--- /dev/null
+* Mudsync
+Mudsync! What a game. Or is it?
+Well it's not really a game, more of a MUD framework. It does contain
+a couple of small demo worlds. The more interesting of them is the
+"bricabrac" world. I assume you want to play with it, but I guess
+we're getting ahead of ourselves.
+** Installing Mudsync
+First of all, you need 8sync from git master (or 8sync 0.2.0, which
+isn't out yet). Yikes! That's pretty new. Luckily, you can get a
+tarball here:
+ http://dustycloud.org/misc/8sync-0.2.0-pre.tar.gz
+Do the usual "./configure && make && sudo make install" there.
+Next, in mudsync's directory:
+ source pre-install-env
+ guile -l worlds/bricabrac.scm -e run-game
+You can then connect:
+ telnet 8889
+** Playing
+Well, try some things! Assuming you're starting with the bricabrac
+world, try "ring the bell", and that should give you some information
+to get started.
+** Hacking
+When you start up the bricabrac demo, it'll by default start up a
+port you can connect over localhost to if you're using emacs + geiser.
+Then you can live hack away!
+If you change something in bricabrac (or whatever) and want to update
+the object you changed, you can "live" put in the new and updated
+version from the game-spec at the REPL with:
+ (insert! game-spec 'room:lobby) ; to replace the lobby, but of course
+ ; do what's appropriate for your
+ ; object
+That's it for now!