standing around talking about playing some football in the middle of
the night when I arrive. "Not me", I tell them, "I've made two runs
around the compound and I'm beat." Still, I take a few minutes to walk
-outside with my teammate before going to bed. I can't sleep because my
-head feels like it's going to explode any minute but I can see my eyes
-glazed over. I tried a few different pills to bring some relief. It
-was hard because while they certainly helped not all of their side
+outside with my teammates before going to bed. I can't sleep because
+my head feels like it's going to explode any minute but I can see my
+eyes glazed over. I tried a few different pills to bring some relief.
+It was hard because while they certainly helped not all of their side
effects were worth the trouble.
"The perimeter has been breached," I heard the voice saying urgently