* 12600 words of message text (LINES, LINSIZ).
* 885 travel options (TRAVEL, TRVSIZ).
* 330 vocabulary words (KTAB, ATAB, TABSIZ).
- * 185 locations (LTEXT, STEXT, KEY, COND, abbrev, game.atloc, LOCSND, LOCSIZ).
- * 100 objects (PLAC, game.place, FIXD, game.fixed, game.link (TWICE), PTEXT, game.prop,
+ * 185 locations (LTEXT, STEXT, KEY, COND, game.abbrev, game.atloc,
+ * 100 objects (PLAC, game.place, FIXD, game.fixed, game.link (twice),
+ * PTEXT, game.prop, OBJSND, OBJTXT).
* 35 "action" verbs (ACTSPK, VRBSIZ).
* 277 random messages (RTEXT, RTXSIZ).
* 12 different player classifications (CTEXT, CVAL, CLSMAX).
* 20 hints (game.hintlc, game.hinted, HINTS, HNTSIZ).
- * 5 "# of turns" threshholds (TTEXT, TRNVAL, TRNSIZ).
+ * 5 "# of turns" threshholds (TTEXT, TRNVAL, TRNSIZ).
* There are also limits which cannot be exceeded due to the structure of
* the database. (E.G., The vocabulary uses n/1000 to determine word type,
* so there can't be more than 1000 words.) These upper limits are:
* 1000 non-synonymous vocabulary words
* 300 locations
- * 100 objects */
-/* Note:
- * - the object count limit has been abstracted as NOBJECTS
- * - the random message limit has been abstracted as RTXSIZ
- * - maximum locations limit has been abstracted as LOCSIZ
+ * 100 objects
+ * Note:
+ * - the object count limit has been abstracted as NOBJECTS
+ * - the random message limit has been abstracted as RTXSIZ
+ * - maximum locations limit has been abstracted as LOCSIZ
/* Description of the database format
* %B = Variable number of blanks
* %! = The entire message should be suppressed */
-static int finish_init(void);
-void initialise(void) {
- if (oldstyle)
- printf("Initialising...\n");
- finish_init();
-static int finish_init(void) {
- int i;
- for (i=1; i<=NOBJECTS; i++) {
- game.place[i]=0;
- game.prop[i]=0;
- game.link[i]=0;
- {long x = i+NOBJECTS; game.link[x]=0;}
- } /* end loop */
- for (i=1; i<=LOCSIZ; i++) {
- game.abbrev[i]=0;
- if (!(LTEXT[i] == 0 || KEY[i] == 0)) {
- K=KEY[i];
- if(MOD(labs(TRAVEL[K]),1000) == 1)COND[i]=2;
- }
- game.atloc[i]=0;
- } /* end loop */
-/* Set up the game.atloc and game.link arrays as described above.
- * We'll use the DROP subroutine, which prefaces new objects on the
- * lists. Since we want things in the other order, we'll run the
- * loop backwards. If the object is in two locs, we drop it twice.
- * This also sets up "game.place" and "fixed" as copies of "PLAC" and
- * "FIXD". Also, since two-placed objects are typically best
- * described last, we'll drop them first. */
- for (i=1; i<=NOBJECTS; i++) {
- K=NOBJECTS + 1 - i;
- if(FIXD[K] > 0) {
- }
- } /* end loop */
- for (i=1; i<=NOBJECTS; i++) {
- K=NOBJECTS + 1 - i;
- game.fixed[K]=FIXD[K];
- if(PLAC[K] != 0 && FIXD[K] <= 0)
- } /* end loop */
-/* Treasures, as noted earlier, are objects MINTRS through MAXTRS
- * Their props are initially -1, and are set to 0 the first time they are
- * described. game.tally keeps track of how many are not yet found, so we know
- * when to close the cave. */
- game.tally=0;
- for (i=MINTRS; i<=MAXTRS; i++) {
- if(PTEXT[i] != 0)
- game.prop[i]= -1;
- game.tally=game.tally-game.prop[i];
- } /* end loop */
-/* Clear the hint stuff. game.hintlc[i] is how long he's been at LOC
- * with cond bit i. game.hinted[i] is true iff hint i has been
- * used. */
- for (i=1; i<=HNTMAX; i++) {
- game.hinted[i]=false;
- game.hintlc[i]=0;
- } /* end loop */
-/* Define some handy mnemonics. These correspond to object numbers. */
- AXE=VOCWRD(12405,1);
- BATTER=VOCWRD(201202005,1);
- BEAR=VOCWRD(2050118,1);
- BIRD=VOCWRD(2091804,1);
- BLOOD=VOCWRD(212151504,1);
- BOTTLE=VOCWRD(215202012,1);
- CAGE=VOCWRD(3010705,1);
- CAVITY=VOCWRD(301220920,1);
- CHASM=VOCWRD(308011913,1);
- CLAM=VOCWRD(3120113,1);
- DOOR=VOCWRD(4151518,1);
- DRAGON=VOCWRD(418010715,1);
- DWARF=VOCWRD(423011806,1);
- FISSUR=VOCWRD(609191921,1);
- FOOD=VOCWRD(6151504,1);
- GRATE=VOCWRD(718012005,1);
- KEYS=VOCWRD(11052519,1);
- KNIFE=VOCWRD(1114090605,1);
- LAMP=VOCWRD(12011316,1);
- MAGZIN=VOCWRD(1301070126,1);
- MESSAG=VOCWRD(1305191901,1);
- MIRROR=VOCWRD(1309181815,1);
- OGRE=VOCWRD(15071805,1);
- OIL=VOCWRD(150912,1);
- OYSTER=VOCWRD(1525192005,1);
- PILLOW=VOCWRD(1609121215,1);
- PLANT=VOCWRD(1612011420,1);
- RESER=VOCWRD(1805190518,1);
- ROD=VOCWRD(181504,1);
- ROD2=ROD+1;
- SIGN=VOCWRD(19090714,1);
- SNAKE=VOCWRD(1914011105,1);
- STEPS=VOCWRD(1920051619,1);
- TROLL=VOCWRD(2018151212,1);
- URN=VOCWRD(211814,1);
- VEND=VOCWRD(1755140409,1);
- VOLCAN=VOCWRD(1765120301,1);
- WATER=VOCWRD(1851200518,1);
+void initialise(void)
+ int i, k;
+ if (oldstyle)
+ printf("Initialising...\n");
-/* Objects from 50 through whatever are treasures. Here are a few. */
+ for (i=1; i<=NOBJECTS; i++) {
+ game.place[i]=0;
+ game.prop[i]=0;
+ game.link[i+NOBJECTS]=game.link[i]=0;
+ }
- AMBER=VOCWRD(113020518,1);
- CHAIN=VOCWRD(308010914,1);
- CHEST=VOCWRD(308051920,1);
- COINS=VOCWRD(315091419,1);
- EGGS=VOCWRD(5070719,1);
- EMRALD=VOCWRD(513051801,1);
- JADE=VOCWRD(10010405,1);
- NUGGET=VOCWRD(7151204,1);
- PEARL=VOCWRD(1605011812,1);
- PYRAM=VOCWRD(1625180113,1);
- RUBY=VOCWRD(18210225,1);
- RUG=VOCWRD(182107,1);
- SAPPH=VOCWRD(1901161608,1);
- TRIDNT=VOCWRD(2018090405,1);
- VASE=VOCWRD(22011905,1);
+ for (i=1; i<=LOCSIZ; i++) {
+ game.abbrev[i]=0;
+ if (!(LTEXT[i] == 0 || KEY[i] == 0)) {
+ k=KEY[i];
+ if(MOD(labs(TRAVEL[k]),1000) == 1)COND[i]=2;
+ }
+ game.atloc[i]=0;
+ }
-/* These are motion-verb numbers. */
+ /* Set up the game.atloc and game.link arrays as described above.
+ * We'll use the DROP subroutine, which prefaces new objects on the
+ * lists. Since we want things in the other order, we'll run the
+ * loop backwards. If the object is in two locs, we drop it twice.
+ * This also sets up "game.place" and "fixed" as copies of "PLAC" and
+ * "FIXD". Also, since two-placed objects are typically best
+ * described last, we'll drop them first. */
+ for (i=1; i<=NOBJECTS; i++) {
+ k=NOBJECTS + 1 - i;
+ if(FIXD[k] > 0) {
+ DROP(k,PLAC[k]);
+ }
+ }
- BACK=VOCWRD(2010311,0);
- CAVE=VOCWRD(3012205,0);
- DPRSSN=VOCWRD(405161805,0);
- ENTER=VOCWRD(514200518,0);
- ENTRNC=VOCWRD(514201801,0);
- LOOK=VOCWRD(12151511,0);
- NUL=VOCWRD(14211212,0);
- STREAM=VOCWRD(1920180501,0);
+ for (i=1; i<=NOBJECTS; i++) {
+ k=NOBJECTS + 1 - i;
+ game.fixed[k]=FIXD[k];
+ if(PLAC[k] != 0 && FIXD[k] <= 0)
+ DROP(k,PLAC[k]);
+ }
-/* And some action verbs. */
+ /* Treasures, as noted earlier, are objects MINTRS through MAXTRS
+ * Their props are initially -1, and are set to 0 the first time
+ * they are described. game.tally keeps track of how many are
+ * not yet found, so we know when to close the cave. */
+ game.tally=0;
+ for (i=MINTRS; i<=MAXTRS; i++) {
+ if(PTEXT[i] != 0)
+ game.prop[i]= -1;
+ game.tally=game.tally-game.prop[i];
+ }
- FIND=VOCWRD(6091404,2);
- INVENT=VOCWRD(914220514,2);
- LOCK=VOCWRD(12150311,2);
- SAY=VOCWRD(190125,2);
- THROW=VOCWRD(2008181523,2);
+ /* Clear the hint stuff. game.hintlc[i] is how long he's been at LOC
+ * with cond bit i. game.hinted[i] is true iff hint i has been
+ * used. */
+ for (i=1; i<=HNTMAX; i++) {
+ game.hinted[i]=false;
+ game.hintlc[i]=0;
+ }
-/* Initialise the dwarves. game.dloc is loc of dwarves, hard-wired in. game.odloc is
- * prior loc of each dwarf, initially garbage. DALTLC is alternate initial loc
- * for dwarf, in case one of them starts out on top of the adventurer. (No 2
- * of the 5 initial locs are adjacent.) game.dseen is true if dwarf has seen him.
- * game.dflag controls the level of activation of all this:
- * 0 No dwarf stuff yet (wait until reaches Hall Of Mists)
- * 1 Reached Hall Of Mists, but hasn't met first dwarf
- * 2 Met first dwarf, others start moving, no knives thrown yet
- * 3 A knife has been thrown (first set always misses)
- * 3+ Dwarves are mad (increases their accuracy)
- * Sixth dwarf is special (the pirate). He always starts at his chest's
- * eventual location inside the maze. This loc is saved in game.chloc for ref.
- * the dead end in the other maze has its loc stored in game.chloc2. */
+ /* Define some handy mnemonics. These correspond to object numbers. */
+ AXE=VOCWRD(12405,1);
+ BATTER=VOCWRD(201202005,1);
+ BEAR=VOCWRD(2050118,1);
+ BIRD=VOCWRD(2091804,1);
+ BLOOD=VOCWRD(212151504,1);
+ BOTTLE=VOCWRD(215202012,1);
+ CAGE=VOCWRD(3010705,1);
+ CAVITY=VOCWRD(301220920,1);
+ CHASM=VOCWRD(308011913,1);
+ CLAM=VOCWRD(3120113,1);
+ DOOR=VOCWRD(4151518,1);
+ DRAGON=VOCWRD(418010715,1);
+ DWARF=VOCWRD(423011806,1);
+ FISSUR=VOCWRD(609191921,1);
+ FOOD=VOCWRD(6151504,1);
+ GRATE=VOCWRD(718012005,1);
+ KEYS=VOCWRD(11052519,1);
+ KNIFE=VOCWRD(1114090605,1);
+ LAMP=VOCWRD(12011316,1);
+ MAGZIN=VOCWRD(1301070126,1);
+ MESSAG=VOCWRD(1305191901,1);
+ MIRROR=VOCWRD(1309181815,1);
+ OGRE=VOCWRD(15071805,1);
+ OIL=VOCWRD(150912,1);
+ OYSTER=VOCWRD(1525192005,1);
+ PILLOW=VOCWRD(1609121215,1);
+ PLANT=VOCWRD(1612011420,1);
+ RESER=VOCWRD(1805190518,1);
+ ROD=VOCWRD(181504,1);
+ ROD2=ROD+1;
+ SIGN=VOCWRD(19090714,1);
+ SNAKE=VOCWRD(1914011105,1);
+ STEPS=VOCWRD(1920051619,1);
+ TROLL=VOCWRD(2018151212,1);
+ URN=VOCWRD(211814,1);
+ VEND=VOCWRD(1755140409,1);
+ VOLCAN=VOCWRD(1765120301,1);
+ WATER=VOCWRD(1851200518,1);
- game.chloc=114;
- game.chloc2=140;
- for (i=1; i<=NDWARVES; i++) {
- game.dseen[i]=false;
- } /* end loop */
- game.dflag=0;
- game.dloc[1]=19;
- game.dloc[2]=27;
- game.dloc[3]=33;
- game.dloc[4]=44;
- game.dloc[5]=64;
- game.dloc[6]=game.chloc;
+ /* Objects from MINTRS through MAXTRS are treasures. Here are a few. */
+ AMBER=VOCWRD(113020518,1);
+ CHAIN=VOCWRD(308010914,1);
+ CHEST=VOCWRD(308051920,1);
+ COINS=VOCWRD(315091419,1);
+ EGGS=VOCWRD(5070719,1);
+ EMRALD=VOCWRD(513051801,1);
+ JADE=VOCWRD(10010405,1);
+ NUGGET=VOCWRD(7151204,1);
+ PEARL=VOCWRD(1605011812,1);
+ PYRAM=VOCWRD(1625180113,1);
+ RUBY=VOCWRD(18210225,1);
+ RUG=VOCWRD(182107,1);
+ SAPPH=VOCWRD(1901161608,1);
+ TRIDNT=VOCWRD(2018090405,1);
+ VASE=VOCWRD(22011905,1);
-/* Other random flags and counters, as follows:
- * game.abbnum How often we should print non-abbreviated descriptions
- * game.bonus Used to determine amount of bonus if he reaches closing
- * game.clock1 Number of turns from finding last treasure till closing
- * game.clock2 Number of turns from first warning till blinding flash
- * game.conds Min value for cond(loc) if loc has any hints
- * game.detail How often we've said "not allowed to give more detail"
- * game.dkill # of dwarves killed (unused in scoring, needed for msg)
- * game.foobar Current progress in saying "FEE FIE FOE FOO".
- * game.holdng Number of objects being carried
- * igo How many times he's said "go XXX" instead of "XXX"
- * game.iwest How many times he's said "west" instead of "w"
- * game.knfloc 0 if no knife here, loc if knife here, -1 after caveat
- * game.limit Lifetime of lamp (not set here)
- * MAXDIE Number of reincarnation messages available (up to 5)
- * game.numdie Number of times killed so far
- * game.thresh Next #turns threshhold (-1 if none)
- * game.trndex Index in TRNVAL of next threshhold (section 14 of database)
- * game.trnluz # points lost so far due to number of turns used
- * game.turns Tallies how many commands he's given (ignores yes/no)
- * Logicals were explained earlier */
+ /* These are motion-verb numbers. */
+ BACK=VOCWRD(2010311,0);
+ CAVE=VOCWRD(3012205,0);
+ DPRSSN=VOCWRD(405161805,0);
+ ENTER=VOCWRD(514200518,0);
+ ENTRNC=VOCWRD(514201801,0);
+ LOOK=VOCWRD(12151511,0);
+ NUL=VOCWRD(14211212,0);
+ STREAM=VOCWRD(1920180501,0);
- game.turns=0;
- game.trndex=1;
- game.thresh= -1;
- if(TRNVLS > 0)game.thresh=MOD(TRNVAL[1],100000)+1;
- game.trnluz=0;
- game.lmwarn=false;
- game.iwest=0;
- game.knfloc=0;
- game.detail=0;
- game.abbnum=5;
- for (i=0; i<=4; i++) {
- {long x = 2*i+81; if(RTEXT[x] != 0)MAXDIE=i+1;}
- } /* end loop */
- game.numdie=0;
- game.holdng=0;
- game.dkill=0;
- game.foobar=0;
- game.bonus=0;
- game.clock1=30;
- game.clock2=50;
- game.conds=SETBIT(11);
- game.saved=0;
- game.closng=false;
- game.panic=false;
- game.closed=false;
- game.clshnt=false;
- game.novice=false;
- game.setup=1;
- game.blklin=true;
+ /* And some action verbs. */
+ FIND=VOCWRD(6091404,2);
+ INVENT=VOCWRD(914220514,2);
+ LOCK=VOCWRD(12150311,2);
+ SAY=VOCWRD(190125,2);
+ THROW=VOCWRD(2008181523,2);
- /* if we can ever think of how, we should save it at this point */
+ /* Initialise the dwarves. game.dloc is loc of dwarves,
+ * hard-wired in. game.odloc is prior loc of each dwarf,
+ * initially garbage. DALTLC is alternate initial loc for dwarf,
+ * in case one of them starts out on top of the adventurer. (No
+ * 2 of the 5 initial locs are adjacent.) game.dseen is true if
+ * dwarf has seen him. game.dflag controls the level of
+ * activation of all this:
+ * 0 No dwarf stuff yet (wait until reaches Hall Of Mists)
+ * 1 Reached Hall Of Mists, but hasn't met first dwarf
+ * 2 Met first dwarf, others start moving, no knives thrown yet
+ * 3 A knife has been thrown (first set always misses)
+ * 3+ Dwarves are mad (increases their accuracy)
+ * Sixth dwarf is special (the pirate). He always starts at his
+ * chest's eventual location inside the maze. This loc is saved
+ * in game.chloc for ref. the dead end in the other maze has its
+ * loc stored in game.chloc2. */
+ game.chloc=114;
+ game.chloc2=140;
+ for (i=1; i<=NDWARVES; i++) {
+ game.dseen[i]=false;
+ }
+ game.dflag=0;
+ game.dloc[1]=19;
+ game.dloc[2]=27;
+ game.dloc[3]=33;
+ game.dloc[4]=44;
+ game.dloc[5]=64;
+ game.dloc[6]=game.chloc;
- return(0); /* then we won't actually return from initialisation */
+ /* Other random flags and counters, as follows:
+ * game.abbnum How often we should print non-abbreviated descriptions
+ * game.bonus Used to determine amount of bonus if he reaches closing
+ * game.clock1 Number of turns from finding last treasure till closing
+ * game.clock2 Number of turns from first warning till blinding flash
+ * game.conds Min value for cond(loc) if loc has any hints
+ * game.detail How often we've said "not allowed to give more detail"
+ * game.dkill # of dwarves killed (unused in scoring, needed for msg)
+ * game.foobar Current progress in saying "FEE FIE FOE FOO".
+ * game.holdng Number of objects being carried
+ * igo How many times he's said "go XXX" instead of "XXX"
+ * game.iwest How many times he's said "west" instead of "w"
+ * game.knfloc 0 if no knife here, loc if knife here, -1 after caveat
+ * game.limit Lifetime of lamp (not set here)
+ * MAXDIE Number of reincarnation messages available (up to 5)
+ * game.numdie Number of times killed so far
+ * game.thresh Next #turns threshhold (-1 if none)
+ * game.trndex Index in TRNVAL of next threshold (db section 14)
+ * game.trnluz # points lost so far due to number of turns used
+ * game.turns Tallies how many commands he's given (ignores yes/no)
+ * Logicals were explained earlier */
+ game.turns=0;
+ game.trndex=1;
+ game.thresh= -1;
+ if (TRNVLS > 0)
+ game.thresh=MOD(TRNVAL[1],100000)+1;
+ game.trnluz=0;
+ game.lmwarn=false;
+ game.iwest=0;
+ game.knfloc=0;
+ game.detail=0;
+ game.abbnum=5;
+ for (i=0; i<=4; i++) {
+ long x = 2*i+81;
+ if(RTEXT[x] != 0)
+ MAXDIE=i+1;
+ }
+ game.numdie=0;
+ game.holdng=0;
+ game.dkill=0;
+ game.foobar=0;
+ game.bonus=0;
+ game.clock1=30;
+ game.clock2=50;
+ game.conds=SETBIT(11);
+ game.saved=0;
+ game.closng=false;
+ game.panic=false;
+ game.closed=false;
+ game.clshnt=false;
+ game.novice=false;
+ game.setup=1;
+ game.blklin=true;