Include "parser";
Include "verblib";
Release 0;
-Serial "190321";
+Serial "190322";
+Object bank "Bank of Zork"
+with description "The local branch of the Bank of Zork, the
+ largest banking institution of the Great Underground Empire.
+ The bank vault is to the north, and a small office is to the
+ south. As with all branches of the Bank of Zork, a portrait
+ of J. Pierpont Flathead hangs on the wall.",
+n_to vaultdoor,
+s_to securityoffice,
+w_to mall,
+has light;
+Object closet "Closet"
+with description "You've seen better closets, but at least this
+ one seems pretty standard.",
+e_to workshop,
+has light;
+Object cookhouse "Cookhouse"
+with description "This is a restaurant called The Cookhouse,
+ although since the mall closed all of the patrons have left.",
+n_to mall,
+has light;
+Object securityoffice "Security Office"
+with description "A small office belonging to the bank's security
+ officer. You scan the room, seeing a table.",
+n_to bank,
+has light;
+Object table "table" securityoffice
+with name 'table',
+ description "Made from metal, it looks to be a solid and
+ hefty table.",
+has scenery supporter;
+Object coppercoin "copper coin" table
+with name 'copper' 'coin' 'zorkmid',
+ description "The coin seems to be very old, in very poor
+ condition, and somewhat irregular in shape. The only things
+ clearly visible are what appears to be a name on one side:
+ Belwit The Flat and a date on the other: 699 GUE.";
+Object keycard "keycard" table
+with name 'keycard' 'key' 'card',
+ description "The keycard is used to open things.";
Object mall "Mall"
with description "You're in the main walkway. An ordinary kind
- of place, with stores all around.",
+ of place, with stores all around. The mall's exit is to the
+ southwest.",
+n_to workshop,
+s_to cookhouse,
+sw_to mallexit,
+e_to bank,
w_to salon,
has light;
-Object workshop "Bear Workshop"
-with description "A workshop for making stuffed bears although by
- now everything is put away. The workshop retains a pleasant
- atmosphere.",
-has light;
+Object mallexit "door" mall
+with name 'door' 'exit',
+ description "A large doorway to the outside world, with the
+ word ~Exit~ written above.",
+with_key keycard,
+before [; unlock: deadflag = 2; return true;
+ ],
+has scenery door openable locked;
+Object portrait "portrait" bank
+with name 'portrait' 'picture' 'photo',
+ description "It's a portrait of J. Pierpont Flathead. His
+ portrait adorns every branch of the Bank of Zork.",
+before [; Take,Pull,Push,PushDir:
+ print_ret (The) self, " is firmly attached to the wall."; ],
+has scenery;
Object salon "Salon"
with description [; print "You've just sauntered into a salon.";
e_to mall,
has light;
+Object vaultdoor "vault door" bank
+ with name 'vault' 'safe',
+ description "A large, circular, and hefty door. The words
+ ~Manufactured By The Frobozz Magic Vault Company~ are engraved
+ around the edge.",
+ has scenery door openable locked;
+Object workshop "Bear Workshop"
+with description "A workshop for making stuffed bears although by
+ now everything is put away. The workshop retains a pleasant
+ atmosphere. You should try going west.",
+w_to closet,
+s_to mall,
+has light;
[ Initialise;
Location = mall;