#define LIQUID() (game.prop[BOTTLE] == WATER_BOTTLE? WATER : game.prop[BOTTLE] == OIL_BOTTLE ? OIL : NO_OBJECT )
-#define DARK(DUMMY) ((!tstbit(conditions[game.loc],COND_LIT)) && (game.prop[LAMP] == LAMP_DARK || !HERE(LAMP)))
+#define DARK(DUMMY) (!CNDBIT(game.loc,COND_LIT) && (game.prop[LAMP] == LAMP_DARK || !HERE(LAMP)))
#define PCT(N) (randrange(100) < (N))
#define GSTONE(OBJ) ((OBJ) == EMERALD || (OBJ) == RUBY || (OBJ) == AMBER || (OBJ) == SAPPH)
save time, you may specify "brief", which tells me never to repeat the
full description of a place unless you explicitly ask me to.
+> _
+I don't know how to apply that word here.
+You're in front of building.
+> back
+Sorry, but I no longer seem to remember how it was you got here.
+You're in front of building.
> eat grate
Don't be ridiculous!
> building
-You're in front of building.
+You are standing at the end of a road before a small brick building.
+Around you is a forest. A small stream flows out of the building and
+down a gully.
> cave
I am unsure how you are facing. Use compass points or nearby objects.
-You are standing at the end of a road before a small brick building.
-Around you is a forest. A small stream flows out of the building and
-down a gully.
+You're in front of building.
> eat
> score
-You have garnered 27 out of a possible 430 points, using 103 turns.
+You have garnered 27 out of a possible 430 points, using 105 turns.
> z
> score
-You have garnered 27 out of a possible 430 points, using 105 turns.
+You have garnered 27 out of a possible 430 points, using 107 turns.
> quit keys
-You scored 27 out of a possible 430, using 113 turns.
+You scored 27 out of a possible 430, using 115 turns.
You are obviously a rank amateur. Better luck next time.
You can't be serious!
+> find dwarf
+I believe what you want is right here with you.
> attack
With what? Your bare hands?
Feed what?
-You scored 103 out of a possible 430, using 87 turns.
+You scored 103 out of a possible 430, using 88 turns.
Your score qualifies you as a novice class adventurer.