;;; Playroom
;;; --------
+(define-actor <rgb-machine> (<gameobj>)
+ ((cmd-run rgb-machine-cmd-run)
+ (cmd-reset rgb-machine-cmd-reset))
+ (commands
+ #:allocation #:each-subclass
+ #:init-thunk (build-commands
+ (("run" "start") ((direct-command cmd-run)))
+ ("reset" ((direct-command cmd-reset)))))
+ (resetting #:init-value #f
+ #:accessor .resetting)
+ ;; used to reset, and to kick off the first item in the list
+ (rgb-items #:init-keyword #:rgb-items
+ #:accessor .rgb-items))
+(define (rgb-machine-cmd-run rgb-machine message . _)
+ (define player (message-from message))
+ (<-wait player 'tell
+ #:text '("You start the rube goldberg machine."))
+ (<-wait (gameobj-loc rgb-machine) 'tell-room
+ #:text `(,(mbody-val (<-wait player 'get-name))
+ " runs the rube goldberg machine.")
+ #:exclude player)
+ (8sleep 1)
+ (match (.rgb-items rgb-machine)
+ ((first-item rest ...)
+ (<- (dyn-ref rgb-machine first-item) 'trigger))))
+(define (rgb-machine-cmd-reset rgb-machine message . _)
+ (define player (message-from message))
+ (cond
+ ((not (.resetting rgb-machine))
+ (set! (.resetting rgb-machine) #t)
+ (<-wait player 'tell
+ #:text '("You reset the rube goldberg machine."))
+ (<-wait (gameobj-loc rgb-machine) 'tell-room
+ #:text `(,(mbody-val (<-wait player 'get-name))
+ " resets the rube goldberg machine.")
+ #:exclude player)
+ (<-wait (gameobj-loc rgb-machine) 'tell-room
+ #:text '("From a panel in the wall, a white gloved mechanical "
+ "arm reaches out to reset all the "
+ "rube goldberg components."))
+ (8sleep (/ 1 2))
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (rgb-item)
+ (<- (dyn-ref rgb-machine rgb-item) 'reset)
+ (8sleep (/ 1 2)))
+ (.rgb-items rgb-machine))
+ (<- (gameobj-loc rgb-machine) 'tell-room
+ #:text "The machine's mechanical arm retreats into the wall!")
+ (set! (.resetting rgb-machine) #f))
+ (else
+ (<-wait player 'tell
+ #:text '("But it's in the middle of resetting right now!")))))
+(define-actor <rgb-item> (<gameobj>)
+ ((trigger rgb-item-trigger)
+ (reset rgb-item-reset))
+ (invisible? #:init-value #t)
+ (steps #:init-keyword #:steps
+ #:accessor .steps)
+ (triggers-as #:init-value #f
+ #:init-keyword #:triggers-as
+ #:getter .triggers-as)
+ (reset-msg #:init-keyword #:reset-msg
+ #:getter .reset-msg)
+ ;; States: ready -> running -> ran
+ (state #:init-value 'ready
+ #:accessor .state))
+(define (rgb-item-trigger rgb-item message . _)
+ (define room (gameobj-loc rgb-item))
+ (case (.state rgb-item)
+ ((ready)
+ ;; Set state to running
+ (set! (.state rgb-item) 'running)
+ ;; Loop through all steps
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (step)
+ (match step
+ ;; A string? That's the description of what's happening, tell players
+ ((? string? str)
+ (<- room 'tell-room #:text str))
+ ;; A number? Sleep for that many secs
+ ((? number? num)
+ (8sleep num))
+ ;; A symbol? That's another gameobj to look up dynamically
+ ((? symbol? sym)
+ (<- (dyn-ref rgb-item sym) 'trigger
+ #:triggered-by (.triggers-as rgb-item)))
+ (_ (throw 'unknown-step-type
+ "Don't know how to process rube goldberg machine step type?"
+ #:step step))))
+ (.steps rgb-item))
+ ;; We're done! Set state to ran
+ (set! (.state rgb-item) 'ran))
+ (else
+ (<- room 'tell-room
+ #:text `("... but " ,(slot-ref rgb-item 'name)
+ " has already been triggered!")))))
+(define (rgb-item-reset rgb-item message . _)
+ (define room (gameobj-loc rgb-item))
+ (case (.state rgb-item)
+ ((ran)
+ (set! (.state rgb-item) 'ready)
+ (<- room 'tell-room
+ #:text (.reset-msg rgb-item)))
+ ((running)
+ (<- room 'tell-room
+ #:text `("... but " ,(slot-ref rgb-item 'name)
+ " is currently running!")))
+ ((ready)
+ (<- room 'tell-room
+ #:text `("... but " ,(slot-ref rgb-item 'name)
+ " has already been reset.")))))
+(define-actor <rgb-kettle> (<rgb-item>)
+ ((trigger rgb-kettle-trigger)
+ (reset rgb-kettle-reset))
+ (heated #:accessor .heated
+ #:init-value #f)
+ (filled #:accessor .filled
+ #:init-value #f))
+(define* (rgb-kettle-trigger rgb-item message #:key triggered-by)
+ (define room (gameobj-loc rgb-item))
+ (if (not (eq? (.state rgb-item) 'ran))
+ (begin
+ (match triggered-by
+ ('water-demon
+ (set! (.state rgb-item) 'running)
+ (set! (.filled rgb-item) #t))
+ ('quik-heater
+ (set! (.state rgb-item) 'running)
+ (set! (.heated rgb-item) #t)))
+ (when (and (.filled rgb-item)
+ (.heated rgb-item))
+ (<- room 'tell-room
+ #:text '((i "*kshhhhhh!*")
+ " The water has boiled!"))
+ (8sleep .25)
+ (set! (.state rgb-item) 'ran)
+ ;; insert a cup of hot tea in the room
+ (create-gameobj <hot-tea> (gameobj-gm rgb-item) room)
+ (<- room 'tell-room
+ #:text '("The machine pours out a cup of hot tea! "
+ "Looks like the machine finished!"))))
+ (<- room 'tell-room
+ #:text `("... but " ,(slot-ref rgb-item 'name)
+ " has already been triggered!"))))
+(define (rgb-kettle-reset rgb-item message . rest-args)
+ (define room (gameobj-loc rgb-item))
+ (when (eq? (.state rgb-item) 'ran)
+ (set! (.heated rgb-item) #f)
+ (set! (.filled rgb-item) #f))
+ (apply rgb-item-reset rgb-item message rest-args))
+(define-actor <hot-tea> (<gameobj>)
+ ((cmd-drink hot-tea-cmd-drink)
+ (cmd-sip hot-tea-cmd-sip)
+ (cmd-gotta-hold hot-tea-cmd-gotta-hold))
+ (contained-commands
+ #:allocation #:each-subclass
+ #:init-thunk (build-commands
+ ("drink" ((direct-command cmd-drink)))
+ ("sip" ((direct-command cmd-sip)))))
+ (sips-left #:init-value 4
+ #:accessor .sips-left)
+ (name #:init-value "a cup of hot tea")
+ (take-me? #:init-value #t)
+ (goes-by #:init-value '("cup of hot tea" "cup of tea" "tea" "cup"))
+ (desc #:init-value "It's a steaming cup of hot tea. It looks pretty good!"))
+(define (hot-tea-cmd-drink hot-tea message . _)
+ (define player (message-from message))
+ (define player-loc (mbody-val (<-wait player 'get-loc)))
+ (define player-name (mbody-val (<-wait player 'get-name)))
+ (<- player 'tell
+ #:text "You drink a steaming cup of hot tea all at once... hot hot hot!")
+ (<- player-loc 'tell-room
+ #:text `(,player-name
+ " drinks a steaming cup of hot tea all at once.")
+ #:exclude player)
+ (gameobj-self-destruct hot-tea))
+(define (hot-tea-cmd-sip hot-tea message . _)
+ (define player (message-from message))
+ (define player-loc (mbody-val (<-wait player 'get-loc)))
+ (define player-name (mbody-val (<-wait player 'get-name)))
+ (set! (.sips-left hot-tea) (- (.sips-left hot-tea) 1))
+ (<- player 'tell
+ #:text "You take a sip of your steaming hot tea. How refined!")
+ (<- player-loc 'tell-room
+ #:text `(,player-name
+ " takes a sip of their steaming hot tea. How refined!")
+ #:exclude player)
+ (when (= (.sips-left hot-tea) 0)
+ (<- player 'tell
+ #:text "You've finished your tea!")
+ (<- player-loc 'tell-room
+ #:text `(,player-name
+ " finishes their tea!")
+ #:exclude player)
+ (gameobj-self-destruct hot-tea)))
(define playroom
#:name "a rubber duck"
#:goes-by '("rubber duck" "duck")
#:take-me? #t
- #:desc "It's a yellow rubber duck with a bright orange beak.")))
+ #:desc "It's a yellow rubber duck with a bright orange beak.")
+ ('playroom:rgb-machine
+ <rgb-machine> 'playroom
+ #:name "a Rube Goldberg machine"
+ #:goes-by '("rube goldberg machine" "machine")
+ #:rgb-items '(playroom:rgb-dominoes
+ playroom:rgb-switch-match
+ playroom:rgb-candle
+ playroom:rgb-catapult
+ playroom:rgb-water-demon
+ playroom:rgb-quik-heater
+ playroom:rgb-kettle)
+ #:desc "It's one of those hilarious Rube Goldberg machines.
+What could happen if you started it?")
+ ;; Dominoes topple
+ ('playroom:rgb-dominoes
+ <rgb-item> 'playroom
+ #:name "some dominoes"
+ #:goes-by '("dominoes" "some dominoes")
+ #:steps `("The dominoes topple down the line..."
+ 1
+ "The last domino lands on a switch!"
+ 1.5
+ playroom:rgb-switch-match)
+ #:reset-msg "The dominoes are placed back into position.")
+ ;; Which hit the switch and strike a match
+ ('playroom:rgb-switch-match
+ <rgb-item> 'playroom
+ #:name "a switch"
+ #:goes-by '("switch" "match")
+ #:steps `("The switch lights a match!"
+ ,(/ 2 3)
+ "The match lights a candle!"
+ 1.5
+ playroom:rgb-candle)
+ #:reset-msg "A fresh match is installed and the switch is reset.")
+ ;; which lights a candle and burns a rope
+ ('playroom:rgb-candle
+ <rgb-item> 'playroom
+ #:name "a candle"
+ #:goes-by '("candle")
+ #:steps `("The candle burns..."
+ (/ 2 3) ; oops!
+ "The candle is burning away a rope!"
+ 2
+ "The rope snaps!"
+ .5
+ playroom:rgb-catapult)
+ #:reset-msg "A fresh candle is installed.")
+ ;; which catapults a rock
+ ('playroom:rgb-catapult
+ <rgb-item> 'playroom
+ #:name "a catapult"
+ #:goes-by '("catapult")
+ #:steps `("The snapped rope unleashes a catapult, which throws a rock!"
+ 2
+ "The rock flies through a water demon, startling it!"
+ .5
+ playroom:rgb-water-demon
+ 2
+ "The rock whacks into the quik-heater's on button!"
+ .5
+ playroom:rgb-quik-heater)
+ #:reset-msg
+ '("A fresh rope is attached to the catapult, which is pulled taught. "
+ "A fresh rock is placed on the catapult."))
+ ;; which both:
+ ;; '- panics the water demon
+ ;; '- which waters the kettle
+ ('playroom:rgb-water-demon
+ <rgb-item> 'playroom
+ #:name "the water demon"
+ #:triggers-as 'water-demon
+ #:goes-by '("water demon" "demon")
+ #:steps `("The water demon panics, and starts leaking water into the kettle below!"
+ 3
+ "The kettle is filled!"
+ playroom:rgb-kettle)
+ #:reset-msg '("The water demon is scratched behind the ears and calms down."))
+ ;; '- bops the quik-heater button
+ ;; '- which heats the kettle
+ ('playroom:rgb-quik-heater
+ <rgb-item> 'playroom
+ #:name "the quik heater"
+ #:triggers-as 'quik-heater
+ #:goes-by '("quik heater" "heater")
+ #:steps `("The quik-heater heats up the kettle above it!"
+ 3
+ "The kettle is heated up!"
+ playroom:rgb-kettle)
+ #:reset-msg '("The quik heater is turned off."))
+ ;; Finally, the kettle
+ ('playroom:rgb-kettle
+ <rgb-kettle> 'playroom
+ #:name "the kettle"
+ #:goes-by '("kettle")
+ #:reset-msg '("The kettle is emptied."))))