+/* Given the current location in "game.loc", and a motion verb number in
+ * "K", put the new location in "game.newloc". The current loc is saved
+ * in "game.oldloc" in case he wants to retreat. The current
+ * game.oldloc is saved in game.oldlc2, in case he dies. (if he
+ * does, game.newloc will be limbo, and OLgame.dloc will be what killed
+ * him, so we need game.oldlc2, which is the last place he was
+ * safe.) */
+static bool playermove(FILE *cmdin, token_t verb)
+ int LL, K2, KK=KEY[game.loc];
+ game.newloc=game.loc;
+ if(KK == 0)
+ BUG(26);
+ if(K == NUL)
+ return true;
+ if(K == BACK) {
+ /* Handle "go back". Look for verb which goes from game.loc to
+ * game.oldloc, or to game.oldlc2 If game.oldloc has forced-motion.
+ * K2 saves entry -> forced loc -> previous loc. */
+ K=game.oldloc;
+ if(FORCED(K))K=game.oldlc2;
+ game.oldlc2=game.oldloc;
+ game.oldloc=game.loc;
+ K2=0;
+ if(K == game.loc)K2=91;
+ if(CNDBIT(game.loc,4))K2=274;
+ if(K2 == 0) goto L21;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(K == LOOK) {
+ /* Look. Can't give more detail. Pretend it wasn't dark
+ * (though it may "now" be dark) so he won't fall into a
+ * pit while staring into the gloom. */
+ if(game.detail < 3)RSPEAK(15);
+ game.detail=game.detail+1;
+ game.wzdark=false;
+ game.abbrev[game.loc]=0;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(K == CAVE) {
+ /* Cave. Different messages depending on whether above ground. */
+ RSPEAK((OUTSID(game.loc) && game.loc != 8) ? 57 : 58);
+ return true;
+ }
+ game.oldlc2=game.oldloc;
+ game.oldloc=game.loc;
+ LL=labs(TRAVEL[KK]);
+ if(MOD(LL,1000) == 1 || MOD(LL,1000) == K)
+ goto L10;
+ if(TRAVEL[KK] < 0) {
+ /* Non-applicable motion. Various messages depending on
+ * word given. */
+ SPK=12;
+ if(K >= 43 && K <= 50)SPK=52;
+ if(K == 29 || K == 30)SPK=52;
+ if(K == 7 || K == 36 || K == 37)SPK=10;
+ if(K == 11 || K == 19)SPK=11;
+ if(verb == FIND || verb == INVENT)SPK=59;
+ if(K == 62 || K == 65)SPK=42;
+ if(K == 17)SPK=80;
+ return true;
+ }
+ KK=KK+1;
+ goto L9;
+L10: LL=LL/1000;
+L11: game.newloc=LL/1000;
+ K=MOD(game.newloc,100); /* ESR: an instance of NOBJECTS? */
+ if(game.newloc <= 300)
+ goto L13;
+ if(game.prop[K] != game.newloc/100-3)
+ goto L16;
+L12: if(TRAVEL[KK] < 0)BUG(25);
+ KK=KK+1;
+ game.newloc=labs(TRAVEL[KK])/1000;
+ if(game.newloc == LL) goto L12;
+ LL=game.newloc;
+ goto L11;
+L13: if(game.newloc <= 100)
+ goto L14;
+ if(TOTING(K) || (game.newloc > 200 && AT(K))) goto L16;
+ goto L12;
+L14: if(game.newloc != 0 && !PCT(game.newloc)) goto L12;
+L16: game.newloc=MOD(LL,1000);
+ if(game.newloc <= 300) return true;
+ if(game.newloc <= 500) goto L30000;
+ RSPEAK(game.newloc-500);
+ game.newloc=game.loc;
+ return true;
+/* Special motions come here. Labelling convention: statement numbers NNNXX
+ * (XX=00-99) are used for special case number NNN (NNN=301-500). */
+L30000: game.newloc=game.newloc-300;
+ switch (game.newloc) { case 1: goto L30100; case 2: goto L30200; case 3: goto
+ L30300; }
+ BUG(20);
+/* Travel 301. Plover-alcove passage. Can carry only emerald. Note: travel
+ * table must include "useless" entries going through passage, which can never
+ * be used for actual motion, but can be spotted by "go back". */
+L30100: game.newloc=99+100-game.loc; /* ESR: an instance of NOBJECTS? */
+ if(game.holdng == 0 || (game.holdng == 1 && TOTING(EMRALD))) return true;
+ game.newloc=game.loc;
+ RSPEAK(117);
+ return true;
+/* Travel 302. Plover transport. Drop the emerald (only use special travel if
+ * toting it), so he's forced to use the plover-passage to get it out. Having
+ * dropped it, go back and pretend he wasn't carrying it after all. */
+L30200: DROP(EMRALD,game.loc);
+ goto L12;
+/* Travel 303. Troll bridge. Must be done only as special motion so that
+ * dwarves won't wander across and encounter the bear. (They won't follow the
+ * player there because that region is forbidden to the pirate.) If
+ * game.prop(TROLL)=1, he's crossed since paying, so step out and block him.
+ * (standard travel entries check for game.prop(TROLL)=0.) Special stuff for bear. */
+L30300: if(game.prop[TROLL] != 1) goto L30310;
+ game.prop[TROLL]=0;
+ game.newloc=game.loc;
+ return true;
+L30310: game.newloc=PLAC[TROLL]+FIXD[TROLL]-game.loc;
+ if(game.prop[TROLL] == 0)game.prop[TROLL]=1;
+ if(!TOTING(BEAR)) return true;
+ RSPEAK(162);
+ game.prop[CHASM]=1;
+ game.prop[TROLL]=2;
+ DROP(BEAR,game.newloc);
+ game.fixed[BEAR]= -1;
+ game.prop[BEAR]=3;
+ game.oldlc2=game.newloc;
+ croak(cmdin);
+ return false;
+/* End of specials. */
+L21: LL=MOD((labs(TRAVEL[KK])/1000),1000);
+ if(LL != K) {
+ if(LL <= 300) {
+ if(FORCED(LL) && MOD((labs(TRAVEL[KEY[LL]])/1000),1000) == K)
+ K2=KK;
+ }
+ if(TRAVEL[KK] < 0)
+ goto L23;
+ KK=KK+1;
+ goto L21;
+ L23: KK=K2;
+ if(KK == 0) {
+ RSPEAK(140);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ K=MOD(labs(TRAVEL[KK]),1000);
+ KK=KEY[game.loc];
+ goto L9;
static bool do_command(FILE *cmdin) {
- long LL, KQ, VERB, KK, K2, V1, V2;
+ long KQ, VERB, KK, V1, V2;
long obj, i;
static long IGO = 0;
goto L2600;
-/* Figure out the new location
- *
- * Given the current location in "game.loc", and a motion verb number in
- * "K", put the new location in "game.newloc". The current loc is saved
- * in "game.oldloc" in case he wants to retreat. The current
- * game.oldloc is saved in game.oldlc2, in case he dies. (if he
- * does, game.newloc will be limbo, and OLgame.dloc will be what killed
- * him, so we need game.oldlc2, which is the last place he was
- * safe.) */
-L8: KK=KEY[game.loc];
- game.newloc=game.loc;
- if(KK == 0)
- BUG(26);
- if(K == NUL)
- return true;
- if(K == BACK) {
- /* Handle "go back". Look for verb which goes from game.loc to
- * game.oldloc, or to game.oldlc2 If game.oldloc has forced-motion.
- * K2 saves entry -> forced loc -> previous loc. */
- K=game.oldloc;
- if(FORCED(K))K=game.oldlc2;
- game.oldlc2=game.oldloc;
- game.oldloc=game.loc;
- K2=0;
- if(K == game.loc)K2=91;
- if(CNDBIT(game.loc,4))K2=274;
- if(K2 == 0) goto L21;
- return true;
- }
- if(K == LOOK) {
- /* Look. Can't give more detail. Pretend it wasn't dark
- * (though it may "now" be dark) so he won't fall into a
- * pit while staring into the gloom. */
- if(game.detail < 3)RSPEAK(15);
- game.detail=game.detail+1;
- game.wzdark=false;
- game.abbrev[game.loc]=0;
- return true;
- }
- if(K == CAVE) {
- /* Cave. Different messages depending on whether above ground. */
- RSPEAK((OUTSID(game.loc) && game.loc != 8) ? 57 : 58);
- return true;
- }
- game.oldlc2=game.oldloc;
- game.oldloc=game.loc;
+/* Figure out the new location */
-L9: LL=labs(TRAVEL[KK]);
- if(MOD(LL,1000) == 1 || MOD(LL,1000) == K) goto L10;
- if(TRAVEL[KK] < 0) {
- /* Non-applicable motion. Various messages depending on
- * word given. */
- SPK=12;
- if(K >= 43 && K <= 50)SPK=52;
- if(K == 29 || K == 30)SPK=52;
- if(K == 7 || K == 36 || K == 37)SPK=10;
- if(K == 11 || K == 19)SPK=11;
- if(VERB == FIND || VERB == INVENT)SPK=59;
- if(K == 62 || K == 65)SPK=42;
- if(K == 17)SPK=80;
+ if (playermove(cmdin, VERB))
return true;
- }
- KK=KK+1;
- goto L9;
-L10: LL=LL/1000;
-L11: game.newloc=LL/1000;
- K=MOD(game.newloc,100); /* ESR: an instance of NOBJECTS? */
- if(game.newloc <= 300) goto L13;
- if(game.prop[K] != game.newloc/100-3) goto L16;
-L12: if(TRAVEL[KK] < 0)BUG(25);
- KK=KK+1;
- game.newloc=labs(TRAVEL[KK])/1000;
- if(game.newloc == LL) goto L12;
- LL=game.newloc;
- goto L11;
-L13: if(game.newloc <= 100) goto L14; /* ESR: an instance of NOBJECTS? */
- if(TOTING(K) || (game.newloc > 200 && AT(K))) goto L16;
- goto L12;
-L14: if(game.newloc != 0 && !PCT(game.newloc)) goto L12;
-L16: game.newloc=MOD(LL,1000);
- if(game.newloc <= 300) return true;
- if(game.newloc <= 500) goto L30000;
- RSPEAK(game.newloc-500);
- game.newloc=game.loc;
- return true;
-/* Special motions come here. Labelling convention: statement numbers NNNXX
- * (XX=00-99) are used for special case number NNN (NNN=301-500). */
-L30000: game.newloc=game.newloc-300;
- switch (game.newloc) { case 1: goto L30100; case 2: goto L30200; case 3: goto
- L30300; }
- BUG(20);
-/* Travel 301. Plover-alcove passage. Can carry only emerald. Note: travel
- * table must include "useless" entries going through passage, which can never
- * be used for actual motion, but can be spotted by "go back". */
-L30100: game.newloc=99+100-game.loc; /* ESR: an instance of NOBJECTS? */
- if(game.holdng == 0 || (game.holdng == 1 && TOTING(EMRALD))) return true;
- game.newloc=game.loc;
- RSPEAK(117);
- return true;
-/* Travel 302. Plover transport. Drop the emerald (only use special travel if
- * toting it), so he's forced to use the plover-passage to get it out. Having
- * dropped it, go back and pretend he wasn't carrying it after all. */
-L30200: DROP(EMRALD,game.loc);
- goto L12;
-/* Travel 303. Troll bridge. Must be done only as special motion so that
- * dwarves won't wander across and encounter the bear. (They won't follow the
- * player there because that region is forbidden to the pirate.) If
- * game.prop(TROLL)=1, he's crossed since paying, so step out and block him.
- * (standard travel entries check for game.prop(TROLL)=0.) Special stuff for bear. */
-L30300: if(game.prop[TROLL] != 1) goto L30310;
- game.prop[TROLL]=0;
- game.newloc=game.loc;
- return true;
-L30310: game.newloc=PLAC[TROLL]+FIXD[TROLL]-game.loc;
- if(game.prop[TROLL] == 0)game.prop[TROLL]=1;
- if(!TOTING(BEAR)) return true;
- RSPEAK(162);
- game.prop[CHASM]=1;
- game.prop[TROLL]=2;
- DROP(BEAR,game.newloc);
- game.fixed[BEAR]= -1;
- game.prop[BEAR]=3;
- game.oldlc2=game.newloc;
- croak(cmdin);
- goto L2000;
-/* End of specials. */
-L21: LL=MOD((labs(TRAVEL[KK])/1000),1000);
- if(LL != K) {
- if(LL <= 300) {
- if(FORCED(LL) && MOD((labs(TRAVEL[KEY[LL]])/1000),1000) == K)
- K2=KK;
- }
- if(TRAVEL[KK] < 0)
- goto L23;
- KK=KK+1;
- goto L21;
- L23: KK=K2;
- if(KK == 0) {
- RSPEAK(140);
- return true;
- }
- }
- K=MOD(labs(TRAVEL[KK]),1000);
- KK=KEY[game.loc];
- goto L9;
+ else
+ goto L2000;
/* Cave closing and scoring */
/* These sections handle the closing of the cave. The cave closes "clock1"
* turns after the last treasure has been located (including the pirate's
* chest, which may of course never show up). Note that the treasures need not