self.result = 'FAIL: "' + self.state + '"'
- if self.result.startswith('OK'):
- return True
- return False
def table_print(self, _mode, with_results):
print('{:<40}|{:^7}|{:^12}|{:^10}|{:^18}'.format(self.name, self.type, self.expected, self.decision, self.reason), end='')
if with_results:
def check(self):
if self.ver[0] > self.ver_expected[0]:
self.result = 'OK: version >= ' + str(self.ver_expected[0]) + '.' + str(self.ver_expected[1])
- return True
+ return
if self.ver[0] < self.ver_expected[0]:
self.result = 'FAIL: version < ' + str(self.ver_expected[0]) + '.' + str(self.ver_expected[1])
- return False
+ return
if self.ver[1] >= self.ver_expected[1]:
self.result = 'OK: version >= ' + str(self.ver_expected[0]) + '.' + str(self.ver_expected[1])
- return True
+ return
self.result = 'FAIL: version < ' + str(self.ver_expected[0]) + '.' + str(self.ver_expected[1])
- return False
def table_print(self, _mode, with_results):
ver_req = 'kernel version >= ' + str(self.ver_expected[0]) + '.' + str(self.ver_expected[1])
def check(self):
if self.state is None:
self.result = 'FAIL: not present'
- return False
+ return
self.result = 'OK: is present'
- return True
def table_print(self, _mode, with_results):
print('{:<91}'.format(self.name + ' is present'), end='')
# Use cases:
# OR(<X_is_hardened>, <X_is_disabled>)
# OR(<X_is_hardened>, <old_X_is_hardened>)
def check(self):
if not self.opts:
sys.exit('[!] ERROR: invalid OR check')
for i, opt in enumerate(self.opts):
- ret = opt.check()
- if ret:
+ opt.check()
+ if opt.result.startswith('OK'):
if opt.result == 'OK' and i != 0:
# Simple OK is not enough for additional checks, add more info:
self.result = 'OK: {} "{}"'.format(opt.name, opt.expected)
self.result = opt.result
- return True
+ return
self.result = self.opts[0].result
- return False
class AND(ComplexOptCheck):
# AND(<suboption>, <main_option>)
# Suboption is not checked if checking of the main_option is failed.
# AND(<X_is_disabled>, <old_X_is_disabled>)
def check(self):
for i, opt in reversed(list(enumerate(self.opts))):
- ret = opt.check()
+ opt.check()
if i == 0:
self.result = opt.result
- return ret
- if not ret:
+ return
+ if not opt.result.startswith('OK'):
# This FAIL is caused by additional checks,
# and not by the main option that this AND-check is about.
# Describe the reason of the FAIL.
# This FAIL message is self-explaining.
self.result = opt.result
- return False
+ return
sys.exit('[!] ERROR: invalid AND check')
if option:
parsed_options[option] = value
- return parsed_options
def main():
# Report modes: