extern bool MAPLIN(FILE *);
extern void TYPE(void);
extern void DATIME(long*, long*);
-extern long MOD(long,long);
extern void set_seed(long);
extern unsigned long get_next_lcg_value(void);
extern void score(long);
extern int saveresume(FILE *, bool);
-/* Statement functions
- *
+ * MOD(N,M) = Arithmetic modulus
* AT(OBJ) = true if on either side of two-placed object
* CNDBIT(L,N) = true if COND(L) has bit n set (bit 0 is units bit)
* DARK(LOC) = true if location "LOC" is dark
* PCT(N) = true N% of the time (N integer from 0 to 100)
* TOTING(OBJ) = true if the OBJ is being carried */
+#define MOD(N,M) ((N) % (M))
#define TOTING(OBJ) (game.place[OBJ] == -1)
#define AT(OBJ) (game.place[OBJ] == game.loc || game.fixed[OBJ] == game.loc)
#define HERE(OBJ) (AT(OBJ) || TOTING(OBJ))