(client-input (wrap-apply gm-handle-client-input))
(lookup-special (wrap-apply gm-lookup-special))
(new-client (wrap-apply gm-new-client))
- (write-home (wrap-apply gm-write-home)))))
+ (write-home (wrap-apply gm-write-home))
+ (client-closed (wrap-apply gm-client-closed)))))
;;; .. begin world init stuff ..
#:client client-id
#:data text))
+(define-mhandler (gm-client-closed gm message client)
+ ;; Do we have this client registered to an actor? Get the id if so.
+ (define actor-id (hash-ref (gm-client-dir gm) client))
+ ;; Have the actor appropriately disappear / be removed from its
+ ;; room, if we have one.
+ ;; (In some games, if the user never connected)
+ (when actor-id
+ (<-wait gm actor-id 'disconnect-self-destruct)
+ ;; Unregister from the client directories.
+ (gm-unregister-client! gm client)))
;;; GM utilities
(hash-set! (gm-client-dir gm) client-id player)
(hash-set! (gm-reverse-client-dir gm) player client-id))
-(define (gm-unregister-client! gm client-id)
+(define* (gm-unregister-client! gm client-id #:optional destroy-player)
"Remove a connection/player combo and ask them to self destruct"
(match (hash-remove! (gm-client-dir gm) client-id) ; Remove from our client dir
((_ . player-id)
;; Remove from reverse table too
(hash-remove! (gm-reverse-client-dir gm) client-id)
;; Destroy player
- (<- gm player-id 'destroy-self))
+ (if destroy-player
+ (<- gm player-id 'self-destruct)))
(#f (throw 'no-client-to-unregister
"Can't unregister a client that doesn't exist?"
- gameobj-name-f
- gameobj-actions))
+ gameobj-occupants
+ gameobj-actions
+ gameobj-self-destruct))
;;; Gameobj
;;; =======
(get-occupants (wrap-apply gameobj-get-occupants))
(add-occupant! (wrap-apply gameobj-add-occupant!))
(remove-occupant! (wrap-apply gameobj-remove-occupant!))
- (set-loc! (wrap-apply gameobj-set-loc!))
+ (set-loc! (wrap-apply gameobj-act-set-loc!))
(get-name (wrap-apply gameobj-get-name))
(get-desc (wrap-apply gameobj-get-desc))
(goes-by (wrap-apply gameobj-act-goes-by))
- (visible-name (wrap-apply gameobj-visible-name))))
+ (visible-name (wrap-apply gameobj-visible-name))
+ (self-destruct (wrap-apply gameobj-act-self-destruct))
+ (tell (wrap-apply gameobj-tell-no-op))))
;;; *all* game components that talk to players should somehow
;;; derive from this class.
#:getter gameobj-loc)
;; Uses a hash table like a set (values ignored)
- (occupants #:init-thunk make-hash-table
- #:getter gameobj-occupants)
+ (occupants #:init-thunk make-hash-table)
;; game master id
(gm #:init-keyword #:gm
(desc #:init-value #f
#:init-keyword #:desc)
- ;; how to print our name
- (name-f #:init-keyword #:name-f
- #:getter gameobj-name-f
- #:init-value (wrap gameobj-simple-name-f))
;; Commands we can handle
(commands #:init-value '())
"Remove an occupant from the room."
(hash-remove! (slot-ref actor 'occupants) who))
+(define* (gameobj-occupants gameobj #:key exclude)
+ (hash-fold
+ (lambda (occupant _ prev)
+ (define exclude-it?
+ (match exclude
+ ;; Empty list and #f are non-exclusion
+ (() #f)
+ (#f #f)
+ ;; A list of addresses... since our address object is (annoyingly)
+ ;; currently a simple cons cell...
+ ((exclude-1 ... exclude-rest)
+ (pk 'failboat (member occupant (pk 'exclude-lst exclude))))
+ ;; Must be an individual address!
+ (_ (equal? occupant exclude))))
+ (if exclude-it?
+ prev
+ (cons occupant prev)))
+ '()
+ (slot-ref gameobj 'occupants)))
(define-mhandler (gameobj-get-occupants actor message)
"Get all present occupants of the room."
+ (define exclude (message-ref message 'exclude #f))
(define occupants
- (hash-map->list (lambda (key val) key)
- (gameobj-occupants actor)))
+ (gameobj-occupants actor #:exclude exclude))
(<-reply actor message
#:occupants occupants))
-;; @@: Should it really be #:id ? Maybe #:loc-id or #:loc?
-(define-mhandler (gameobj-set-loc! actor message loc)
+(define (gameobj-set-loc! gameobj loc)
"Set the location of this object."
- (define old-loc (gameobj-loc actor))
+ (define old-loc (gameobj-loc gameobj))
(format #t "DEBUG: Location set to ~s for ~s\n"
- loc (actor-id-actor actor))
+ loc (actor-id-actor gameobj))
- (slot-set! actor 'loc loc)
+ (slot-set! gameobj 'loc loc)
;; Change registation of where we currently are
(if loc
- (<-wait actor loc 'add-occupant! #:who (actor-id actor)))
+ (<-wait gameobj loc 'add-occupant! #:who (actor-id gameobj)))
(if old-loc
- (<-wait actor old-loc 'remove-occupant! #:who (actor-id actor))))
+ (<-wait gameobj old-loc 'remove-occupant! #:who (actor-id gameobj))))
+;; @@: Should it really be #:id ? Maybe #:loc-id or #:loc?
+(define-mhandler (gameobj-act-set-loc! actor message loc)
+ "Action routine to set the location."
+ (gameobj-set-loc! actor loc))
(define gameobj-get-name (simple-slot-getter 'name))
(#f #f))
(<-reply actor message #:text name-to-return))
+(define (gameobj-self-destruct gameobj)
+ "General gameobj self destruction routine"
+ ;; Unregister from being in any particular room
+ (gameobj-set-loc! gameobj #f)
+ ;; Boom!
+ (self-destruct gameobj))
+(define-mhandler (gameobj-act-self-destruct gameobj message)
+ "Action routine for self destruction"
+ (gameobj-self-destruct gameobj))
+;; Unless an actor has a tell message, we just ignore it
+(define gameobj-tell-no-op
+ (const 'no-op))
"Handle a closed port"
(format #t "DEBUG: handled closed port ~x\n" client-id)
(8sync-port-remove client)
- (hash-remove! (nm-clients nm) client-id))
+ (hash-remove! (nm-clients nm) client-id)
+ (<- nm (nm-send-input-to nm) 'client-closed #:client client-id))
(define-method (nm-handle-port-eof nm client client-id)
"Handle seeing an EOF on port"
(format #t "DEBUG: handled eof-object on port ~x\n" client-id)
(close client)
(8sync-port-remove client)
- (hash-remove! (nm-clients nm) client-id))
+ (hash-remove! (nm-clients nm) client-id)
+ (<- nm (nm-send-input-to nm) 'client-closed #:client client-id))
(define-method (nm-handle-line nm client client-id line)
"Handle an incoming line of input from a client"
(init (wrap-apply player-init))
(handle-input (wrap-apply player-handle-input))
- (tell (wrap-apply player-tell))))
+ (tell (wrap-apply player-tell))
+ (disconnect-self-destruct (wrap-apply player-disconnect-self-destruct))))
(define player-actions*
(append player-actions
(<- player (gameobj-gm player) 'write-home
#:text text))
+(define-mhandler (player-disconnect-self-destruct player message)
+ "Action routine for being told to disconnect and self destruct."
+ (define loc (gameobj-loc player))
+ (when loc
+ (<- player loc 'tell-room
+ #:exclude (actor-id player)
+ #:text (format #f "~a disappears in a puff of entropy!\n"
+ (slot-ref player 'name))))
+ (gameobj-self-destruct player))
;;; Command handling
;;; ================
(cmd-go (wrap-apply room-cmd-go))
(cmd-go-where (wrap-apply room-cmd-go-where))
(look-room (wrap-apply room-look-room))
+ (tell-room (wrap-apply room-tell-room))
;; in this case the command is the same version as the normal
;; look-room version
(cmd-look-room (wrap-apply room-look-room))
(<- room (message-from message) 'tell
#:text "You don't see that here, so you can't look at it.\n"))))
+(define-mhandler (room-tell-room room message text)
+ "Tell the room some messages."
+ (define exclude (message-ref message 'exclude #f))
+ (define wait-delivery (message-ref message 'wait-delivery #f))
+ (define who-to-tell (gameobj-occupants room #:exclude exclude))
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (tell-me)
+ ;; @@: Does anything really care?
+ (define deliver-method
+ (if wait-delivery
+ <-wait
+ <-))
+ (deliver-method room tell-me 'tell
+ #:text text))
+ who-to-tell))