USE_MODULES - Activates linking with pre-compiled library modules.
WITHOUT_DIRECTIONS - De-activates standard compass directions (bar
-"IN" and "OUT"). Place alternative directions in the compass.
\ No newline at end of file
+"IN" and "OUT"). Place alternative directions in the compass.
+Library variables
+action - The current *action*.
+actor - The target of an instruction: the player, or an NPC.
+deadflag - Normally 0: 1 indicates a regular death, 2 indicates that
+the player has won, 3 or more denotes a user-defined end.
+inventory_stage - Used by `invent` and `list_together` properties.
+keep_silent - Normally false; true makes most group 2 actions silent.
+location - The player's current room; unless that's dark, when it
+contains `thedark`, `real_location` contains the room.
+notify_mode - Normally `true`: `false` remains silent when score
+noun - The primary focus object for the current action.
+player - The object acting on behalf of the human player.
+real_location -The player's current room when in the dark.
+score - The current score.
+second - The secondary focus object for the current action.
+self - The object which received a message. (Note: a run-time
+variable, not a compile-time constant.)
+sender - The object which sent a message (or `nothing`).
+task_scores - A byte array holding scores for the task scoring
+the_time - The game's clock, in minutes 0..1439 since midnight.
+turns - The game's turn counter.
+wn - The input stream word number, counting from 1.
\ No newline at end of file