(set! (.filled rgb-item) #f))
(apply rgb-item-reset rgb-item message rest-args))
+(define-actor <tinfoil-hat> (<gameobj>)
+ ((cmd-wear tinfoil-hat-wear))
+ (contained-commands
+ #:allocation #:each-subclass
+ #:init-thunk (build-commands
+ ("wear" ((direct-command cmd-wear))))))
+(define (tinfoil-hat-wear tinfoil-hat message . _)
+ (<- (message-from message) 'tell
+ #:text '("You put on the tinfoil hat, and, to be perfectly honest with you "
+ "it's a lot harder to take you seriously.")))
(define-actor <hot-tea> (<gameobj>)
((cmd-drink hot-tea-cmd-drink)
- (cmd-sip hot-tea-cmd-sip)
- (cmd-gotta-hold hot-tea-cmd-gotta-hold))
+ (cmd-sip hot-tea-cmd-sip))
#:allocation #:each-subclass
#:init-thunk (build-commands
#:exclude player)
(gameobj-self-destruct hot-tea)))
+(define-actor <fanny-pack> (<container>)
+ ((cmd-take-from-while-wearing cmd-take-from)
+ (cmd-put-in-while-wearing cmd-put-in))
+ (contained-commands
+ #:allocation #:each-subclass
+ #:init-thunk
+ (build-commands
+ (("l" "look") ((direct-command cmd-look-at)))
+ ("take" ((prep-indir-command cmd-take-from-while-wearing
+ '("from" "out of"))))
+ ("put" ((prep-indir-command cmd-put-in-while-wearing
+ '("in" "inside" "into" "on")))))))
(define playroom
#:take-me? #t
#:desc "It's a yellow rubber duck with a bright orange beak.")
+ ('playroom:toy-chest:tinfoil-hat
+ <tinfoil-hat> 'playroom:toy-chest
+ #:name "a tinfoil hat"
+ #:goes-by '("tinfoil hat" "hat")
+ #:take-me? #t
+ #:desc "You'd have to be a crazy person to wear this thing!")
+ ('playroom:toy-chest:fanny-pack
+ <fanny-pack> 'playroom:toy-chest
+ #:name "a fanny pack"
+ #:goes-by '("fanny pack" "pack")
+ #:take-me? #t
+ #:desc
+ (lambda (toy-chest whos-looking)
+ (let ((contents (gameobj-occupants toy-chest)))
+ `((p "It's a leather fanny pack, so it's both tacky and kinda cool.")
+ (p "Inside you see:"
+ ,(if (eq? contents '())
+ " nothing! It's empty!"
+ `(ul ,(map (lambda (occupant)
+ `(li ,(mbody-val
+ (<-wait occupant 'get-name))))
+ (gameobj-occupants toy-chest)))))))))
+ ;; Things inside the toy chest
+ ('playroom:toy-chest:fanny-pack:plastic-elephant
+ <gameobj> 'playroom:toy-chest:fanny-pack
+ #:name "a plastic elephant"
+ #:goes-by '("plastic elephant" "elephant")
+ #:take-me? #t
+ #:desc "It's a tiny little plastic elephant. Small, but heartwarming.")
<rgb-machine> 'playroom
#:name "a Rube Goldberg machine"