#:goes-by '("orange cartoon cat phone" "orange cartoon cat telephone"
"orange cat phone" "orange cat telephone"
"cartoon cat phone" "cartoon cat"
- "cat phone" "cat telephone" "phone" "telephone"))))
+ "cat phone" "cat telephone" "phone" "telephone"))
+ ('lobby:monster-stuffie
+ <gameobj> 'lobby
+ #:name "an off-brand monster stuffie"
+ #:desc "It's an off brand monster stuffed animal that looks, well kinda
+like a popular character you've seen in a video game, but there's been a very
+thin attempt to make it look like something different... mostly by changing
+the shape of the ears. It's cute though!"
+ #:take-me? #t
+ #:goes-by '("monster stuffie" "monster" "stuffed animal" "stuffed monster"
+ "off-brand monster stuffie" "stuffie" "monster stuffie"))))