$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(DBX) -c database.c
-html: index.html advent.html history.html hints.html
rm -f *.o advent *.html database.[ch] compile *.gcno *.gcda
rm -f README advent.6 MANIFEST
asciidoc $<
# README.adoc exists because that filename is magic on GitLab.
- advent.adoc history.adoc index.adoc hints.adoc advent.6
+DOCS=COPYING NEWS README.adoc TODO advent.adoc history.adoc hints.adoc advent.6
-# Can't use GNU tar's --transform, needs to build under Alpine Linux
advent-$(VERS).tar.gz: $(SOURCES) $(DOCS)
- @ls $(SOURCES) $(DOCS) | sed s:^:advent-$(VERS)/: >MANIFEST
- @(ln -s . advent-$(VERS))
- (tar -T MANIFEST -czvf advent-$(VERS).tar.gz)
- @(rm advent-$(VERS))
+ tar --transform='s:^:advent-$(VERS)/:' --show-transformed-names -cvzf advent-$(VERS).tar.gz $(SOURCES) $(DOCS)
+release: advent-$(VERS).tar.gz advent.html history.html hints.html
+ shipper version=$(VERS) | sh -e -x
+refresh: advent.html
+ shipper -N -w version=$(VERS) | sh -e -x
dist: advent-$(VERS).tar.gz
XBS-Repository-URL: https://gitlab.com/esr/open-adventure
-#XBS-Project-Tags: Games/Entertainment
+XBS-IRC-Channel: irc://chat.freenode.net/#open-adventure
+XBS-Project-Tags: Games/Entertainment
XBS-VC-Tag-Template: %(version)s
+XBS-Validate: make check
+++ /dev/null
-= Open Adventure =
-Open Adventure is an open-source port of Colossal Cave Adventure
-approved by its original authors, Will Crowther and Don Woods. It is
-based not on the original 350-point version from 1977 with 15
-treasures, but on the 430-point version with 20 treasures that was the
-last one Don Woods released in 1995.
-You can read:
-* a web rendering of its link:advent.html[manual page].
-* a link:history.html[a more detailed history] of the game.
-* a file of link:hints.html[hints]. And these are hints, not spoilers.
-* the latest link:coverage[code coverage analysis].
-// end