# pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring,line-too-long
import unittest
+from unittest import mock
import io
import sys
import json
import inspect
from typing import Union, Optional, List, Dict, Tuple
from .engine import StrOrBool, ChecklistObjType, KconfigCheck, CmdlineCheck, SysctlCheck, VersionCheck, OR, AND
-from .engine import populate_with_data, perform_checks, override_expected_value, print_unknown_options
+from .engine import populate_with_data, perform_checks, override_expected_value, print_unknown_options, colorize_result
ResultType = List[Union[Dict[str, StrOrBool], str]]
'[?] No check for kconfig option CONFIG_NOCHECK_NAME_8 (expected_8)\n'
'[?] No check for cmdline option NOCHECK_name_6 (expected_6)\n'
'[?] No check for sysctl option NOCHECK_name_7 (expected_7)\n'])
+ def test_colorize_result(self) -> None:
+ # 1. prepare the checklists
+ with_color = ['\x1b[32mOK\x1b[0m']
+ with_color += ['\x1b[31mFAIL: expected_1\x1b[0m']
+ no_color = ['OK']
+ no_color += ['FAIL: expected_1']
+ # 2. run and check that results are correct with sys.stdout.isatty()=True
+ with mock.patch('sys.stdout') as stdout:
+ stdout.isatty.return_value = True
+ self.assertEqual(with_color,
+ [colorize_result('OK'),
+ colorize_result('FAIL: expected_1')])
+ # 3. run and check that results are correct with sys.stdout.isatty()=False
+ with mock.patch('sys.stdout') as stdout:
+ stdout.isatty.return_value = False
+ self.assertEqual(None, colorize_result(None))
+ self.assertEqual(no_color,
+ [colorize_result('OK'),
+ colorize_result('FAIL: expected_1')])