--- /dev/null
+ There are 6 spells available, SUMMON, FORCE, WHERE, CHANGE, SLEEP and\r
+WISH. Anyone may attempt to cast any number of them, with the chance of success\r
+based on some percentage times their level of experience (novice=1 to\r
+witch/wizard=10). If success is indicated, the victim, if any, has a chance to\r
+resist based on the same calculation. If this works, then you will be told and\r
+the effects will occur; otherwise you'll get a failure message, possibly hinting\r
+at what magical item would let you do it every time. Furthermore, the power of\r
+the magic might put you to sleep.\r
+SUMMON <name> 4% Make <name> drop all and teleport to you.\r
+FORCE <name> , <command> 4% Make <name> do the <command> .\r
+WHERE <item> 6% Give an accurate description of where the\r
+ <item> is, and who's carrying it.\r
+WHERE <name> 6% As above but tells you where the player is\r
+CHANGE <name> 10% Makes <name>'s sex change...\r
+SLEEP <name> 6% Puts <name> to sleep.\r
+WISH , <message> 100% Request <message> of the Powers That Be.\r
+NB: Legends and above can WHERE with 100% chance.\r