import re
import json
-debug_mode = False # set it to True to print the unknown options from the config
-json_mode = False # if True, print results in JSON format
+# debug_mode enables:
+# - reporting about unknown kernel options in the config,
+# - showing all checks from all supported platforms,
+# - verbose printing of ComplexOptChecks (OR, AND).
+debug_mode = False
+# json_mode is for printing results in JSON format
+json_mode = False
supported_archs = [ 'X86_64', 'X86_32', 'ARM64', 'ARM' ]
config_checklist = []
# checklist.append(OptCheck('LKDTM', 'm', 'my', 'feature_test'))
+def print_opt(opt, with_results):
+ print('CONFIG_{:<38}|{:^13}|{:^10}|{:^20}'.format(, opt.expected, opt.decision, opt.reason), end='')
+ if with_results:
+ print('| {}'.format(opt.result), end='')
+ print()
def print_checklist(checklist, with_results):
if json_mode:
opts = []
print('=' * sep_line_len)
+ # table contents
for opt in checklist:
- print('CONFIG_{:<38}|{:^13}|{:^10}|{:^20}'.format(, opt.expected, opt.decision, opt.reason), end='')
- if with_results:
- print('| {}'.format(opt.result), end='')
- print()
+ if debug_mode and hasattr(opt, 'opts'):
+ print(' {:87}'.format('<<< ' + opt.__class__.__name__ + ' >>>'), end='')
+ if with_results:
+ print('| {}'.format(opt.result), end='')
+ print()
+ for o in opt.opts:
+ if hasattr(o, 'ver_expected'):
+ ver_req = 'kernel version >= ' + str(o.ver_expected[0]) + '.' + str(o.ver_expected[1])
+ print('{:<91}'.format(ver_req), end='')
+ if with_results:
+ print('| {}'.format(o.result), end='')
+ print()
+ else:
+ print_opt(o, with_results)
+ else:
+ print_opt(opt, with_results)
+ if debug_mode:
+ print('-' * sep_line_len)
opt_is_off = re.compile("# CONFIG_[a-zA-Z0-9_]* is not set")
if not json_mode:
- print('[+] Checking "{}" against hardening preferences...'.format(fname))
+ if not debug_mode:
+ which = arch
+ else:
+ which = 'ALL (debug)'
+ print('[+] Checking "{}" against {} hardening preferences...'.format(fname, which))
for line in f.readlines():
line = line.strip()
option = None
known_options = [ for opt in checklist]
for option, value in parsed_options.items():
if option not in known_options:
- print("DEBUG: dunno about option {} ({})".format(option, value))
+ print('DEBUG: dunno about option {} ({})'.format(option, value))
print_checklist(checklist, True)
parser.add_argument('-c', '--config',
help='check the config_file against these preferences')
parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true',
- help='enable internal debug mode')
+ help='enable internal debug mode (not for production use)')
parser.add_argument('--json', action='store_true',
help='print results in JSON format')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.debug:
debug_mode = True
+ print('[!] WARNING: debug mode is enabled')
if args.json:
json_mode = True
if debug_mode and json_mode:
arch = args.print
construct_checklist(config_checklist, arch)
if not json_mode:
- print('[+] Printing kernel hardening preferences for {}...'.format(arch))
+ if not debug_mode:
+ which = arch
+ else:
+ which = 'ALL architectures (debug)'
+ print('[+] Printing kernel hardening preferences for {}...'.format(which))
print_checklist(config_checklist, False)