;; I kinda like calling it a GM though.
(define-class <game-master> (<actor>)
- ;; The directory is a "namespaced" directory of all "special" content
- ;; in the game, identifiable by some special key.
- ;; (The namespace is simply a cons of (namespace . special-symbol))
- (directory #:init-thunk make-hash-table)
+ ;; Directory of "special" objects.
+ (special-dir #:init-thunk make-hash-table
+ #:getter gm-special-dir)
+ ;; Room directory. Room symbols to
+ (room-dir #:init-thunk make-hash-table
+ #:getter gm-room-dir)
;; A mapping of client ids to in-game actors
(client-to-actor #:init-thunk make-hash-table)
;; Network manager
(init-world (wrap-apply gm-init-world))
- (client-input (wrap-apply gm-handle-client-input)))))
+ (client-input (wrap-apply gm-handle-client-input))
+ (lookup-room (wrap-apply gm-lookup-room)))))
+;;; .. begin world init stuff ..
(define (gm-init-world gm message)
;; Load database
;; Init basic rooms / structure
- ;; TODO
+ (gm-init-rooms gm (message-ref message 'room-spec))
;; Restore database-based actors
;; Set up the network
(gm-setup-network gm))
+(define (gm-init-rooms gm rooms-spec)
+ "Initialize the prebuilt rooms"
+ ;; @@: Would it be nicer to just allow passing in
+ ;; #:exits to the room spec itself?
+ (define (exit-from-spec exit-spec)
+ "Take room exits syntax from the spec, turn it into exits"
+ (match exit-spec
+ ((name to-symbol description)
+ (make <exit>
+ #:name name
+ #:to-symbol to-symbol
+ #:description description))))
+ (define rooms
+ (map
+ (match-lambda
+ ((room-symbol room-class
+ room-args ...
+ (room-exits ...))
+ ;; initialize the room
+ (apply create-actor* gm room-class "room"
+ #:gm (actor-id gm)
+ #:exits (map exit-from-spec room-exits)
+ room-args)))
+ rooms-spec))
+ ;; now wire up all the exits
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (room)
+ (format #t "Wiring up ~s...\n" (address->string room))
+ (<-wait gm room 'wire-exits!))
+ rooms))
(define (gm-setup-network gm)
;; Create a default network manager if none available
(set! (gm-network-manager gm)
;; TODO: Add host and port options
(<-wait gm (gm-network-manager gm) 'start-listening))
+;;; .. end world init stuff ...
(define (gm-handle-client-input actor message)
"Handle input from a client."
(define client-id (message-ref message 'client))
#:client client-id
#:data "Thanks, we got it!\n"))
+(define-mhandler (gm-lookup-room actor message symbol)
+ (define room-id
+ (slot-ref (gm-room-dir actor) symbol))
+ (<-reply actor message room-id))
(define-method (gm-setup-database (gm <game-master>))
(define-method (gm-setup-rooms-etc (gm <game-master>))
;;; Rooms
;;; =====
(name #:accessor exit-name
#:init-keyword #:name)
(description #:accessor exit-description
- #:init-keyword #:address)
+ #:init-keyword #:description)
;; *Note*: These two methods have an extra layer of indirection, but
;; it's for a good reason.
- (visible-check #:init-keyword (const #t))
+ (visible-check #:init-value (const #t)
+ #:init-keyword #:visible-check)
;; By default all exits can be traversed
- (traverse-check #:init-keyword (const #t)))
+ (traverse-check #:init-value (const #t)
+ #:init-keyword #:traverse-check))
(define* (exit-can-traverse? exit actor
#:optional (target-actor (actor-id actor)))
((evict-occupant! actor message who)
"De-register an occupant removed from the room"
(hash-remove! (slot-ref actor 'occupants) who))
- ((wire-exits! actor message)
- (wrap-apply room-wire-exits!)))))
+ (wire-exits! (wrap-apply room-wire-exits!)))))
(define (room-wire-exits! room message)
;; Debugging stuff
(define %test-gm #f)
-(define (run-demo . args)
+(define (run-demo db-path room-spec)
(define hive (make-hive))
(define gm
(hive-create-actor-gimmie* hive <game-master> "gm"))
;; @@: Boy, wouldn't it be nice if the agenda could do things
;; on interrupt :P
(ez-run-hive hive
- (list (bootstrap-message hive (actor-id gm) 'init-world))))
+ (list (bootstrap-message hive (actor-id gm) 'init-world
+ #:room-spec room-spec))))