self.probeiny = 0.0 #
self.height = 0.0 # height of orbit around planet
+# From enumerated type 'feature'
+IHR = 'R'
+IHK = 'K'
+IHC = 'C'
+IHS = 'S'
+IHSTAR = '*'
+IHP = 'P'
+IHW = '@'
+IHB = 'B'
+IHBLANK = ' '
+IHDOT = '.'
+IHQUEST = '?'
+IHE = 'E'
+IHF = 'F'
+IHT = 'T'
+IHWEB = '#'
+IHMATER0 = '-'
+IHMATER1 = 'o'
+IHMATER2 = '0'
+# From enumerated type 'FINTYPE'
+FWON = 0
+FNRG = 3
+FNEG3 = 5
+FNOVA = 6
+FLOST = 12
+FPNOVA = 15
+FSSC = 16
+FDRAY = 18
+FHOLE = 20
+FCREW = 21
+# From enumerated type 'COLORS'
+BLACK = 1
+BLUE = 2
+GREEN = 3
+CYAN = 4
+RED = 5
+BROWN = 7
+YELLOW = 15
+WHITE = 16
+# Code from ai.c begins here
+def tryexit(look, ienm, loccom, irun):
+ # a bad guy attempts to bug out
+ iq = coord()
+ iq.x = game.quadrant.x+(look.x+(QUADSIZE-1))/QUADSIZE - 1
+ iq.y = game.quadrant.y+(look.y+(QUADSIZE-1))/QUADSIZE - 1
+ if not VALID_QUADRANT(iq.x,iq.y) or \
+ game.state.galaxy[iq.x][iq.y].supernova or \
+ game.state.galaxy[iq.x][iq.y].klingons > MAXKLQUAD-1:
+ return False; # no can do -- neg energy, supernovae, or >MAXKLQUAD-1 Klingons
+ if ienm == IHR:
+ return False; # Romulans cannot escape!
+ if not irun:
+ # avoid intruding on another commander's territory
+ if ienm == IHC:
+ for n in range(1, game.state.remcom+1):
+ if same(game.state.kcmdr[n],iq):
+ return False
+ # refuse to leave if currently attacking starbase
+ if same(game.battle, game.quadrant):
+ return False
+ # don't leave if over 1000 units of energy
+ if game.kpower[loccom] > 1000.0:
+ return False
+ # print escape message and move out of quadrant.
+ # We know this if either short or long range sensors are working
+ if not damaged(DSRSENS) or not damaged(DLRSENS) or \
+ game.condition == docked:
+ crmena(True, ienm, sector, game.ks[loccom])
+ prout(_(" escapes to %s (and regains strength)."),
+ cramlc(quadrant, iq))
+ # handle local matters related to escape
+ game.quad[game.ks[loccom].x][game.ks[loccom].y] = IHDOT
+ game.ks[loccom] = game.ks[game.nenhere]
+ game.kavgd[loccom] = game.kavgd[game.nenhere]
+ game.kpower[loccom] = game.kpower[game.nenhere]
+ game.kdist[loccom] = game.kdist[game.nenhere]
+ game.klhere -= 1
+ game.nenhere -= 1
+ if game.condition != docked:
+ newcnd()
+ # Handle global matters related to escape
+ game.state.galaxy[game.quadrant.x][game.quadrant.y].klingons -= 1
+ game.state.galaxy[iq.x][iq.y].klingons += 1
+ if ienm==IHS:
+ game.ishere = False
+ game.iscate = False
+ game.ientesc = False
+ game.isatb = 0
+ schedule(FSCMOVE, 0.2777)
+ unschedule(FSCDBAS)
+ game.state.kscmdr=iq
+ else:
+ for n in range(1, game.state.remcom+1):
+ if same(game.state.kcmdr[n], game.quadrant):
+ game.state.kcmdr[n]=iq
+ break
+ game.comhere = False
+ return True; # success
+# The bad-guy movement algorithm:
+# 1. Enterprise has "force" based on condition of phaser and photon torpedoes.
+# If both are operating full strength, force is 1000. If both are damaged,
+# force is -1000. Having shields down subtracts an additional 1000.
+# 2. Enemy has forces equal to the energy of the attacker plus
+# 100*(K+R) + 500*(C+S) - 400 for novice through good levels OR
+# 346*K + 400*R + 500*(C+S) - 400 for expert and emeritus.
+# Attacker Initial energy levels (nominal):
+# Klingon Romulan Commander Super-Commander
+# Novice 400 700 1200
+# Fair 425 750 1250
+# Good 450 800 1300 1750
+# Expert 475 850 1350 1875
+# Emeritus 500 900 1400 2000
+# VARIANCE 75 200 200 200
+# Enemy vessels only move prior to their attack. In Novice - Good games
+# only commanders move. In Expert games, all enemy vessels move if there
+# is a commander present. In Emeritus games all enemy vessels move.
+# 3. If Enterprise is not docked, an agressive action is taken if enemy
+# forces are 1000 greater than Enterprise.
+# Agressive action on average cuts the distance between the ship and
+# the enemy to 1/4 the original.
+# 4. At lower energy advantage, movement units are proportional to the
+# advantage with a 650 advantage being to hold ground, 800 to move forward
+# 1, 950 for two, 150 for back 4, etc. Variance of 100.
+# If docked, is reduced by roughly 1.75*game.skill, generally forcing a
+# retreat, especially at high skill levels.
+# 5. Motion is limited to skill level, except for SC hi-tailing it out.
+def movebaddy(com, loccom, ienm):
+ # tactical movement for the bad guys
+ next = coord(); look = coord()
+ irun = False
+ # This should probably be just game.comhere + game.ishere
+ if game.skill >= SKILL_EXPERT:
+ nbaddys = ((game.comhere*2 + game.ishere*2+game.klhere*1.23+game.irhere*1.5)/2.0)
+ else:
+ nbaddys = game.comhere + game.ishere
+ dist1 = game.kdist[loccom]
+ mdist = dist1 + 0.5; # Nearest integer distance
+ # If SC, check with spy to see if should hi-tail it
+ if ienm==IHS and \
+ (game.kpower[loccom] <= 500.0 or (game.condition==docked and not damaged(DPHOTON))):
+ irun = True
+ motion = -QUADSIZE
+ else:
+ # decide whether to advance, retreat, or hold position
+ forces = game.kpower[loccom]+100.0*game.nenhere+400*(nbaddys-1)
+ if not game.shldup:
+ forces += 1000; # Good for enemy if shield is down!
+ if not damaged(DPHASER) or not damaged(DPHOTON):
+ if damaged(DPHASER): # phasers damaged
+ forces += 300.0
+ else:
+ forces -= 0.2*( - 2500.0)
+ if damaged(DPHOTON): # photon torpedoes damaged
+ forces += 300.0
+ else:
+ forces -= 50.0*game.torps
+ else:
+ # phasers and photon tubes both out!
+ forces += 1000.0
+ motion = 0
+ if forces <= 1000.0 and game.condition != docked: # Typical situation
+ motion = ((forces+200.0*Rand())/150.0) - 5.0
+ else:
+ if forces > 1000.0: # Very strong -- move in for kill
+ motion = (1.0-square(Rand()))*dist1 + 1.0
+ if game.condition=="docked" and (game.options & OPTION_BASE): # protected by base -- back off !
+ motion -= game.skill*(2.0-square(Rand()))
+ if idebug:
+ proutn("=== MOTION = %d, FORCES = %1.2f, ", motion, forces)
+ # don't move if no motion
+ if motion==0:
+ return
+ # Limit motion according to skill
+ if abs(motion) > game.skill:
+ if motion < 0:
+ motion = -game.skill
+ else:
+ motion = game.skill
+ # calculate preferred number of steps
+ if motion < 0:
+ msteps = -motion
+ else:
+ msteps = motion
+ if motion > 0 and nsteps > mdist:
+ nsteps = mdist; # don't overshoot
+ if nsteps > QUADSIZE:
+ nsteps = QUADSIZE; # This shouldn't be necessary
+ if nsteps < 1:
+ nsteps = 1; # This shouldn't be necessary
+ if idebug:
+ proutn("NSTEPS = %d:", nsteps)
+ # Compute preferred values of delta X and Y
+ mx = game.sector.x - com.x
+ my = game.sector.y - com.y
+ if 2.0 * abs(mx) < abs(my):
+ mx = 0
+ if 2.0 * abs(my) < abs(game.sector.x-com.x):
+ my = 0
+ if mx != 0:
+ if mx*motion < 0:
+ mx = -1
+ else:
+ mx = 1
+ if my != 0:
+ if my*motion < 0:
+ my = -1
+ else:
+ my = 1
+ next = com
+ # main move loop
+ for ll in range(nsteps):
+ if idebug:
+ proutn(" %d", ll+1)
+ # Check if preferred position available
+ look.x = next.x + mx
+ look.y = next.y + my
+ if mx < 0:
+ krawlx = 1
+ else:
+ krawlx = -1
+ if my < 0:
+ krawly = 1
+ else:
+ krawly = -1
+ success = False
+ attempts = 0; # Settle mysterious hang problem
+ while attempts < 20 and not success:
+ attempts += 1
+ if look.x < 1 or look.x > QUADSIZE:
+ if motion < 0 and tryexit(look, ienm, loccom, irun):
+ return
+ if krawlx == mx or my == 0:
+ break
+ look.x = next.x + krawlx
+ krawlx = -krawlx
+ elif look.y < 1 or look.y > QUADSIZE:
+ if motion < 0 and tryexit(look, ienm, loccom, irun):
+ return
+ if krawly == my or mx == 0:
+ break
+ look.y = next.y + krawly
+ krawly = -krawly
+ elif (game.options & OPTION_RAMMING) and game.quad[look.x][look.y] != IHDOT:
+ # See if we should ram ship
+ if game.quad[look.x][look.y] == game.ship and \
+ (ienm == IHC or ienm == IHS):
+ ram(True, ienm, com)
+ return
+ if krawlx != mx and my != 0:
+ look.x = next.x + krawlx
+ krawlx = -krawlx
+ elif krawly != my and mx != 0:
+ look.y = next.y + krawly
+ krawly = -krawly
+ else:
+ break; # we have failed
+ else:
+ success = True
+ if success:
+ next = look
+ if idebug:
+ proutn(cramlc(neither, next))
+ else:
+ break; # done early
+ if idebug:
+ skip(1)
+ # Put commander in place within same quadrant
+ game.quad[com.x][com.y] = IHDOT
+ game.quad[next.x][next.y] = ienm
+ if not same(next, com):
+ # it moved
+ game.ks[loccom] = next
+ game.kdist[loccom] = game.kavgd[loccom] = distance(game.sector, next)
+ if not damaged(DSRSENS) or game.condition == docked:
+ proutn("***")
+ cramen(ienm)
+ proutn(_(" from %s"), cramlc(2, com))
+ if game.kdist[loccom] < dist1:
+ proutn(_(" advances to "))
+ else:
+ proutn(_(" retreats to "))
+ prout(cramlc(sector, next))
+def moveklings():
+ # Klingon tactical movement
+ w = coord();
+ if idebug:
+ prout("== MOVCOM")
+ # Figure out which Klingon is the commander (or Supercommander)
+ # and do move
+ if game.comhere:
+ for i in range(1, game.nenhere+1):
+ w = game.ks[i]
+ if game.quad[w.x][w.y] == IHC:
+ movebaddy(w, i, IHC)
+ break
+ if game.ishere:
+ for i in range(1, game.nenhere+1):
+ w = game.ks[i]
+ if game.quad[w.x][w.y] == IHS:
+ movebaddy(w, i, IHS)
+ break
+ # if skill level is high, move other Klingons and Romulans too!
+ # Move these last so they can base their actions on what the
+ # commander(s) do.
+ if game.skill >= SKILL_EXPERT and (game.options & OPTION_MVBADDY):
+ for i in range(1, game.nenhere+1):
+ w = game.ks[i]
+ if game.quad[w.x][w.y] == IHK or game.quad[w.x][w.y] == IHR:
+ movebaddy(w, i, game.quad[w.x][w.y])
+ sortklings();
+def movescom(iq, avoid):
+ # commander movement helper
+ if same(iq, game.quadrant) or not VALID_QUADRANT(iq.x, iq.y) or \
+ game.state.galaxy[iq.x][iq.y].supernova or \
+ game.state.galaxy[iq.x][iq.y].klingons > MAXKLQUAD-1:
+ return 1
+ if avoid:
+ # Avoid quadrants with bases if we want to avoid Enterprise
+ for i in range(1, game.state.rembase+1):
+ if same(game.state.baseq[i], iq):
+ return True
+ if game.justin and not game.iscate:
+ return True
+ # do the move
+ game.state.galaxy[game.state.kscmdr.x][game.state.kscmdr.y].klingons -= 1
+ game.state.kscmdr = iq
+ game.state.galaxy[game.state.kscmdr.x][game.state.kscmdr.y].klingons += 1
+ if game.ishere:
+ # SC has scooted, Remove him from current quadrant
+ game.iscate=False
+ game.isatb=0
+ game.ishere = False
+ game.ientesc = False
+ unschedule(FSCDBAS)
+ for i in range(1, game.nenhere+1):
+ if game.quad[game.ks[i].x][game.ks[i].y] == IHS:
+ break
+ game.quad[game.ks[i].x][game.ks[i].y] = IHDOT
+ game.ks[i] = game.ks[game.nenhere]
+ game.kdist[i] = game.kdist[game.nenhere]
+ game.kavgd[i] = game.kavgd[game.nenhere]
+ game.kpower[i] = game.kpower[game.nenhere]
+ game.klhere -= 1
+ game.nenhere -= 1
+ if game.condition!=docked:
+ newcnd()
+ sortklings()
+ # check for a helpful planet
+ for i in range(game.inplan):
+ if same(game.state.planets[i].w, game.state.kscmdr) and \
+ game.state.planets[i].crystals == present:
+ # destroy the planet
+ game.state.planets[i].pclass = destroyed
+ game.state.galaxy[game.state.kscmdr.x][game.state.kscmdr.y].planet = NOPLANET
+ if not damaged(DRADIO) or game.condition == docked:
+ pause_game(True)
+ prout(_("Lt. Uhura- \"Captain, Starfleet Intelligence reports"))
+ proutn(_(" a planet in "))
+ proutn(cramlc(quadrant, game.state.kscmdr))
+ prout(_(" has been destroyed"))
+ prout(_(" by the Super-commander.\""))
+ break
+ return False; # looks good!
+def supercommander():
+ # move the Super Commander
+ iq = coord(); sc = coord(); ibq = coord()
+ basetbl = []
+ if idebug:
+ prout("== SUPERCOMMANDER")
+ # Decide on being active or passive
+ avoid = ((game.incom - game.state.remcom + game.inkling - game.state.remkl)/( < 0.1*game.skill*(game.skill+1.0) or \
+ ( < 3.0)
+ if not game.iscate and avoid:
+ # compute move away from Enterprise
+ ideltax = game.state.kscmdr.x-game.quadrant.x
+ ideltay = game.state.kscmdr.y-game.quadrant.y
+ if math.sqrt(ideltax*ideltax+ideltay*ideltay) > 2.0:
+ # circulate in space
+ ideltax = game.state.kscmdr.y-game.quadrant.y
+ ideltay = game.quadrant.x-game.state.kscmdr.x
+ else:
+ # compute distances to starbases
+ if game.state.rembase <= 0:
+ # nothing left to do
+ unschedule(FSCMOVE)
+ return
+ sc = game.state.kscmdr
+ for i in range(1, game.state.rembase+1):
+ basetbl.append((i, distance(game.state.baseq[i], sc)))
+ if game.state.rembase > 1:
+ basetbl.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[1]. y[1]))
+ # look for nearest base without a commander, no Enterprise, and
+ # without too many Klingons, and not already under attack.
+ ifindit = iwhichb = 0
+ for i2 in range(1, game.state.rembase+1):
+ i = basetbl[i2][0]; # bug in original had it not finding nearest
+ ibq = game.state.baseq[i]
+ if same(ibq, game.quadrant) or same(ibq, game.battle) or \
+ game.state.galaxy[ibq.x][ibq.y].supernova or \
+ game.state.galaxy[ibq.x][ibq.y].klingons > MAXKLQUAD-1:
+ continue
+ # if there is a commander, and no other base is appropriate,
+ # we will take the one with the commander
+ for j in range(1, game.state.remcom+1):
+ if same(ibq, game.state.kcmdr[j]) and ifindit!= 2:
+ ifindit = 2
+ iwhichb = i
+ break
+ if j > game.state.remcom: # no commander -- use this one
+ ifindit = 1
+ iwhichb = i
+ break
+ if ifindit==0:
+ return; # Nothing suitable -- wait until next time
+ ibq = game.state.baseq[iwhichb]
+ # decide how to move toward base
+ ideltax = ibq.x - game.state.kscmdr.x
+ ideltay = ibq.y - game.state.kscmdr.y
+ # Maximum movement is 1 quadrant in either or both axis
+ if ideltax > 1:
+ ideltax = 1
+ if ideltax < -1:
+ ideltax = -1
+ if ideltay > 1:
+ ideltay = 1
+ if ideltay < -1:
+ ideltay = -1
+ # try moving in both x and y directions
+ iq.x = game.state.kscmdr.x + ideltax
+ iq.y = game.state.kscmdr.y + ideltax
+ if movescom(iq, avoid):
+ # failed -- try some other maneuvers
+ if ideltax==0 or ideltay==0:
+ # attempt angle move
+ if ideltax != 0:
+ iq.y = game.state.kscmdr.y + 1
+ if movescom(iq, avoid):
+ iq.y = game.state.kscmdr.y - 1
+ movescom(iq, avoid)
+ else:
+ iq.x = game.state.kscmdr.x + 1
+ if movescom(iq, avoid):
+ iq.x = game.state.kscmdr.x - 1
+ movescom(iq, avoid)
+ else:
+ # try moving just in x or y
+ iq.y = game.state.kscmdr.y
+ if movescom(iq, avoid):
+ iq.y = game.state.kscmdr.y + ideltay
+ iq.x = game.state.kscmdr.x
+ movescom(iq, avoid)
+ # check for a base
+ if game.state.rembase == 0:
+ unschedule(FSCMOVE)
+ else:
+ for i in range(1, game.state.rembase+1):
+ ibq = game.state.baseq[i]
+ if same(ibq, game.state.kscmdr) and same(game.state.kscmdr, game.battle):
+ # attack the base
+ if avoid:
+ return; # no, don't attack base!
+ game.iseenit = False
+ game.isatb = 1
+ schedule(FSCDBAS, 1.0 +2.0*Rand())
+ if is_scheduled(FCDBAS):
+ postpone(FSCDBAS, scheduled(FCDBAS)
+ if damaged(DRADIO) and game.condition != docked:
+ return; # no warning
+ game.iseenit = True
+ pause_game(True)
+ proutn(_("Lt. Uhura- \"Captain, the starbase in "))
+ proutn(cramlc(quadrant, game.state.kscmdr))
+ skip(1)
+ prout(_(" reports that it is under attack from the Klingon Super-commander."))
+ proutn(_(" It can survive until stardate %d.\""),
+ int(scheduled(FSCDBAS)))
+ if not game.resting:
+ return
+ prout(_("Mr. Spock- \"Captain, shall we cancel the rest period?\""))
+ if ja() == False:
+ return
+ game.resting = False
+ game.optime = 0.0; # actually finished
+ return
+ # Check for intelligence report
+ if not idebug and \
+ (Rand() > 0.2 or \
+ (damaged(DRADIO) and game.condition != docked) or \
+ not game.state.galaxy[game.state.kscmdr.x][game.state.kscmdr.y].charted):
+ return
+ pause_game(True)
+ prout(_("Lt. Uhura- \"Captain, Starfleet Intelligence reports"))
+ proutn(_(" the Super-commander is in "))
+ proutn(cramlc(quadrant, game.state.kscmdr))
+ prout(".\"")
+ return;
+def movetholian():
+ # move the Tholian
+ if not game.ithere or game.justin:
+ return
+ if game.tholian.x == 1 and game.tholian.y == 1:
+ idx = 1; idy = QUADSIZE
+ elif game.tholian.x == 1 and game.tholian.y == QUADSIZE:
+ idx = QUADSIZE; idy = QUADSIZE
+ elif game.tholian.x == QUADSIZE and game.tholian.y == QUADSIZE:
+ idx = QUADSIZE; idy = 1
+ elif game.tholian.x == QUADSIZE and game.tholian.y == 1:
+ idx = 1; idy = 1
+ else:
+ # something is wrong!
+ game.ithere = False
+ return
+ # do nothing if we are blocked
+ if game.quad[idx][idy]!= IHDOT and game.quad[idx][idy]!= IHWEB:
+ return
+ game.quad[game.tholian.x][game.tholian.y] = IHWEB
+ if game.tholian.x != idx:
+ # move in x axis
+ im = math.fabs(idx - game.tholian.x)*1.0/(idx - game.tholian.x)
+ while game.tholian.x != idx:
+ game.tholian.x += im
+ if game.quad[game.tholian.x][game.tholian.y]==IHDOT:
+ game.quad[game.tholian.x][game.tholian.y] = IHWEB
+ elif game.tholian.y != idy:
+ # move in y axis
+ im = math.fabs(idy - game.tholian.y)*1.0/(idy - game.tholian.y)
+ while game.tholian.y != idy:
+ game.tholian.y += im
+ if game.quad[game.tholian.x][game.tholian.y]==IHDOT:
+ game.quad[game.tholian.x][game.tholian.y] = IHWEB
+ game.quad[game.tholian.x][game.tholian.y] = IHT
+ game.ks[game.nenhere] = game.tholian
+ # check to see if all holes plugged
+ for i in range(1, QUADSIZE+1):
+ if game.quad[1][i]!=IHWEB and game.quad[1][i]!=IHT:
+ return
+ if game.quad[QUADSIZE][i]!=IHWEB and game.quad[QUADSIZE][i]!=IHT:
+ return
+ if game.quad[i][1]!=IHWEB and game.quad[i][1]!=IHT:
+ return
+ if game.quad[i][QUADSIZE]!=IHWEB and game.quad[i][QUADSIZE]!=IHT:
+ return
+ # All plugged up -- Tholian splits
+ game.quad[game.tholian.x][game.tholian.y]=IHWEB
+ dropin(IHBLANK)
+ crmena(True, IHT, sector, game.tholian)
+ prout(_(" completes web."))
+ game.ithere = False
+ game.nenhere -= 1
+ return