__kconfig-hardened-check.py__ helps me to check the Linux kernel Kconfig option list
against my hardening preferences, which are based on the
-[KSPP recommended settings][1] and last public [grsecurity][2] patch (options
-which they disable).
+ - [KSPP recommended settings][1],
+ - [CLIP OS kernel configuration][2],
+ - last public [grsecurity][3] patch (options which they disable).
Please don't cry if my Python code looks like C. I'm just a kernel developer.
[1]: http://kernsec.org/wiki/index.php/Kernel_Self_Protection_Project/Recommended_Settings
-[2]: https://grsecurity.net/
+[2]: https://docs.clip-os.org/clipos/kernel.html#configuration
+[3]: https://grsecurity.net/