self.result = 'FAIL: "' + self.state + '"'
def table_print(self, _mode, with_results):
- print('{:<40}|{:^7}|{:^12}|{:^10}|{:^18}'.format(, self.type, self.expected, self.decision, self.reason), end='')
+ print(f'{<40}|{self.type:^7}|{self.expected:^12}|{self.decision:^10}|{self.reason:^18}', end='')
if with_results:
- print('| {}'.format(self.result), end='')
+ print(f'| {self.result}', end='')
def json_dump(self, with_results):
dump = [, self.type, self.expected, self.decision, self.reason]
def table_print(self, _mode, with_results):
ver_req = 'kernel version >= ' + str(self.ver_expected[0]) + '.' + str(self.ver_expected[1])
- print('{:<91}'.format(ver_req), end='')
+ print(f'{ver_req:<91}', end='')
if with_results:
- print('| {}'.format(self.result), end='')
+ print(f'| {self.result}', end='')
class ComplexOptCheck:
def table_print(self, mode, with_results):
if mode == 'verbose':
- print(' {:87}'.format('<<< ' + self.__class__.__name__ + ' >>>'), end='')
+ print(f" {'<<< ' + self.__class__.__name__ + ' >>>':87}", end='')
if with_results:
- print('| {}'.format(self.result), end='')
+ print(f'| {self.result}', end='')
for o in self.opts:
o.table_print(mode, with_results)
o = self.opts[0]
o.table_print(mode, False)
if with_results:
- print('| {}'.format(self.result), end='')
+ print(f'| {self.result}', end='')
def json_dump(self, with_results):
dump = self.opts[0].json_dump(False)
for option, value in parsed_options.items():
if option not in known_options:
- print('[?] No check for option {} ({})'.format(option, value))
+ print(f'[?] No check for option {option} ({value})')
def print_checklist(mode, checklist, with_results):
if with_results:
sep_line_len += 30
print('=' * sep_line_len)
- print('{:^40}|{:^7}|{:^12}|{:^10}|{:^18}'.format('option name', 'type', 'desired val', 'decision', 'reason'), end='')
+ print(f"{'option name':^40}|{'type':^7}|{'desired val':^12}|{'decision':^10}|{'reason':^18}", end='')
if with_results:
- print('| {}'.format('check result'), end='')
+ print('| check result', end='')
print('=' * sep_line_len)
if mode == 'show_fail':
ok_suppressed = ' (suppressed in output)'
if mode != 'json':
- print('[+] Config check is finished: \'OK\' - {}{} / \'FAIL\' - {}{}'.format(ok_count, ok_suppressed, fail_count, fail_suppressed))
+ print(f'[+] Config check is finished: \'OK\' - {ok_count}{ok_suppressed} / \'FAIL\' - {fail_count}{fail_suppressed}')
def populate_simple_opt_with_data(opt, data, data_type):
if args.mode:
mode = args.mode
if mode != 'json':
- print('[+] Special report mode: {}'.format(mode))
+ print(f'[+] Special report mode: {mode}')
config_checklist = []
sys.exit('[!] ERROR: --config and --print can\'t be used together')
if mode != 'json':
- print('[+] Kconfig file to check: {}'.format(args.config))
+ print(f'[+] Kconfig file to check: {args.config}')
if args.cmdline:
- print('[+] Kernel cmdline file to check: {}'.format(args.cmdline))
+ print(f'[+] Kernel cmdline file to check: {args.cmdline}')
arch, msg = detect_arch(args.config, supported_archs)
if not arch:
sys.exit('[!] ERROR: {}'.format(msg))
if mode != 'json':
- print('[+] Detected architecture: {}'.format(arch))
+ print(f'[+] Detected architecture: {arch}')
kernel_version, msg = detect_kernel_version(args.config)
if not kernel_version:
sys.exit('[!] ERROR: {}'.format(msg))
if mode != 'json':
- print('[+] Detected kernel version: {}.{}'.format(kernel_version[0], kernel_version[1]))
+ print(f'[+] Detected kernel version: {kernel_version[0]}.{kernel_version[1]}')
compiler, msg = detect_compiler(args.config)
if mode != 'json':
if compiler:
- print('[+] Detected compiler: {}'.format(compiler))
+ print(f'[+] Detected compiler: {compiler}')
- print('[-] Can\'t detect the compiler: {}'.format(msg))
+ print(f'[-] Can\'t detect the compiler: {msg}')
# add relevant kconfig checks to the checklist
add_kconfig_checks(config_checklist, arch)
add_kconfig_checks(config_checklist, arch)
add_cmdline_checks(config_checklist, arch)
if mode != 'json':
- print('[+] Printing kernel security hardening preferences for {}...'.format(arch))
+ print(f'[+] Printing kernel security hardening preferences for {arch}...')
print_checklist(mode, config_checklist, False)