# pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring,line-too-long
import unittest
+import io
+import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
import json
from .engine import KconfigCheck, CmdlineCheck, VersionCheck, OR, AND, populate_with_data, perform_checks
# print the table with the results
for opt in checklist:
- opt.table_print(None, True) # default mode, with_results
+ opt.table_print('verbose', True) # verbose mode, with_results
+ print('=' * 121)
# print the results in JSON
def get_engine_result(checklist, result, result_type):
- assert(result_type in ('table', 'json')), \
+ assert(result_type in ('json', 'stdout')), \
f'invalid result type "{result_type}"'
if result_type == 'json':
for opt in checklist:
result.append(opt.json_dump(True)) # with_results
+ return
+ captured_output = io.StringIO()
+ stdout_backup = sys.stdout
+ sys.stdout = captured_output
+ for opt in checklist:
+ opt.table_print('verbose', True) # verbose mode, with_results
+ sys.stdout = stdout_backup
+ result.append(captured_output.getvalue())
def test_single_kconfig(self):
# 1. prepare the checklist