--- /dev/null
+#! /bin/sh
+# tapview - a TAP (Test Anything Protocol) viewer in pure POSIX shell
+# Copyright by Eric S. Raymond
+# This code is intended to be embedded in your project. The author
+# grants permission for it to be distributed under the prevailing
+# license of your project if you choose, provided that license is
+# OSD-compliant; otherwise the following SPDX tag incorporates a
+# license by reference.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
+# This is version 1.6
+# A newer version may be available at https://gitlab.com/esr/tapview
+ship_char() {
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2039
+ printf '%s' "$1" # https://www.etalabs.net/sh_tricks.html
+ship_line() {
+ report="${report}${1}\n"
+ship_error() {
+ # Terminate dot display and bail out with error
+ if [ "${testcount}" -gt 0 ]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ fi
+ report="${report}${1}\n"
+ echo "${report}"
+ exit 1
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+context_get () { printenv "ctx_${1}${depth}"; }
+context_set () { export "ctx_${1}${depth}=${2}"; }
+context_push () {
+ context_set plan ""
+ context_set count 0
+ context_set test_before_plan no
+ context_set test_after_plan no
+ context_set expect ""
+ context_set bail no
+ context_set strict no
+context_pop () {
+ if [ "$(context_get count)" -gt 0 ] && [ -z "$(context_get plan)" ]
+ then
+ ship_line "Missing a plan at line ${ln}."
+ status=1
+ elif [ "$(context_get test_before_plan)" = "yes" ] && [ "$(context_get test_after_plan)" = "yes" ]
+ then
+ ship_line "A plan line may only be placed before or after all tests."
+ status=1
+ elif [ "$(context_get plan)" != "" ] && [ "$(context_get expect)" -gt "$(context_get count)" ]
+ then
+ ship_line "Expected $(context_get expect) tests but only ${testcount} ran."
+ status=1
+ fi
+while read -r line
+ ln=$((ln + 1))
+ # Process bailout
+ if expr "$line" : "Bail out!" >/dev/null
+ then
+ ship_line "$line"
+ status=2
+ break
+ fi
+ # Use the current indent to choose a scope level
+ indent=$(expr "$line" : '[ ]*')
+ if [ "${indent}" -lt "${depth}" ]
+ then
+ context_pop
+ depth="${indent}"
+ elif [ "${indent}" -gt "${depth}" ]
+ then
+ depth="${indent}"
+ context_push
+ fi
+ # Process a plan line
+ if expr "$line" : '[ ]*1\.\.[0-9][0-9]*' >/dev/null
+ then
+ if [ "$(context_get plan)" != "" ]
+ then
+ ship_error "tapview: cannot have more than one plan line."
+ fi
+ if expr "$line" : ".* *SKIP" >/dev/null || expr "$line" : ".* *skip" >/dev/null
+ then
+ ship_line "$line"
+ echo "${report}"
+ exit 1 # Not specified in the standard whether this should exit 1 or 0
+ fi
+ context_set plan "${line}"
+ context_set expect "$(expr "$line" : '[ ]*1\.\.\([0-9][0-9]*\)')"
+ continue
+ elif expr "$line" : '[ ]*[0-9][0-9]*\.\.[0-9][0-9]*' >/dev/null
+ then
+ echo "Ill-formed plan line at ${ln}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Check for out-of-order test point numbers with the sequence (TAP 14)
+ testpoint=$(expr "$line" : '.*ok *\([0-9][0-9]*\)')
+ if [ "${testpoint}" != "" ] && [ "$(context_get expect)" != "" ] && [ "${testpoint}" -gt "$(context_get expect)" ]
+ then
+ ship_error "tapview: testpoint number ${testpoint} is out of range for plan $(context_get plan)."
+ fi
+ # Process an ok line
+ if expr "$line" : "[ ]*ok" >/dev/null
+ then
+ context_set count $(($(context_get count) + 1))
+ testcount=$((testcount + 1))
+ if [ "$(context_get plan)" = "" ]
+ then
+ context_set test_before_plan yes
+ else
+ context_set test_after_plan yes
+ fi
+ if expr "$line" : "[^#]* # *TODO" >/dev/null || expr "$line" : "[^#]* # *todo" >/dev/null
+ then
+ ship_char ${TODO_OK}
+ ship_line "$line"
+ todocount=$((todocount + 1))
+ if expr "$line" : "[^#]*#[^ ]" >/dev/null
+ then
+ ship_line "Suspicious comment leader at ${ln}"
+ fi
+ elif expr "$line" : "[^#]* # *SKIP" >/dev/null || expr "$line" : "[^#]* # *skip" >/dev/null
+ then
+ ship_char ${SKIP}
+ ship_line "$line"
+ skipcount=$((skipcount + 1))
+ if expr "$line" : "[^#]*#[^ ]" >/dev/null
+ then
+ ship_line "Suspicious comment leader at ${ln}"
+ fi
+ else
+ ship_char ${OK}
+ fi
+ state=plaintext
+ continue
+ fi
+ # Process a not-ok line
+ if expr "$line" : "[ ]*not ok" >/dev/null
+ then
+ context_set count $(($(context_get count) + 1))
+ testcount=$((testcount + 1))
+ if [ "$(context_get plan)" = "" ]
+ then
+ context_set test_before_plan yes
+ else
+ context_set test_after_plan yes
+ fi
+ if expr "$line" : "[^#]* # *SKIP" >/dev/null || expr "$line" : "[^#]* # *skip" >/dev/null
+ then
+ ship_char "${SKIP}"
+ state=plaintext
+ skipcount=$((skipcount + 1))
+ if expr "$line" : "[^#]* #[^ ]" >/dev/null
+ then
+ ship_line "Suspicious comment leader at lime ${ln}"
+ fi
+ continue
+ fi
+ if expr "$line" : "[^#]* # *TODO" >/dev/null || expr "$line" : "[^#]* # *todo" >/dev/null
+ then
+ ship_char ${TODO_NOT_OK}
+ state=plaintext
+ todocount=$((todocount + 1))
+ if expr "$line" : "[^#]* #[^ ]" >/dev/null
+ then
+ ship_line "Suspicious comment leader at line ${ln}"
+ fi
+ continue
+ fi
+ ship_char "${FAIL}"
+ ship_line "$line"
+ state=plaintext
+ failcount=$((failcount + 1))
+ status=1
+ if [ "$(context_get bail)" = yes ]
+ then
+ ship_line "Bailing out on line ${ln} due to +bail pragma."
+ break
+ fi
+ continue
+ fi
+ # Process a TAP 14 pragma
+ if expr "$line" : "pragma" >/dev/null
+ then
+ unset IFS
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+ set -- $line
+ case "$2" in
+ +bail) context_set bail yes;;
+ -bail) context_set bail yes;;
+ +strict) context_set strict yes;;
+ -strict) context_set strict yes;;
+ *) ship_line "Pragma '$line' ignored";;
+ esac
+ IFS=""
+ continue
+ fi
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2166
+ if [ "${state}" = "yaml" ]
+ then
+ ship_line "$line"
+ if expr "$line" : '[ ]*\.\.\.' >/dev/null
+ then
+ state=plaintext
+ else
+ continue
+ fi
+ elif expr "$line" : "[ ]*---" >/dev/null
+ then
+ ship_line "$line"
+ state=yaml
+ continue
+ fi
+ # Ignore blank lines and comments
+ if [ -z "$line" ] || expr "$line" : '[ ]+$' >/dev/null || expr "$line" : "#" >/dev/null
+ then
+ continue
+ fi
+ # Any line that is not a valid plan, test result, pragma,
+ # or comment lands here.
+ if [ "$(context_get strict)" = yes ]
+ then
+ ship_line "Bailing out on line ${ln} due to +strict pragma"
+ status=1
+ break
+ fi
+/bin/echo ""
+report="${report}${testcount} tests, ${failcount} failures"
+if [ "$todocount" != 0 ]
+ report="${report}, ${todocount} TODOs"
+if [ "$skipcount" != 0 ]
+ report="${report}, ${skipcount} SKIPs"
+echo "${report}."
+exit "${status}"
+# end