There are twi reasons for this. One is to decompolicate verifying
the fix for issue $85: revisiting "fee fie foe foo" and "fum". The
other is because I'm now convinced that the test should notr be
"Are you in the Giant's Room" but :Have you read the grafitti there?
} else {
- if (game.loc == LOC_GIANTROOM || settings.oldstyle) {
- rspeak(START_OVER);
- } else {
- /* This is new behavior in Open Adventure - sounds better when
- * player isn't in the Giant Room. */
- }
+ rspeak(START_OVER);
game.foobar = WORD_EMPTY;
* Response to an attempt to unlock the oyster while carrying it was incorrect.
-* Behavior when saying the giant's magic words outside his room wasn't
- quite correct - the game responded as though the player were in
- the room ("...can't you read?"). The new message is "Nothing happens."
- The -o option reverts this change.
* Attempting to extinguish an unlit urn caused it to lose its oil.
* "A crystal bridge now spans the fissure." (progressive present) was
> foo
-Nothing happens.
+What's the matter, can't you read? Now you'd best start over.
> say foo
-Nothing happens.
+What's the matter, can't you read? Now you'd best start over.
> in
> find foo
-Nothing happens.
+What's the matter, can't you read? Now you'd best start over.
> z