;;; Rooms
;;; =====
+(define (exit-shorthand name)
+ (lambda (room message)
+ (room-cmd-go room message #:direct-obj name)))
;; TODO: Subclass from container?
(define-class <room> (<gameobj>)
;; A list of <exit>
("go" ((empty-command cmd-go-where)
(loose-direct-command cmd-go)))
(("say" "\"" "'") ((greedy-command cmd-say)))
- (("emote" "/me") ((greedy-command cmd-emote)))))
+ (("emote" "/me") ((greedy-command cmd-emote)))
+ ;; movement aliases
+ (("n" "north") ((empty-command go-north)))
+ (("ne" "northeast") ((empty-command go-northeast)))
+ (("e" "east") ((empty-command go-east)))
+ (("se" "southeast") ((empty-command go-southeast)))
+ (("s" "south") ((empty-command go-south)))
+ (("sw" "southwest") ((empty-command go-southwest)))
+ (("w" "west") ((empty-command go-west)))
+ (("nw" "northwest") ((empty-command go-northwest)))
+ (("u" "up") ((empty-command go-up)))
+ (("d" "down") ((empty-command go-down)))))
#:allocation #:each-subclass
(cmd-look-room room-look-room)
(cmd-look-at-from-room room-look-dont-see-it)
(cmd-say room-cmd-say)
- (cmd-emote room-cmd-emote))))
+ (cmd-emote room-cmd-emote)
+ ;; movement aliases
+ (go-north (exit-shorthand "north"))
+ (go-northeast (exit-shorthand "northeast"))
+ (go-east (exit-shorthand "east"))
+ (go-southeast (exit-shorthand "southeast"))
+ (go-south (exit-shorthand "south"))
+ (go-southwest (exit-shorthand "southwest"))
+ (go-west (exit-shorthand "west"))
+ (go-northwest (exit-shorthand "northwest"))
+ (go-up (exit-shorthand "up"))
+ (go-down (exit-shorthand "down")))))
+(define common-exit-aliases
+ '(("n" . "north")
+ ("ne" . "northeast")
+ ("e" . "east")
+ ("se" . "southeast")
+ ("s" . "south")
+ ("sw" . "southwest")
+ ("w" . "west")
+ ("nw" . "northwest")
+ ("u" . "up")
+ ("d" . "down")))
+(define (dealias-exit-name exit-name)
+ (or (assoc-ref common-exit-aliases exit-name)
+ exit-name))
(define* (room-cmd-go room message #:key direct-obj)
(define exit
(lambda (exit)
- (equal? (exit-name exit) direct-obj))
+ (equal? (exit-name exit) (dealias-exit-name direct-obj)))
(room-exits room)))
(define to-address (if exit
;; Get the exit, but resolve it dynamically
;; Get the room text
(define room-text
`((strong "=> " ,(slot-ref room 'name) " <=")
- (p ,(slot-ref room 'desc))))
+ (p ,(gameobj-desc room))))
;; Get a list of other things the player would see in the room
(define occupant-names-all