('html', 'slides'):
+ return
+ try:
+ image_format = get_image_format_for(self.builder)
+ except Exception as exc:
+ if self.builder.config.blockdiag_debug:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.builder.warn('blockdiag error: %s' % exc)
+ for node in doctree.traverse(blockdiag_node):
+ node.parent.remove(node)
+ return
+ for node in doctree.traverse(blockdiag_node):
+ try:
+ with Application():
+ relfn = node.get_relpath(image_format, self.builder)
+ image = node.to_drawer(image_format, self.builder)
+ if not os.path.isfile(image.filename):
+ image.draw()
+ image.save()
+ image = nodes.image(uri=relfn, candidates={'*': relfn}, **node['options'])
+ node.parent.replace(node, image)
+ except Exception as exc:
+ if self.builder.config.blockdiag_debug:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.builder.warn('dot code %r: %s' % (node['code'], str(exc)))
+ node.parent.remove(node)
+def setup(app):
+ app.add_node(blockdiag_node,
+ html=(html_visit_blockdiag, html_depart_blockdiag))
+ app.add_directive('blockdiag', Blockdiag)
+ app.add_config_value('blockdiag_fontpath', None, 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('blockdiag_fontmap', None, 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('blockdiag_antialias', False, 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('blockdiag_transparency', True, 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('blockdiag_debug', False, 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('blockdiag_html_image_format', 'PNG', 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('blockdiag_tex_image_format', None, 'html') # backward compatibility for 1.3.1
+ app.add_config_value('blockdiag_latex_image_format', 'PNG', 'html')
+ app.connect("builder-inited", on_builder_inited)
+ app.connect("doctree-resolved", on_doctree_resolved)
+ return {
+ 'version': pkg_resources.require('blockdiag')[0].version,
+ 'parallel_read_safe': True,
+ 'parallel_write_safe': True,
+ }