# Runs under Python 2 an Python 3. Preserve this property!
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-clause
-# pylint: disable=line-too-long,superfluous-parens,too-many-lines,invalid-name,missing-function-docstring,missing-class-docstring,multiple-statements,too-many-branches,too-many-statements,too-many-locals,too-many-nested-blocks,too-many-return-statements,too-many-instance-attributes,global-statement,no-else-break,no-else-return,no-else-continue,too-few-public-methods,too-many-boolean-expressions
+# pylint: disable=line-too-long,superfluous-parens,too-many-lines,invalid-name,missing-function-docstring,missing-class-docstring,multiple-statements,too-many-branches,too-many-statements,too-many-locals,too-many-nested-blocks,too-many-return-statements,too-many-instance-attributes,global-statement,no-else-break,no-else-return,no-else-continue,too-few-public-methods,too-many-boolean-expressions,consider-using-f-string,consider-using-enumerate,consider-using-with,unspecified-encoding
# pylint: disable=multiple-imports
import os, sys, math, curses, time, pickle, copy, gettext, getpass
nsteps = abs(int(motion))
if motion > 0 and nsteps > mdist:
nsteps = mdist # don't overshoot
- if nsteps > QUADSIZE:
- nsteps = QUADSIZE # This shouldn't be necessary
- if nsteps < 1:
- nsteps = 1 # This shouldn't be necessary
+ nsteps = min(nsteps, QUADSIZE) # This shouldn't be necessary
+ nsteps = max(nsteps, 1) # This shouldn't be necessary
if game.idebug:
proutn("NSTEPS = %d:" % nsteps)
# Compute preferred values of delta X and Y
elif (game.options & OPTION_RAMMING) and game.quad[look.i][look.j] != '.':
# See if enemy should ram ship
if game.quad[look.i][look.j] == game.ship and \
- (enemy.type == 'C' or enemy.type == 'S'):
+ enemy.type in ('C', 'S'):
collision(rammed=True, enemy=enemy)
return []
if krawli != m.i and m.j != 0:
propor = pfac * game.shield
if game.condition == "docked":
propor *= 2.1
- if propor < 0.1:
- propor = 0.1
+ propor = max(propor, 0.1)
hitsh = propor*chgfac*hit+1.0
absorb = 0.8*hitsh
if absorb > game.shield:
prout(_("We'll never make it, sir."))
- if twarp < 1.0:
- twarp = 1.0
+ twarp = max(twarp, 1.0)
proutn(_("Warp factor? "))
# Position ordinary Klingon Battle Cruisers
krem = game.inkling
klumper = 0.25*game.skill*(9.0-game.length)+1.0
- if klumper > MAXKLQUAD:
- klumper = MAXKLQUAD
+ klumper = min(klumper, MAXKLQUAD)
while True:
r = rnd.real()
klump = int((1.0 - r*r)*klumper)
- if klump > krem:
- klump = krem
+ klump = min(klump, krem)
krem -= klump
while True:
w = randplace(GALSIZE)