when attacked, but it didn't in the original. (The no-save behavior
has been restored.)
-The Faerie Queen, black holes, and time warping were in the original.
+Dave says the Faerie Queen, black holes, and time warping were in the original.
+However, eithrt he is misremembering about time watping or
+the original implementation was lost during the FORTRAN-to-C translation, as
+Stas Sergeev added a time-warping feature in 2006.
Here are Tom Almy's changes:
first FORTRAN version Tom Almy saw, on which he based his later C
-<listitem><para>1979 — Marc Newman adds Tholians, black holes,
+<listitem><para>1979 — Marc Newman adds Tholians,
super-commanders, and Emeritus mode.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>1995-1996 — Tom Almy translates his FORTRAN
OPTION_TTY = 0x00000001 # old interface
OPTION_CURSES = 0x00000002 # new interface
OPTION_IOMODES = 0x00000003 # cover both interfaces
-OPTION_PLANETS = 0x00000004 # planets and mining
+OPTION_PLANETS = 0x00000004 # planets and mining (> 1974)
OPTION_THOLIAN = 0x00000008 # Tholians and their webs (UT 1979 version)
OPTION_PROBE = 0x00000020 # deep-space probes (DECUS version, 1980)
-OPTION_SHOWME = 0x00000040 # bracket Enterprise in chart
-OPTION_RAMMING = 0x00000080 # enemies may ram Enterprise (Almy)
-OPTION_MVBADDY = 0x00000100 # more enemies can move (Almy)
+OPTION_SHOWME = 0x00000040 # bracket Enterprise in chart (ESR, 2005)
+OPTION_RAMMING = 0x00000080 # enemies may ram Enterprise (Almy, 1979)
+OPTION_MVBADDY = 0x00000100 # more enemies can move (Almy, 1979?)
OPTION_BLKHOLE = 0x00000200 # black hole may timewarp you (Stas, 2005)
OPTION_BASE = 0x00000400 # bases have good shields (Stas, 2005)
OPTION_WORLDS = 0x00000800 # logic for inhabited worlds (ESR, 2006)