efi_not_set = KconfigCheck('-', '-', 'EFI', 'is not set')
cc_is_gcc = KconfigCheck('-', '-', 'CC_IS_GCC', 'y') # exists since v4.18
cc_is_clang = KconfigCheck('-', '-', 'CC_IS_CLANG', 'y') # exists since v4.18
+ gcc_plugins_support_is_set = KconfigCheck('-', '-', 'GCC_PLUGINS', 'y')
modules_not_set = KconfigCheck('cut_attack_surface', 'kspp', 'MODULES', 'is not set') # radical, but may be useful in some cases
devmem_not_set = KconfigCheck('cut_attack_surface', 'kspp', 'DEVMEM', 'is not set') # refers to LOCKDOWN
l += [KconfigCheck('self_protection', 'defconfig', 'BUG', 'y')]
l += [KconfigCheck('self_protection', 'defconfig', 'SLUB_DEBUG', 'y')]
l += [KconfigCheck('self_protection', 'defconfig', 'THREAD_INFO_IN_TASK', 'y')]
- gcc_plugins_support_is_set = KconfigCheck('self_protection', 'defconfig', 'GCC_PLUGINS', 'y')
iommu_support_is_set = KconfigCheck('self_protection', 'defconfig', 'IOMMU_SUPPORT', 'y')
l += [iommu_support_is_set] # is needed for mitigating DMA attacks
l += [OR(KconfigCheck('self_protection', 'defconfig', 'STACKPROTECTOR', 'y'),
l += [AND(KconfigCheck('self_protection', 'kspp', 'HARDENED_USERCOPY_PAGESPAN', 'is not set'),
hardened_usercopy_is_set)] # this debugging for HARDENED_USERCOPY is not needed for security
l += [AND(KconfigCheck('self_protection', 'kspp', 'GCC_PLUGIN_LATENT_ENTROPY', 'y'),
- gcc_plugins_support_is_set)]
+ gcc_plugins_support_is_set,
+ cc_is_gcc)]
l += [OR(KconfigCheck('self_protection', 'kspp', 'MODULE_SIG', 'y'),
l += [OR(KconfigCheck('self_protection', 'kspp', 'MODULE_SIG_ALL', 'y'),
if arch in ('X86_64', 'ARM64', 'X86_32'):
stackleak_is_set = KconfigCheck('self_protection', 'kspp', 'GCC_PLUGIN_STACKLEAK', 'y')
- l += [AND(stackleak_is_set, gcc_plugins_support_is_set)]
+ l += [AND(stackleak_is_set,
+ gcc_plugins_support_is_set,
+ cc_is_gcc)]
l += [AND(KconfigCheck('self_protection', 'kspp', 'STACKLEAK_METRICS', 'is not set'),
- gcc_plugins_support_is_set)]
+ gcc_plugins_support_is_set,
+ cc_is_gcc)]
l += [AND(KconfigCheck('self_protection', 'kspp', 'STACKLEAK_RUNTIME_DISABLE', 'is not set'),
- gcc_plugins_support_is_set)]
+ gcc_plugins_support_is_set,
+ cc_is_gcc)]
l += [KconfigCheck('self_protection', 'kspp', 'RANDOMIZE_KSTACK_OFFSET_DEFAULT', 'y')]
if arch in ('X86_64', 'ARM64'):
l += [cfi_clang_is_set]