--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Usage: nk2inf.pl foobar.nki > nki.inf
+# The Z-machine wants all of a program's data to be in the executable
+# file. For the Inform edition of robotfindskitten, nki's are generated
+# by a very long case statement. This script emits that case statement
+# and a constant defining MESSAGE_NUM to the number of NKIs found. The
+# result is then added to kitten.inf with an Include statement.
+# This script automatically takes care of '`', '\', and '@' by replacing
+# them with '@@126', '@@92', and '@@64' respectively.
+my $infile = $ARGV[0];
+my $count = 0;
+my $line;
+if (!$infile) { die "Usage: $0 foobar.nki > nki.inf\n"; }
+open (INFILE, "< $infile") || die "$0: Cannot open $infile\n";
+print "! The following code was automatically generated by nki2inf.pl\n";
+print "! Do not edit this file.\n";
+print "! Instead, edit your raw NKI list and run nki2inf.pl again.\n";
+print "!\n";
+print "! Because you can't directly use double quotes, backslashes,\n";
+print "! tildes, or atsigns in Inform, the following substitutions\n";
+print "! are used to generate those characters:\n";
+print "! \" --> ~\n";
+print "! ~ --> \@\@126\n";
+print "! \\ --> \@\@92\n";
+print "! \@ --> \@\@64\n\n";
+print "[ lookup_msg num;\n";
+print "\tswitch(num) {\n";
+while (<INFILE>) {
+ $count++;
+ next if /^\s*($|#|!)/;
+ chomp;
+ $line = $_;
+ $line =~ s/"/~/g;
+ $line =~ s/@/\@\@64/g;
+ $line =~ s/\\/\@\@92/g;
+ print "$count:\treturn \"$line\";\n";
+print "default: return \"Unknown NKI (this should not happen)\";\n\t}\n];\n";
+print "Constant MESSAGE_NUM $count;\n";
+close (INFILE);