9. A long-range scan is done silently whenever you call CHART; thus
-the LRSCAN command is no longer needed. (Controlled by OPTION_PLAIN
+the LRSCAN command is no longer needed. (Controlled by OPTION_AUTOSCAN
and turned off if game type is "plain" or "almy".)
import os,sys,math,curses,time,atexit,readline,cPickle,random,getopt,copy
def __hash__(self):
return hash((x, y))
def __str__(self):
+ if self.x == None or self.y == None:
+ return "Nowhere"
return "%s - %s" % (self.x+1, self.y+1)
__repr__ = __str__
OPTION_CURSES = 0x00000002 # new interface
OPTION_IOMODES = 0x00000003 # cover both interfaces
OPTION_PLANETS = 0x00000004 # planets and mining
-OPTION_THOLIAN = 0x00000008 # Tholians and their webs
-OPTION_THINGY = 0x00000010 # Space Thingy can shoot back
-OPTION_PROBE = 0x00000020 # deep-space probes
+OPTION_THOLIAN = 0x00000008 # Tholians and their webs (UT 1979 version)
+OPTION_THINGY = 0x00000010 # Space Thingy can shoot back (Stas, 2005)
+OPTION_PROBE = 0x00000020 # deep-space probes (DECUS version, 1980)
OPTION_SHOWME = 0x00000040 # bracket Enterprise in chart
-OPTION_RAMMING = 0x00000080 # enemies may ram Enterprise
-OPTION_MVBADDY = 0x00000100 # more enemies can move
-OPTION_BLKHOLE = 0x00000200 # black hole may timewarp you
-OPTION_BASE = 0x00000400 # bases have good shields
-OPTION_WORLDS = 0x00000800 # logic for inhabited worlds
+OPTION_RAMMING = 0x00000080 # enemies may ram Enterprise (Almy)
+OPTION_MVBADDY = 0x00000100 # more enemies can move (Almy)
+OPTION_BLKHOLE = 0x00000200 # black hole may timewarp you (Stas, 2005)
+OPTION_BASE = 0x00000400 # bases have good shields (Stas, 2005)
+OPTION_WORLDS = 0x00000800 # logic for inhabited worlds (ESR, 2006)
+OPTION_AUTOSCAN = 0x00001000 # automatic LRSCAN before CHART (ESR, 2006)
OPTION_PLAIN = 0x01000000 # user chose plain game
OPTION_ALMY = 0x02000000 # user chose Almy variant
self.state = snapshot() # A snapshot structure
self.snapsht = snapshot() # Last snapshot taken for time-travel purposes
self.quad = fill2d(QUADSIZE, lambda i, j: IHDOT) # contents of our quadrant
- self.kpower = fill2d(QUADSIZE, lambda i, j: 0.0) # enemy energy levels
- self.kdist = fill2d(QUADSIZE, lambda i, j: 0.0) # enemy distances
- self.kavgd = fill2d(QUADSIZE, lambda i, j: 0.0) # average distances
+ self.kpower = [0.0]*(QUADSIZE**2) # enemy energy levels
+ self.kdist = [0.0]*(QUADSIZE**2) # enemy distances
+ self.kavgd = [0.0]*(QUADSIZE**2) # average distances
self.damage = [0.0] * NDEVICES # damage encountered
self.future = [] # future events
for i in range(NEVENTS):
self.passwd = None; # Self Destruct password
- self.ks = fill2d(QUADSIZE, lambda i, j: coord()) # enemy sector locations
+ self.ks = [] # enemy sector locations
+ for i in range(QUADSIZE**2):
+ self.ks.append(coord())
self.quadrant = None # where we are in the large
self.sector = None # where we are in the small
self.tholian = None # coordinates of Tholian
def hittem(hits):
# register a phaser hit on Klingons and Romulans
- nenhr2 = game.nenhere; kk=1
+ nenhr2 = game.nenhere; kk=0
w = coord()
- for k in range(nenhr2):
- wham = hits[k]
+ for (k, wham) in enumerate(hits):
if wham==0:
dustfac = randreal(0.9, 1.0)
+ print type(wham), type(dustfac), type(game.kdist[kk]), "Foo!", game.kdist
hit = wham*math.pow(dustfac,game.kdist[kk])
+ print "Got here"
kpini = game.kpower[kk]
kp = math.fabs(kpini)
if PHASEFAC*hit < kp:
if game.alldone:
- kk -= 1; # don't do the increment
+ kk -= 1 # don't do the increment
+ continue
else: # decide whether or not to emasculate klingon
if kpow>0 and withprob(0.9) and kpow <= randreal(0.4, 0.8)*kpini:
prout(_("***Mr. Spock- \"Captain, the vessel at Sector %s")%w)
prout(_(" has just lost its firepower.\""))
game.kpower[kk] = -kpow
kk += 1
- return;
+ return
def phasers():
# fire phasers
def prouts(line):
"print slowly!"
for c in line:
- time.sleep(0.03)
+ if not replayfp or replayfp.closed: # Don't slow down replays
+ time.sleep(0.03)
if game.options & OPTION_CURSES:
- time.sleep(0.03)
+ if not replayfp or replayfp.closed:
+ time.sleep(0.03)
def cgetline():
"Get a line of input."
if replayfp and not replayfp.closed:
while True:
line = replayfp.readline()
+ proutn(line)
if line == '':
prout("*** Replay finished")
def chart():
# display the star chart
- if not (game.options & (OPTION_PLAIN | OPTION_ALMY)):
+ if (game.options & OPTION_AUTOSCAN):
if not damaged(DRADIO):
# Position Starship
game.quad[game.sector.x][game.sector.y] = game.ship
if q.klingons:
- w.x = w.y = 0 # quiet a gcc warning
# Position ordinary Klingons
for i in range(game.klhere):
w = newkling(i)
# If we need a commander, promote a Klingon
for i in range(game.state.remcom):
if game.state.kcmdr[i] == game.quadrant:
- break
- if i <= game.state.remcom:
- game.quad[w.x][w.y] = IHC
- game.kpower[game.klhere] = randreal(950, 1350) + 50.0*game.skill
- game.comhere = True
+ game.quad[game.ks[i].x][game.ks[i].y] = IHC
+ game.kpower[game.klhere] = randreal(950,1350) + 50.0*game.skill
+ game.comhere = True
+ break
# If we need a super-commander, promote a Klingon
if game.quadrant == game.state.kscmdr:
- game.quad[game.ks[0].x][game.ks[0].y] = IHS
+ game.quad[w.x][w.y] = IHS
game.kpower[0] = randreal(1175.0, 1575.0) + 125.0*game.skill
game.iscate = (game.state.remkl > 1)
game.ishere = True
# Check for condition
# And finally the stars
- for i in range(q.stars):
+ for i in range(q.stars):
# Check for RNZ
if game.irhere > 0 and game.klhere == 0:
game.neutz = True
while True:
sw = False
- for j in range(game.nenhere):
+ for j in range(game.nenhere-1):
if game.kdist[j] > game.kdist[j+1]:
sw = True
t = game.kdist[j]
arguments += line.split()[2:]
except ValueError:
sys.stderr.write("sst: replay file %s is ill-formed\n"% val)
- os.exit(1)
+ raise SystemExit(1)
game.options |= OPTION_TTY
game.options &=~ OPTION_CURSES
elif switch == '-t':
idebug = True
sys.stderr.write("usage: sst [-t] [-x] [startcommand...].\n")
- os.exit(0)
+ raise SystemExit, 1
# where to save the input in case of bugs
logfp = open("/usr/tmp/sst-input.log", "w")