turns - The game's turn counter.
-wn - The input stream word number, counting from 1.
\ No newline at end of file
+wn - The input stream word number, counting from 1.
+Library routines
+Achieved(*expr*) - A scored task has been achieved.
+AfterRoutines() - In a group 2 action, controls output of 'after'
+AllowPushDir() - An object can be pushed from one location to another.
+Banner() - Prints the game banner.
+ChangePlayer(*object*,*flag*) - Player assumes the persona of the
+*object*. If the optional *flag* is *true*, room descriptions include
+"(as *object*)".
+CommonAncestor(*object1*,*object2*) - Returns the nearest object which
+a parental relationship to both *objects*, or `nothing`.
+DictionaryLookup(*byte_array*,*length*) - Returns address of word in
+dictionary, or 0 if not found.
+DrawStatusLine() - Refreshes the status line.
+GetGNAOfObject(*object*) - Returns gender-number-animation 0..11 of
+the *object*.
+HasLightSource(*object*) - Returns `true` if the *object* has light.
+IndirectlyContains(*parent_object*,*object*) - Returns true if object
+is currently a child or grand-child or great-grand-child... of the
+IsSeeThrough(*object*) - Returns `true` if light can pass through the
+Locale(*object*,"*string1*","*string2*") - Describes the contents of
+object, and returns their number. After objects with own paragraphs,
+the rest are listed preceded by *string1* or *string2*.
+LoopOverScope(*routine*,*actor*) - Calls *routine*(*object*) for each
+*object* in scope. If the optional *actor* is supplied, that defines
+the scope.
+MoveFloatingObjects() - Adjusts positions of game's `found_in`
+NextWord() - Returns the next dictionary word in the input stream,
+incrementing *wn* by one. Returns `false` if the word is not in the
+dictionary, or if the input stream is exhausted.
\ No newline at end of file