$(RUN_TARGETS): run-regress-%: %.log
@(test=$(<:.log=); legend=$$(sed -n '/^## /s///p' <"$<" 2>/dev/null || echo "(no description)"); \
OPTS=`sed -n /#options:/s///p $<`; \
- $(advent) $$OPTS <$< | tapdiffer "$<: $${legend}" "$${test}.chk")
+ $(advent) $$OPTS <$< | tapdiffer "$${test}: $${legend}" "$${test}.chk")
@(echo "inven" | advent issue36.log /dev/stdin) | tapdiffer "multifile: multiple-file test" multifile.chk
-# Demonstrate fix of buggy response to unlocking oyster while carrying it.
+## Demonstrate fix of buggy response to unlocking oyster while carrying it.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Eric S. Raymond <esr@thyrsus.com>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#NOCOMPARE This fails due to a known bug in advent430