## Usage
usage: kconfig-hardened-check [-h] [--version] [-p {X86_64,X86_32,ARM64,ARM}]
- [-c CONFIG] [-m {verbose,json}]
+ [-c CONFIG]
+ [-m {verbose,json,show_ok,show_fail}]
Checks the hardening options in the Linux kernel config
-p {X86_64,X86_32,ARM64,ARM}, --print {X86_64,X86_32,ARM64,ARM}
print hardening preferences for selected architecture
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
- check the config_file against these preferences
- -m {verbose,json}, --mode {verbose,json}
+ check the kernel config file against these preferences
+ -m {verbose,json,show_ok,show_fail}, --mode {verbose,json,show_ok,show_fail}
choose the report mode
# table contents
for opt in checklist:
+ if with_results:
+ if mode == 'show_ok':
+ if not opt.result.startswith('OK'):
+ continue
+ if mode == 'show_fail':
+ if not opt.result.startswith('FAIL'):
+ continue
opt.table_print(mode, with_results)
if mode == 'verbose':
# final score
if with_results:
- error_count = len(list(filter(lambda opt: opt.result.startswith('FAIL'), checklist)))
+ fail_count = len(list(filter(lambda opt: opt.result.startswith('FAIL'), checklist)))
+ fail_suppressed = ''
ok_count = len(list(filter(lambda opt: opt.result.startswith('OK'), checklist)))
+ ok_suppressed = ''
+ if mode == 'show_ok':
+ fail_suppressed = ' (suppressed in output)'
+ if mode == 'show_fail':
+ ok_suppressed = ' (suppressed in output)'
if mode != 'json':
- print('[+] Config check is finished: \'OK\' - {} / \'FAIL\' - {}'.format(ok_count, error_count))
+ print('[+] Config check is finished: \'OK\' - {}{} / \'FAIL\' - {}{}'.format(ok_count, ok_suppressed, fail_count, fail_suppressed))
def perform_checks(checklist, parsed_options, kernel_version):
# - reporting about unknown kernel options in the config
# - verbose printing of ComplexOptCheck items
# * json mode for printing the results in JSON format
- report_modes = ['verbose', 'json']
+ report_modes = ['verbose', 'json', 'show_ok', 'show_fail']
supported_archs = ['X86_64', 'X86_32', 'ARM64', 'ARM']
parser = ArgumentParser(prog='kconfig-hardened-check',
description='Checks the hardening options in the Linux kernel config')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--print', choices=supported_archs,
help='print hardening preferences for selected architecture')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--config',
- help='check the config_file against these preferences')
+ help='check the kernel config file against these preferences')
parser.add_argument('-m', '--mode', choices=report_modes,
help='choose the report mode')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.print:
+ if mode in ('show_ok', 'show_fail'):
+ sys.exit('[!] ERROR: please use "{}" mode for checking the kernel config'.format(mode))
arch = args.print
construct_checklist(config_checklist, arch)
if mode != 'json':