- *
- * a56 - a DSP56001 assembler
- *
- * Written by Quinn C. Jensen
- * July 1990
- *
- *******************************************************/
- * Copyright (C) 1990-1994 Quinn C. Jensen
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. The author makes no representations
- * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is
- * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
- * a56.y - The YACC grammar for the assembler.
- *
- * Note: This module requires a "BIG" version of YACC. I had to
- * recompile YACC in the largest mode available.
- *
- * Other notes:
- *
- * MOVEC, MOVEM and MOVEP must be used explicitly--MOVE can't yet figure
- * out which form to use.
- *
- */
-#include "a56.h"
-#include <math.h>
-unsigned int w0, w1; /* workspace for the actual generated code */
-BOOL uses_w1; /* says whether w1 is alive */
-unsigned int pc; /* current program counter */
-int seg; /* current segment P: X: Y: or L: */
-int expr_seg; /* segment of current expression */
-int just_rep = 0; /* keeps track of REP instruction */
-int hot_rreg = -1; /* rreg loaded by prev inst. or -1 */
-int hot_nreg = -1; /* nreg loaded by prev inst. or -1 */
-int hot_mreg = -1; /* mreg loaded by prev inst. or -1 */
-int prev_hot_rreg = -1; /* rreg loaded by prev inst. or -1 */
-int prev_hot_nreg = -1; /* nreg loaded by prev inst. or -1 */
-int prev_hot_mreg = -1; /* mreg loaded by prev inst. or -1 */
-int substatement = 0; /* in a substatement */
-BOOL long_symbolic_expr = FALSE; /* a parser flag */
-char *new_include = NULL; /* file to be included */
-/* listing stuff */
-char segs[] = "uPXYL*";
-extern BOOL list_on_next; /* listing to turn on or off */
-BOOL list_on; /* listing on at the moment */
-extern char *cur_line; /* points to line being lex'd */
-char list_buf[1024 + 80]; /* listing buffer */
-char list_buf2[1024 + 80]; /* listing buffer for two-line code */
-BOOL uses_buf2 = FALSE; /* list_buf2 is alive */
-BOOL list_print_line = FALSE; /* whether or not to print line in listing */
-char *spaces(), *luntab();
-struct n binary_op();
-struct n unary_op();
-struct n sym_ref();
-#define R_R6 0x0001
-#define R_R5 0x0002
-#define R_R4 0x0004
-#define R_DATA_ALU_ACCUM 0x0008
-#define R_CTL_REG 0x0010
-#define R_FUNKY_CTL_REG 0x0020
-#define R_SDX 0x0040
-#define R_SDY 0x0080
-#define R_LSD 0x0100
-#define R_AB 0x0200
-#define R_XREG 0x0400
-#define R_YREG 0x0800
-/* registers to which short immediate move is an unsigned int */
-#define R_UINT 0x1000
-/* registers to which short immediate move is an signed frac */
-#define R_SFRAC 0x2000
-%union {
- int ival; /* integer value */
- struct n n; /* just like in struct sym */
- double dval; /* floating point value */
- char *sval; /* string */
- int cval; /* character */
- char cond; /* condition */
- struct regs {
- int r6, r5, r4, data_alu_accum, ctl_reg, funky_ctl_reg;
- int sdx, sdy, lsd, ab, xreg, yreg;
- int flags;
- } regs;
- struct ea {
- int mode;
- int ext;
- int pp;
- } ea;
-%token <n> CHEX CDEC FRAC
-%token <ival> OP OPA OPP
-%token <cond> OP_JCC OP_JSCC OP_TCC
-%token <sval> SYM
-%token <sval> STRING
-%token <cval> CHAR
-%token XMEM
-%token YMEM
-%token LMEM
-%token PMEM
-%token AAAA
-%token A10
-%token BBBB
-%token B10
-%token AABB
-%token BBAA
-%token XXXX
-%token YYYY
-%token SR
-%token MR
-%token CCR
-%token OMR
-%token SP
-%token SSH
-%token SSL
-%token LA
-%token LC
-%token EOL
-%token EOS
-%token LEXBAD
-%token OP_ABS
-%token OP_ADC
-%token OP_ADD
-%token OP_ADDL
-%token OP_ADDR
-%token OP_ASL
-%token OP_ASR
-%token OP_CLR
-%token OP_CMP
-%token OP_CMPM
-%token OP_DIV
-%token OP_MAC
-%token OP_MACR
-%token OP_MPY
-%token OP_MPYR
-%token OP_NEG
-%token OP_NORM
-%token OP_RND
-%token OP_SBC
-%token OP_SUB
-%token OP_SUBL
-%token OP_SUBR
-%token OP_TFR
-%token OP_TST
-%token OP_AND
-%token OP_ANDI
-%token OP_EOR
-%token OP_LSL
-%token OP_LSR
-%token OP_NOT
-%token OP_OR
-%token OP_ORI
-%token OP_ROL
-%token OP_ROR
-%token OP_BCLR
-%token OP_BSET
-%token OP_BCHG
-%token OP_BTST
-%token OP_DO
-%token OP_ENDDO
-%token OP_LUA
-%token OP_MOVE
-%token OP_MOVEC
-%token OP_MOVEM
-%token OP_MOVEP
-%token OP_ILLEGAL
-%token OP_INCLUDE
-%token OP_JMP
-%token OP_JCLR
-%token OP_JSET
-%token OP_JSR
-%token OP_JSCLR
-%token OP_JSSET
-%token OP_NOP
-%token OP_REP
-%token OP_RESET
-%token OP_RTI
-%token OP_RTS
-%token OP_STOP
-%token OP_SWI
-%token OP_WAIT
-%token OP_EQU
-%token OP_ORG
-%token OP_DC
-%token OP_DS
-%token OP_DSM
-%token OP_END
-%token OP_PAGE
-%token OP_PSECT
-%token OP_ALIGN
-%token OP_INT
-%token SHL
-%token SHR
-%token OP_PI
-%token OP_SIN
-%token OP_COS
-%token OP_TAN
-%token OP_ATAN
-%token OP_ASIN
-%token OP_ACOS
-%token OP_EXP
-%token OP_LN
-%token OP_LOG
-%token OP_POW
-%type <n> num num_or_sym
-%type <n> num_or_sym_expr
-%type <n> expr
-%type <n> ix
-%type <n> ix_long
-%type <ival> abs_addr abs_short_addr io_short_addr
-%type <ival> a_b x_or_y ea b5_10111_max
-%type <ival> p6_ean_a6 ea_no_ext p6_ea_a6 ea_a6 ea_a12
-%type <ival> ea_short
-%type <ival> prog_ctl_reg
-%type <ival> op8_1 op8_2 op8_3 op8_4 op8_5 op8_6 op8_7 op8_8
-%type <ival> mpy_arg mpy_srcs plus_minus
-%type <ival> sd3
-%type <ival> funky_ctl_reg tcc_sd space
-%type <sval> opt_label
-%type <regs> regs
-%type <ea> movep_ea_pp
-%left '|'
-%left '^'
-%left SHL SHR
-%left '&'
-%left '+' '-'
-%left '*' '/' '%'
-%right '~'
-%start input
-/*%%%********************* top syntax ***********************/
-input : /* empty */
- | input statement
- ;
- : good_stuff EOL
- {
- if(pass == 2 && list_on && list_print_line) {
- printf(ldebug ? "\n(%s|%s)\n" : "%s%s\n",
- list_buf, substatement == 0 ? luntab(cur_line) : "");
- if(uses_buf2)
- printf(ldebug ? "\n(%s|)\n" : "%s\n",
- list_buf2);
- list_buf[0] = list_buf2[0] = '\0';
- }
- curline++;
- uses_buf2 = FALSE;
- list_print_line = TRUE;
- list_on = list_on_next;
- substatement = 0;
- if(NOT check_psect(seg, pc) && pass == 2)
- yyerror("%04X: psect violation", pc);
- }
- | good_stuff EOS
- {
- if(pass == 2 && list_on && list_print_line) {
- printf(ldebug ? "\n(%s" : "%s", list_buf);
- if(substatement == 0)
- printf(ldebug ? "|%s)\n" : "%s\n", luntab(cur_line));
- else
- printf(ldebug ? ")\n" : "\n");
- if(uses_buf2)
- printf(ldebug ? "\n(%s|)\n" : "%s\n",
- list_buf2);
- list_buf[0] = list_buf2[0] = '\0';
- }
- substatement++;
- uses_buf2 = FALSE;
- list_print_line = TRUE;
- list_on = list_on_next;
- if(NOT check_psect(seg, pc) && pass == 2)
- yyerror("%04X: psect violation", pc);
- }
- | error EOL
- {curline++; substatement = 0;}
- ;
- : /* empty */
- {sprintf(list_buf, "%s", spaces(0));}
- | cpp_droppings
- {list_print_line = FALSE;}
- | assembler_ops
- {long_symbolic_expr = FALSE;}
- | label_field operation_field
- {char *printcode();
- if(pass == 2) {
- gencode(seg, pc, w0);
- sprintf(list_buf, "%c:%04X %s ", segs[seg], pc, printcode(w0));
- pc++;
- if(uses_w1) {
- gencode(seg, pc, w1);
- sprintf(list_buf2, "%c:%04X %s", segs[seg], pc,
- printcode(w1 & 0xFFFFFF));
- uses_buf2++;
- pc++;
- }
- } else {
- pc++;
- if(uses_w1)
- pc++;
- }
- w0 = w1 = 0; uses_w1 = FALSE;
- long_symbolic_expr = FALSE;}
- | SYM
- {sym_def($1, INT, seg, pc);
- free($1);
- if(pass == 2 && list_on) {
- sprintf(list_buf, "%c:%04X%s", segs[seg], pc, spaces(14-8));
- long_symbolic_expr = FALSE;
- }}
- ;
- : '#' num STRING
- {if(strlen($3) > 0)
- curfile = $3;
- else
- curfile = "<stdin>";
- curline = $2.val.i - 1;}
- ;
- : SYM OP_EQU expr
- {sym_def($1, $3.type, ANY, $3.val.i, $3.val.f);
- free($1);
- if(pass == 2 && list_on) {
- if($3.type == INT)
- sprintf(list_buf, "%06X%s",
- $3.val.i & 0xFFFFFF,
- spaces(14-8));
- else
- sprintf(list_buf, "%10g%s", $3.val.f,
- spaces(14-4));
- }}
- | OP_ALIGN expr
- {int ival = n2int($2);
- if($2.type == UNDEF) {
- yyerror("illegal forward reference");
- } else if (ival <= 1) {
- yyerror("%d: illegal alignment", ival);
- } else {
- if(pc % ival != 0)
- pc += ival - pc % ival;
- }
- if(pass == 2 && list_on)
- sprintf(list_buf, "%c:%04X%s", segs[seg], pc,
- spaces(14-8));
- }
- {struct psect *pp = find_psect($2);
- if(NOT pp) {
- if(pass == 2)
- yyerror("%s: undefined psect", $2);
- } else {
- seg = pp->seg;
- pc = pp->pc;
- set_psect(pp);
- if(pass == 2 && list_on)
- sprintf(list_buf, "%c:%04X%s", segs[seg], pc,
- spaces(14-8));
- }
- free($2);}
- | OP_PSECT SYM space expr ':' expr
- {new_psect($2, $3, n2int($4), n2int($6));
- if(pass == 2 && list_on)
- sprintf(list_buf, "%c:%04X %04X%s",
- segs[$3], n2int($4), n2int($6), spaces(14-8+4+1));
- }
- | OP_ORG space expr
- {pc = n2int($3);
- seg = $2;
- if(pass == 2 && list_on)
- sprintf(list_buf, "%c:%04X%s", segs[seg], pc,
- spaces(14-8));
- }
- | OP_ORG space expr ',' space expr
- {pc = n2int($3);
- seg = $2;
- if(pass == 2 && list_on)
- sprintf(list_buf, "%c:%04X%s", segs[seg], pc,
- spaces(14-8));
- }
- | label_field OP_DC dc_list
- | label_field OP_DS expr
- {pc += n2int($3);
- if(pass == 2 && list_on)
- sprintf(list_buf, "%c:%04X%s", segs[seg], pc,
- spaces(14-8));
- }
- | opt_label OP_DSM expr
- {int size = n2int($3);
- if(size)
- { int align = 1;
- while(align < size)
- align <<= 1;
- pc += (align - (pc % align));
- }
- if($1)
- { sym_def($1, INT, seg, pc);
- free($1);
- }
- pc += size;
- }
- | OP_PAGE num ',' num ',' num ',' num
- {if(pass == 2 && list_on) {
- sprintf(list_buf, "%s", spaces(0));
- }}
- {if(pass == 2 && list_on) {
- printf(ldebug ? "\n(%s|%s)\n" : "%s%s\n",
- spaces(0), luntab(cur_line));
- list_print_line = FALSE;
- }
- include($2); /* free($2); */
- }
- | OP_END
- {if(pass == 2 && list_on) {
- sprintf(list_buf, "%s", spaces(0));
- }}
- ;
- : dc_list ',' dc_stuff
- | dc_stuff
- ;
- {int len = strlen($1), i; char *cp; w0 = 0;
- if(len % 3 == 2)
- len++; /* force empty word */
- for(i = 0, cp = $1; i < len; i++, cp++) {
- w0 |= (*cp & 0xFF) << (2 - (i % 3)) * 8;
- if(i % 3 == 2 || i == len - 1) {
- if(pass == 2) {
- if(list_on) sprintf(list_buf, "%c:%04X %06X%s",
- segs[seg], pc, w0,
- spaces(14-6+5));
- gencode(seg, pc, w0);
- }
- pc++; w0 = 0;
- }
- }
- free($1);}
- | expr
- {int frac = n2frac($1);
- if(pass == 2) {
- if(list_on) {
- sprintf(list_buf, "%c:%04X %06X%s", segs[seg], pc,
- frac & 0xFFFFFF, spaces(14-6+5));
- }
- gencode(seg, pc, frac);
- }
- pc++;}
- : PMEM
- {$$ = PROG;}
- | XMEM
- {$$ = XDATA;}
- | YMEM
- {$$ = YDATA;}
- | LMEM
- {$$ = LDATA;}
- ;
- : SYM
- {sym_def($1, INT, seg, pc);
- free($1);}
- | /* empty */
- ;
- : SYM {$$ = $1;}
- | /* empty */ {$$ = NULL;}
- ;
- : operation
- {prev_hot_rreg = hot_rreg;
- prev_hot_nreg = hot_nreg;
- prev_hot_mreg = hot_mreg;
- hot_rreg = hot_nreg = hot_mreg = -1;
- if(just_rep)
- just_rep--;}
- ;
- : no_parallel
- | parallel_ok
- {w0 |= 0x200000;}
- | parallel_ok parallel_move
- ;
-/*%%%************* instructions that allow parallel moves ****************/
- :
- OP_MPY mpy_arg
- {w0 |= 0x80 | $2 << 2;}
- | OP_MPYR mpy_arg
- {w0 |= 0x81 | $2 << 2;}
- | OP_MAC mpy_arg
- {w0 |= 0x82 | $2 << 2;}
- | OP_MACR mpy_arg
- {w0 |= 0x83 | $2 << 2;}
- | OP_SUB op8_1
- {w0 |= 0x04 | $2 << 3;}
- | OP_ADD op8_1
- {w0 |= 0x00 | $2 << 3;}
- {w0 |= 0x00;}
- | OP_TFR op8_2
- {w0 |= 0x01 | $2 << 3;}
- | OP_CMP op8_2
- {w0 |= 0x05 | $2 << 3;}
- | OP_CMPM op8_2
- {w0 |= 0x07 | $2 << 3;}
- | OP_RND op8_3
- {w0 |= 0x11 | $2 << 3;}
- | OP_ADDL op8_3
- {w0 |= 0x12 | $2 << 3;}
- | OP_CLR op8_3
- {w0 |= 0x13 | $2 << 3;}
- | OP_SUBL op8_3
- {w0 |= 0x16 | $2 << 3;}
- | OP_NOT op8_3
- {w0 |= 0x17 | $2 << 3;}
- | OP_ADDR op8_4
- {w0 |= 0x02 | $2 << 3;}
- | OP_TST op8_4
- {w0 |= 0x03 | $2 << 3;}
- | OP_SUBR op8_4
- {w0 |= 0x06 | $2 << 3;}
- | OP_AND op8_5
- {w0 |= 0x46 | $2 << 3;}
- | OP_OR op8_5
- {w0 |= 0x42 | $2 << 3;}
- | OP_EOR op8_5
- {w0 |= 0x43 | $2 << 3;}
- | OP_ASR op8_6
- {w0 |= 0x22 | $2 << 3;}
- | OP_LSR op8_6
- {w0 |= 0x23 | $2 << 3;}
- | OP_ABS op8_6
- {w0 |= 0x26 | $2 << 3;}
- | OP_ROR op8_6
- {w0 |= 0x27 | $2 << 3;}
- | OP_ASL op8_7
- {w0 |= 0x32 | $2 << 3;}
- | OP_LSL op8_7
- {w0 |= 0x33 | $2 << 3;}
- | OP_NEG op8_7
- {w0 |= 0x36 | $2 << 3;}
- | OP_ROL op8_7
- {w0 |= 0x37 | $2 << 3;}
- | OP_ADC op8_8
- {w0 |= 0x21 | $2 << 3;}
- | OP_SBC op8_8
- {w0 |= 0x25 | $2 << 3;}
- ;
-mpy_arg : plus_minus mpy_srcs ',' a_b
- {$$ = $1 | $4 << 1 | $2 << 2;}
- ;
- : '+'
- {$$ = 0;}
- | '-'
- {$$ = 1;}
- |
- {$$ = 0;}
- ;
- : XREG ',' XREG
- {switch ($1 << 4 | $3) {
- case 0x00: $$ = 0x0; break;
- case 0x01:
- case 0x10: $$ = 0x2; break;
- case 0x11:
- yyerror("illegal source operands");
- break;
- }}
- | YREG ',' YREG
- {switch ($1 << 4 | $3) {
- case 0x00: $$ = 0x1; break;
- case 0x01:
- case 0x10: $$ = 0x3; break;
- case 0x11:
- yyerror("illegal source operands");
- break;
- }}
- | XREG ',' YREG
- {switch ($1 << 4 | $3) {
- case 0x00: $$ = 0x5; break;
- case 0x01: $$ = 0x4; break;
- case 0x10: $$ = 0x6; break;
- case 0x11: $$ = 0x7; break;
- }}
- | YREG ',' XREG
- {switch ($1 << 4 | $3) {
- case 0x00: $$ = 0x5; break;
- case 0x01: $$ = 0x6; break;
- case 0x10: $$ = 0x4; break;
- case 0x11: $$ = 0x7; break;
- }}
- ;
-op8_1 : BBBB ',' AAAA
- {$$ = 0x2;}
- | AAAA ',' BBBB
- {$$ = 0x3;}
- | XXXX ',' a_b
- {$$ = 0x4 | $3;}
- | YYYY ',' a_b
- {$$ = 0x6 | $3;}
- | XREG ',' a_b
- {$$ = 0x8 | $1 << 2 | $3;}
- | YREG ',' a_b
- {$$ = 0xA | $1 << 2 | $3;}
- ;
-op8_2 : BBBB ',' AAAA
- {$$ = 0x0;}
- | AAAA ',' BBBB
- {$$ = 0x1;}
- | XREG ',' a_b
- {$$ = 0x8 | $1 << 2 | $3;}
- | YREG ',' a_b
- {$$ = 0xA | $1 << 2 | $3;}
- ;
-op8_3 : AAAA
- {$$ = 0x0;}
- | BBBB
- {$$ = 0x1;}
- | BBBB ',' AAAA
- {$$ = 0x0;}
- | AAAA ',' BBBB
- {$$ = 0x1;}
- ;
-op8_4 : op8_3
- {$$ = $1;}
- ;
-op8_5 : XREG ',' a_b
- {$$ = 0x0 | $1 << 2 | $3;}
- | YREG ',' a_b
- {$$ = 0x2 | $1 << 2 | $3;}
- ;
-op8_6 : a_b
- {$$ = $1;}
- ;
-op8_7 : a_b
- {$$ = $1;}
- ;
-op8_8 : XXXX ',' a_b
- {$$ = 0x0 | $3;}
- | YYYY ',' a_b
- {$$ = 0x2 | $3;}
- ;
-a_b : AAAA
- {$$ = 0;}
- | BBBB
- {$$ = 1;}
- ;
- : control_inst
- {if(just_rep == 1)
- yyerror("instruction not allowed after REP");}
- | bit_inst
- | move_inst
- | arith_inst
- ;
-/*%%%************** non-parallel arithmetic and logical ********************/
- : OP_NORM RREG ',' a_b
- {w0 |= 0x01D815 | $2 << 8 | $4 << 3;}
- | OP_DIV sd3
- {w0 |= 0x018040 | $2 << 3;}
- | or_op ix ',' funky_ctl_reg
- {w0 |= 0x0000F8 | (n2int($2) & 0xFF) << 8 | $4;}
- | and_op ix ',' funky_ctl_reg
- {w0 |= 0x0000B8 | (n2int($2) & 0xFF) << 8 | $4;}
- ;
-or_op : OP_OR
- | OP_ORI
- ;
-and_op : OP_AND
- ;
-/*%%%******************************* control instructions **********************/
- : OP_JSCC ea_a12
- {if($2) {
- w0 |= 0x0BC0A0 | $1 << 0;
- } else {
- w0 |= 0x0F0000 | $1 << 12;
- }}
- | OP_JCC ea_a12
- {if($2) {
- w0 |= 0x0AC0A0 | $1 << 0;
- } else {
- w0 |= 0x0E0000 | $1 << 12;
- }}
- | OP_JSR ea_a12
- {if($2) {
- w0 |= 0x0BC080;
- } else {
- w0 |= 0x0D0000;
- }}
- | OP_JMP ea_a12
- {if($2) {
- w0 |= 0x0AC080;
- } else {
- w0 |= 0x0C0000;
- }}
- | OP_JSSET control_args
- {w0 |= 0x0B0020;}
- | OP_JSCLR control_args
- {w0 |= 0x0B0000;}
- | OP_JSET control_args
- {w0 |= 0x0A0020;}
- | OP_JCLR control_args
- {w0 |= 0x0A0000;}
- | OP_REP rep_args
- {just_rep = 2;}
- | OP_DO do_args
- {uses_w1++;}
- {w0 |= 0x00008C;}
- {w0 |= 0x000087;}
- {w0 |= 0x000086;}
- {w0 |= 0x000084;}
- | OP_RTS
- {w0 |= 0x00000C;}
- | OP_SWI
- {w0 |= 0x000006;}
- {w0 |= 0x000005;}
- | OP_RTI
- {w0 |= 0x000004;}
- | OP_NOP
- {w0 |= 0x000000;
- just_rep = 0;}
- ;
- : ix ',' abs_addr
- {int ival = n2int($1);
- w0 |= 0x060080 | (ival & 0xFF) << 8 | (ival & 0xF00)>> 8;
- if(ival > 0xFFF && pass == 2) {
- yywarning("warning: immediate operand truncated");
- }
- w1 |= $3-1;}
- | regs ',' abs_addr
- {w0 |= 0x06C000 | $1.r6 << 8;
- hot_rreg = hot_nreg = hot_mreg = -1;
- w1 |= $3-1;}
- | x_or_y ea_no_ext ',' abs_addr
- {w0 |= 0x064000 | $2 << 8 | $1 << 6;
- w1 |= $4-1;}
- | x_or_y abs_short_addr ',' abs_addr /* allow forced */
- {w0 |= 0x060000 | ($2 & 0x3F) << 8 | $1 << 6;
- /*
- * $$$ oops, can't check expr_seg because both abs_short_addr and
- * abs_addr touch it
- */
- if($2 > 0x003F && pass == 2)
- yywarning("warning: address operand truncated");
- w1 |= $4-1;}
- | x_or_y abs_addr ',' abs_addr
- {w0 |= 0x060000 | ($2 & 0x3F) << 8 | $1 << 6;
- /*
- * $$$ oops, can't check expr_seg because both abs_short_addr and
- * abs_addr touch it
- */
- if($2 > 0x003F && pass == 2)
- yywarning("warning: address operand truncated");
- w1 |= $4-1;}
- ;
- : ix
- {int ival = n2int($1);
- w0 |= 0x0600A0 | (ival & 0xFF) << 8 | (ival & 0xF00)>> 8;
- if(ival > 0xFFF && pass == 2) {
- yywarning("warning: immediate operand truncated");
- }}
- | regs
- {w0 |= 0x06C020 | $1.r6 << 8;
- hot_rreg = hot_nreg = hot_mreg = -1;}
- | x_or_y ea_no_ext
- {w0 |= 0x064020 | $1 << 6 | $2 << 8;}
- | x_or_y abs_addr
- {w0 |= 0x060020 | $1 << 6 | ($2 & 0x3F) << 8;
- if(expr_seg != ANY && ($1 == 0 && expr_seg != XDATA ||
- $1 == 1 && expr_seg != YDATA))
- yywarning("warning: space mismatch");
- if($2 > 0x003F && pass == 2)
- yywarning("warning: address operand truncated");
- }
- | x_or_y abs_short_addr /* forced */
- {w0 |= 0x060020 | $1 << 6 | ($2 & 0x3F) << 8;
- if(expr_seg != ANY && ($1 == 0 && expr_seg != XDATA ||
- $1 == 1 && expr_seg != YDATA))
- yywarning("warning: space mismatch");
- if($2 > 0x003F && pass == 2)
- yywarning("warning: address operand truncated");
- }
- ;
- : b5_10111_max ',' x_or_y p6_ean_a6 ',' abs_addr
- {w0 |= $1 << 0 | $3 << 6;
- uses_w1++;
- w1 = $6;}
- | b5_10111_max ',' regs ',' abs_addr
- {w0 |= 0x00C000 | $1 << 0 | $3.r6 << 8;
- hot_rreg = hot_nreg = hot_mreg = -1;
- uses_w1++;
- w1 = $5;}
- ;
- : abs_addr /* in pass 2 can always discern size. */
- /* Sometimes in pass one, too. But since */
- /* address extension is always used for the */
- /* branch target, pass 1 can assume the */
- /* symbol value will fit; warning in pass 2 */
- /* if it doesn't */
- {if($1 != -1) { /* symbol defined */
- w0 |= ($1 & 0x3F) << 8;
- if($1 >= 0xFFC0) {
- w0 |= 0x008080;
- } else {
- w0 |= 0x000080;
- if($1 > 0x003F && pass == 2)
- yywarning("warning: address operand truncated");
- }
- }}
- | abs_short_addr
- {if($1 != -1) {
- if($1 > 0x3F && pass == 2)
- yywarning("warning: address operand truncated");
- w0 |= 0x000080 | ($1 & 0x3F) << 8;
- }}
- | io_short_addr
- {if($1 != -1) {
- if($1 < 0xFFC0 && pass == 2)
- yywarning("warning: address operand truncated");
- w0 |= 0x008080 | ($1 & 0x3F) << 8;
- }}
- | ea_no_ext
- {w0 |= 0x004080 | $1 << 8;}
- ;
-/*%%%**************************** bit instructions ***************************/
- : OP_BTST bit_args
- {w0 |= 0x0B0020;}
- | OP_BCHG bit_args
- {w0 |= 0x0B0000;}
- | OP_BSET bit_args
- {w0 |= 0x0A0020;}
- | OP_BCLR bit_args
- {w0 |= 0x0A0000;}
- ;
- : b5_10111_max ',' x_or_y p6_ea_a6
- {w0 |= $1 << 0 | $3 << 6;
- }
- | b5_10111_max ',' regs
- {w0 |= 0x00C040 | $1 << 0 | $3.r6 << 8;}
- ;
- : io_short_addr /* must be forced to tell from abs_addr */
- {if($1 != -1) {
- w0 |= ($1 & 0x3F) << 8 | 0x008000;
- if($1 < 0xFFC0 && pass == 2)
- yywarning("warning: address operand truncated");
- }}
- | abs_short_addr /* must be forced to tell from abs_addr */
- {if($1 != -1) {
- w0 |= ($1 & 0x3F) << 8 | 0x000000;
- if($1 > 0x003F && pass == 2)
- yywarning("warning: address operand truncated");
- }}
- | ea /* can use abs_addr */
- {w0 |= 0x004000;}
- ;
-/*%%%************************** move instructions **********************/
- : OP_MOVEP movep_args
- | OP_MOVEM movem_args
- | OP_MOVEC movec_args
- | OP_LUA ea_short ',' regs
- {w0 |= 0x044010 | $2 << 8 | $4.r4;}
- | OP_TCC tcc_args
- {w0 |= $1 << 12;}
- ;
- : tcc_sd
- {w0 |= 0x020000 | $1 << 3;}
- | tcc_sd RREG ',' RREG
- {w0 |= 0x030000 | $1 << 3 | $2 << 8 | $4;}
- ;
- : regs /* a_b */ ',' regs /* a_b */
- {hot_rreg = hot_nreg = hot_mreg = -1;
- if($1.flags & R_AB && $3.flags & R_AB) {
- if($1.ab == $3.ab)
- yyerror("source and dest must be different");
- $$ = $3.ab;
- } else if($1.flags & R_XREG && $3.flags & R_AB) {
- $$ = 0x8 | $1.xreg << 2 | $3.ab;
- } else if($1.flags & R_YREG && $3.flags & R_AB) {
- $$ = 0xA | $1.yreg << 2 | $3.ab;
- } else
- yyerror("illegal TCC operands");
- }
- ;
-sd3 : regs /* XREG */ ',' regs /* a_b */
- {hot_rreg = hot_nreg = hot_mreg = -1;
- if($1.flags & R_XREG && $3.flags & R_AB) {
- $$ = $1.xreg << 2 | $3.ab;
- } else if($1.flags & R_YREG && $3.flags & R_AB) {
- $$ = $1.yreg << 2 | 2 | $3.ab;
- }}
- ;
- : x_or_y ea ',' regs /* ctl_reg */
- {if(NOT ($4.flags & R_CTL_REG))
- yyerror("bad MOVEC target register");
- if(expr_seg != ANY && ($1 == 0 && expr_seg != XDATA ||
- $1 == 1 && expr_seg != YDATA))
- yywarning("warning: space mismatch");
- if($1 == 0) {
- w0 |= 0x05C020 | $4.ctl_reg;
- } else {
- w0 |= 0x05C060 | $4.ctl_reg;
- }}
- | regs /* ctl_reg */ ',' x_or_y ea
- {hot_rreg = hot_nreg = hot_mreg = -1;
- if(NOT ($1.flags & R_CTL_REG))
- yyerror("bad MOVEC source register");
- if($3 == 0) {
- w0 |= 0x054020 | $1.ctl_reg;
- } else {
- w0 |= 0x054060 | $1.ctl_reg;
- }}
- | ix ',' regs /* ctl_reg */
- {int ival = n2int($1);
- if(NOT ($3.flags & R_CTL_REG))
- yyerror("bad MOVEC target register");
- if(ival < 256 && NOT long_symbolic_expr) {
- w0 |= 0x0500A0 | (ival & 0xFF) << 8 | $3.ctl_reg;
- } else {
- w0 |= 0x05C020 | 0x003400 | $3.ctl_reg;
- uses_w1++; w1 = ival & 0xFFFF;
- }}
- | x_or_y abs_short_addr ',' regs /* ctl_reg */
- {if($1 == 0) {
- w0 |= 0x058020 | ($2 & 0x3F) << 8 | $4.ctl_reg;
- } else {
- w0 |= 0x058060 | ($2 & 0x3F) << 8 | $4.ctl_reg;
- }
- if(NOT ($4.flags & R_CTL_REG))
- yyerror("bad MOVEC target register");
- if($2 > 0x003F && pass == 2)
- yywarning("warning: address operand truncated");
- }
- | regs /* ctl_reg */ ',' x_or_y abs_short_addr
- {hot_rreg = hot_nreg = hot_mreg = -1;
- if($3 == 0) {
- w0 |= 0x050020 | ($4 & 0x3F) << 8 | $1.ctl_reg;
- } else {
- w0 |= 0x050060 | ($4 & 0x3F) << 8 | $1.ctl_reg;
- }
- if(NOT ($1.flags & R_CTL_REG))
- yyerror("bad MOVEC source register");
- if($4 > 0x003F && pass == 2)
- yywarning("warning: address operand truncated");
- }
- | regs /* ctl_reg */ ',' regs
- {if($1.flags & R_CTL_REG) {
- w0 |= 0x0440A0 | $3.r6 << 8 | $1.ctl_reg;
- } else if($3.flags & R_CTL_REG) {
- w0 |= 0x04C0A0 | $1.r6 << 8 | $3.ctl_reg;
- } else if($1.flags & $3.flags & R_CTL_REG) {
- /* bogus? $$$ */
- w0 |= 0x04C0A0 | ($1.ctl_reg | 0x20) << 8 |
- $3.ctl_reg;
- } else {
- yyerror("MOVEC must reference a control reg");
- }}
- ;
- : x_or_y movep_ea_pp ',' x_or_y movep_ea_pp
- {w0 |= 0x084080;
- switch($2.pp << 1 | $5.pp) {
- case 0: case 3:
- yyerror("illegal MOVEP; can't move EA to EA or IO to IO");
- break;
- case 1: /* ea, pp */
- w0 |= $4 << 16 | 1 << 15 | $1 << 6 |
- ($5.ext & 0x3F);
- if($2.mode == 0x003000) {
- w0 |= 0x003000;
- uses_w1++;
- w1 = $2.ext;
- } else {
- w0 |= $2.mode;
- }
- break;
- case 2: /* pp, ea */
- w0 |= $1 << 16 | 0 << 15 | $4 << 6 |
- ($2.ext & 0x3F);
- if($5.mode == 0x003000) {
- w0 |= 0x003000;
- uses_w1++;
- w1 = $5.ext;
- } else {
- w0 |= $5.mode;
- }
- break;
- }}
- | ix ',' x_or_y num_or_sym
- {w0 |= 0x084080;
- w0 |= $3 << 16 | 1 << 15 | 0x34 << 8 |
- (n2int($4) & 0x3F);
- uses_w1++;
- w1 = n2int($1);}
- | PMEM ea ',' x_or_y num_or_sym
- {w0 |= 0x084040;
- w0 |= $4 << 16 | 1 << 15 | (n2int($5) & 0x3F);}
- | x_or_y movep_ea_pp ',' PMEM ea
- {w0 |= 0x084040;
- if($2.mode != 0x003000 && $2.mode != 0)
- yyerror("illegal MOVEP");
- w0 |= $1 << 16 | 0 << 15 | ($2.ext & 0x3F);}
- | regs ',' x_or_y num_or_sym
- {hot_rreg = hot_nreg = hot_mreg = -1;
- w0 |= 0x084000;
- w0 |= $3 << 16 | 1 << 15 | $1.r6 << 8 |
- (n2int($4) & 0x3F);}
- | x_or_y movep_ea_pp ',' regs
- {hot_rreg = hot_nreg = hot_mreg = -1;
- w0 |= 0x084000;
- if(!$2.pp)
- yyerror("illegal MOVEP");
- w0 |= $1 << 16 | 0 << 15 | $4.r6 << 8 | ($2.ext & 0x3F);}
- ;
- : abs_addr
- {if($1 != UNDEF && $1 >= 0xFFC0) {
- /* defined symbol or constant, in i/o range */
- $$.pp = 1;
- $$.mode = 0;
- } else {
- /* either out of i/o range or symbol not */
- /* yet defined: assume ea extension */
- $$.pp = 0;
- $$.mode = 0x003000;
- }
- $$.ext = $1;}
- | io_short_addr /* forced i/o short */
- {$$.pp = 1;
- $$.mode = 0;
- if($1 < 0xFFC0 && pass == 2)
- yywarning("warning: address operand truncated");
- $$.ext = $1;}
- | ea_no_ext
- {$$.pp = 0;
- $$.mode = $1 << 8;
- $$.ext = $1;}
- ;
- : regs ',' PMEM ea_a6
- {w0 |= 0x070000 | 0 << 15 | $1.r6;}
- | PMEM ea_a6 ',' regs
- {hot_rreg = hot_nreg = hot_mreg = -1;
- w0 |= 0x070000 | 1 << 15 | $4.r6;}
- ;
-/*%%%**************** memory reference fields ************************/
- : ix
- {int ival = n2int($1);
- $$ = ival; if(ival > 0x17)
- yyerror("%d: illegal bit number", ival);}
- ;
- : XMEM
- {$$ = 0;}
- | YMEM
- {$$ = 1;}
- ;
-/*%%%**************** effective address fields ************************/
- : ea
- {w0 |= 0x004080;}
- | abs_short_addr
- {w0 |= ($1 & 0x3F) << 8;
- if($1 > 0x003F && pass == 2)
- yywarning("warning: address operand truncated");
- }
- ;
- : ea
- {$$ = 1;}
- | abs_short_addr
- {w0 |= $1 & 0xFFF; $$ = 0;
- if($1 > 0x0FFF && pass == 2)
- yywarning("warning: address operand truncated");
- }
- ;
-ea : abs_addr
- {w0 |= 0x003000;
- uses_w1++;
- w1 |= $1;
- $$ = 0x003000;}
- | ea_no_ext
- {w0 |= $1 << 8;
- $$ = $1 << 8;
- expr_seg = ANY;}
- ;
- : ea_short
- {$$ = $1;}
- | '(' RREG ')'
- {if($2 == prev_hot_rreg) yywarning("warning: r%d just loaded", $2);
- $$ = 4 << 3 | $2;}
- | '(' RREG '+' NREG ')'
- {if($2 == prev_hot_rreg) yywarning("warning: r%d just loaded", $2);
- if($4 == prev_hot_nreg) yywarning("warning: n%d just loaded", $4);
- if($2 == prev_hot_mreg) yywarning("warning: m%d just loaded", $2);
- $$ = 5 << 3 | $2;
- if($2 != $4) yyerror("Rn and Nn must be same number");}
- | '-' '(' RREG ')'
- {if($3 == prev_hot_rreg) yywarning("warning: r%d just loaded", $3);
- if($3 == prev_hot_mreg) yywarning("warning: m%d just loaded", $3);
- $$ = 7 << 3 | $3;}
- ;
- : '(' RREG ')' '-' NREG
- {if($2 == prev_hot_rreg) yywarning("warning: r%d just loaded", $2);
- if($5 == prev_hot_nreg) yywarning("warning: n%d just loaded", $5);
- if($2 == prev_hot_mreg) yywarning("warning: m%d just loaded", $2);
- $$ = 0 << 3 | $2;
- expr_seg = ANY;
- if($2 != $5) yyerror("Rn and Nn must be same number");}
- | '(' RREG ')' '+' NREG
- {if($2 == prev_hot_rreg) yywarning("warning: r%d just loaded", $2);
- if($5 == prev_hot_nreg) yywarning("warning: n%d just loaded", $5);
- if($2 == prev_hot_mreg) yywarning("warning: m%d just loaded", $2);
- $$ = 1 << 3 | $2;
- expr_seg = ANY;
- if($2 != $5) yyerror("Rn and Nn must be same number");}
- | '(' RREG ')' '-'
- {if($2 == prev_hot_rreg) yywarning("warning: r%d just loaded", $2);
- if($2 == prev_hot_mreg) yywarning("warning: m%d just loaded", $2);
- expr_seg = ANY;
- $$ = 2 << 3 | $2;}
- | '(' RREG ')' '+'
- {if($2 == prev_hot_rreg) yywarning("warning: r%d just loaded", $2);
- if($2 == prev_hot_mreg) yywarning("warning: m%d just loaded", $2);
- expr_seg = ANY;
- $$ = 3 << 3 | $2;}
- ;
-/*%%%******************* register fields ******************************/
- : XREG
- {$$.r6 = $$.r5 = 0x04 | $1;
- $$.sdx = $1;
- $$.xreg = $1;
- $$.flags = R_R6|R_R5|R_XREG|R_SDX|R_SFRAC;}
- | YREG
- {$$.r6 = $$.r5 = 0x06 | $1;
- $$.sdy = $1;
- $$.yreg = $1;
- $$.flags = R_R6|R_R5|R_SDY|R_YREG|R_SFRAC;}
- | AREG
- {switch($1) {
- case 0:
- $$.r6 = $$.r5 = 0x08 | 0;
- break;
- case 1:
- $$.r6 = $$.r5 = 0x08 | 4;
- break;
- case 2:
- $$.r6 = $$.r5 = 0x08 | 2;
- break;
- }
- $$.flags = R_R6|R_R5|R_UINT;}
- | BREG
- {switch($1) {
- case 0:
- $$.r6 = $$.r5 = 0x08 | 1; break;
- case 1:
- $$.r6 = $$.r5 = 0x08 | 5; break;
- case 2:
- $$.r6 = $$.r5 = 0x08 | 3; break;
- }
- $$.flags = R_R6|R_R5|R_UINT;}
- | AAAA
- {$$.r6 = $$.r5 = 0x0E;
- $$.sdx = $$.sdy = 0x2;
- $$.ab = 0;
- $$.lsd = 4;
- $$.flags = R_R6|R_R5|R_SDX|R_SDY|R_AB|R_LSD|R_SFRAC;}
- | BBBB
- {$$.r6 = $$.r5 = 0x0F;
- $$.sdx = $$.sdy = 0x3;
- $$.ab = 1;
- $$.lsd = 5;
- $$.flags = R_R6|R_R5|R_SDX|R_SDY|R_AB|R_LSD|R_SFRAC;}
- | RREG
- {$$.r6 = $$.r5 = 0x10 | $1;
- $$.r4 = 0x00 | $1;
- $$.flags = R_R6|R_R5|R_R4|R_UINT;
- hot_rreg = $1;}
- | NREG
- {$$.r6 = $$.r5 = 0x18 | $1;
- $$.r4 = 0x08 | $1;
- $$.flags = R_R6|R_R5|R_R4|R_UINT;
- hot_nreg = $1;}
- | MREG
- {$$.r6 = 0x20 | $1;
- $$.r5 = -1;
- $$.ctl_reg = $1;
- $$.flags = R_R6|R_R5|R_CTL_REG|R_UINT;
- hot_mreg = $1;}
- | prog_ctl_reg
- {$$.r6 = 0x38 | $1;
- $$.r5 = -1;
- $$.ctl_reg = 0x18 | $1;
- $$.flags = R_R6|R_R5|R_CTL_REG|R_UINT;}
- | A10
- {$$.lsd = 0;
- $$.flags = R_LSD;}
- | B10
- {$$.lsd = 1;
- $$.flags = R_LSD;}
- | XXXX
- {$$.lsd = 2;
- $$.flags = R_LSD;}
- | YYYY
- {$$.lsd = 3;
- $$.flags = R_LSD;}
- | AABB
- {$$.lsd = 6;
- $$.flags = R_LSD;}
- | BBAA
- {$$.lsd = 7;
- $$.flags = R_LSD;}
- ;
- : SR
- {$$ = 1;}
- | OMR
- {$$ = 2;}
- | SP
- {$$ = 3;}
- | SSH
- {$$ = 4;}
- | SSL
- {$$ = 5;}
- | LA
- {$$ = 6;}
- | LC
- {$$ = 7;}
- ;
- : MR
- {$$ = 0;}
- | CCR
- {$$ = 1;}
- | OMR
- {$$ = 2;}
- ;
-/*%%%************************* parallel moves *************/
- : i_move
- | u_move
- | x_or_y_move
- | xr_move
- | ry_move
- | r_move
- | xy_move
- | l_move
- ;
-i_move : ix ',' regs
- {int ival = n2int($1);
- int frac = n2frac($1);
- int value;
- BOOL shortform = FALSE;
- if($3.flags & R_CTL_REG) {
- yyerror("please use MOVEC for control register moves");
- break;
- }
- if(($3.flags & R_SFRAC) && $1.type == FLT) {
- if((frac & 0xFFFF) == 0 &&
- NOT long_symbolic_expr) {
- value = frac >> 16;
- shortform++;
- } else {
- value = frac;
- }
- } else {
- if(ival <= 0xFF && ival >= -0xFF && NOT long_symbolic_expr) {
- value = ival;
- shortform++;
- } else {
- value = ival;
- }
- }
- if(shortform) {
- w0 |= 0x200000 | (value & 0xFF) << 8 |
- $3.r5 << 16;
- } else {
- w0 |= 0x400000 | 0x00F400 |
- ($3.r5 >> 3 & 3) << 20 |
- ($3.r5 & 7) << 16;
- uses_w1++; w1 = value;
- }}
- ;
-r_move : regs ',' regs
- {
- if($3.flags & R_CTL_REG) {
- yyerror("please use MOVEC for control register moves");
- break;
- }
- if($1.flags & R_R5 & $3.flags)
- w0 |= 0x200000 | $3.r5 << 8 | $1.r5 << 13;
- else
- yyerror("illegal R move");
- }
- ;
-u_move : ea_short
- {w0 |= 0x204000 | $1 << 8;}
- ;
- : x_or_y ea ',' regs
- {w0 |= 0x40C000 | $1 << 19;
- if(expr_seg != ANY && ($1 == 0 && expr_seg != XDATA ||
- $1 == 1 && expr_seg != YDATA))
- yywarning("warning: space mismatch");
- if($4.flags & R_CTL_REG) {
- yyerror("please use MOVEC for control register moves");
- break;
- }
- w0 |= ($4.r5 >> 3 & 3) << 20 | ($4.r5 & 7) << 16;}
- | x_or_y abs_short_addr ',' regs
- {w0 |= 0x408000 | $1 << 19 | ($2 & 0x3F) << 8;
- if(expr_seg != ANY && ($1 == 0 && expr_seg != XDATA ||
- $1 == 1 && expr_seg != YDATA))
- yywarning("warning: space mismatch");
- if($4.flags & R_CTL_REG) {
- yyerror("please use MOVEC for control register moves");
- break;
- }
- if($2 > 0x003F && pass == 2)
- yywarning("warning: address operand truncated");
- w0 |= ($4.r5>> 3 & 3) << 20 | ($4.r5 & 7) << 16;}
- | regs ',' x_or_y ea
- {hot_rreg = hot_nreg = hot_mreg = -1;
- w0 |= 0x404000 | $3 << 19;
- if(expr_seg != ANY && ($3 == 0 && expr_seg != XDATA ||
- $3 == 1 && expr_seg != YDATA))
- yywarning("warning: space mismatch");
- if($1.flags & R_CTL_REG) {
- yyerror("please use MOVEC for control register moves");
- break;
- }
- w0 |= ($1.r5 >> 3 & 3) << 20 | ($1.r5 & 7) << 16;}
- | regs ',' x_or_y abs_short_addr
- {hot_rreg = hot_nreg = hot_mreg = -1;
- w0 |= 0x400000 | $3 << 19 | ($4 & 0x3F) << 8;
- if($1.flags & R_CTL_REG) {
- yyerror("please use MOVEC for control register moves");
- break;
- }
- if(expr_seg != ANY && ($3 == 0 && expr_seg != XDATA ||
- $3 == 1 && expr_seg != YDATA))
- yywarning("warning: space mismatch");
- if($4 > 0x003F && pass == 2)
- yywarning("warning: address operand truncated");
- w0 |= ($1.r5 >> 3 & 3) << 20 | ($1.r5 & 7) << 16;}
- | ix_long ',' regs
- {w0 |= 0x400000 | 0x00F400 | ($3.r5 >> 3 & 3) << 20 |
- ($3.r5 & 7) << 16;
- if($3.flags & R_CTL_REG) {
- yyerror("please use MOVEC for control register moves");
- break;
- }
- uses_w1++; w1 = n2frac($1);
- }
- ;
- : x_or_y /* XMEM */ ea ',' regs regs /* a_b */ ',' YREG
- {hot_rreg = hot_nreg = hot_mreg = -1;
- if(expr_seg != ANY && ($1 == 0 && expr_seg != XDATA ||
- $1 == 1 && expr_seg != YDATA))
- yywarning("warning: space mismatch");
- if($1 == 0 && $5.flags & R_AB) {
- w0 |= 0x108000 | $4.sdx << 18 | $5.ab << 17 |
- $7 << 16;
- } else {
- yyerror("illegal X:R move");
- }}
- | ix ',' regs regs /* a_b */ ',' YREG
- {hot_rreg = hot_nreg = hot_mreg = -1;
- if($4.flags & R_AB) {
- w0 |= 0x10B400 | $3.sdx << 18 | $4.ab << 17 |
- $6 << 16;
- uses_w1++;
- w1 |= n2frac($1) & 0xFFFFFF;
- } else {
- yyerror("illegal X:R move");
- }}
- | regs ',' x_or_y /* XMEM */ ea regs /* a_b */ ',' regs/*YREG*/
- {hot_rreg = hot_nreg = hot_mreg = -1;
- if(expr_seg != ANY && ($3 == 0 && expr_seg != XDATA ||
- $3 == 1 && expr_seg != YDATA))
- yywarning("warning: space mismatch");
- if($1.flags & R_SDX && $3 == 0 && $5.flags & R_AB &&
- $7.flags & R_YREG) {
- w0 |= 0x100000 | $1.sdx << 18 | $5.ab << 17 |
- $7.yreg << 16;
- } else if($1.flags & R_AB && $3 == 0 &&
- $5.flags & R_XREG && $7.flags & R_AB) {
- if($5.xreg != 0) yyerror("must use X0");
- if($1.ab == 0 && $7.ab == 0)
- w0 |= 0x080000;
- else if($1.ab == 1 && $7.ab == 1)
- w0 |= 0x090000;
- else
- yyerror("illegal X:R move");
- } else {
- yyerror("illegal X:R move");
- }}
- ;
-ry_move : regs /* a_b */ ',' regs /* XREG */ YMEM ea ',' regs
- {hot_rreg = hot_nreg = hot_mreg = -1;
- if($3.flags & R_XREG && $7.flags & (R_YREG|R_AB)) {
- w0 |= 0x10C000 | $1.ab << 19 | $3.xreg << 18 |
- $7.sdy << 16;
- } else {
- yyerror("illegal R:Y move");
- }}
- | regs /* a_b */ ',' regs /* XREG */ ix ',' regs
- {hot_rreg = hot_nreg = hot_mreg = -1;
- if($3.flags & R_XREG && $6.flags & (R_YREG|R_AB)) {
- w0 |= 0x10F400 | $1.ab << 19 | $3.xreg << 18 |
- $6.sdy << 16;
- uses_w1++;
- w1 |= n2frac($4) & 0xFFFFFF;
- } else {
- yyerror("illegal R:Y move");
- }}
- | regs /* a_b */ ',' regs /* XREG */ regs ',' YMEM ea
- {hot_rreg = hot_nreg = hot_mreg = -1;
- if($1.flags & R_AB && $3.flags & R_XREG) {
- w0 |= 0x104000 | $1.ab << 19 | $3.xreg << 18 |
- $4.sdy << 16;
- } else if ($1.flags & R_YREG && $3.flags & R_AB &&
- $4.flags & R_AB) {
- if($1.yreg != 0) yyerror("must use Y0");
- if($3.ab == 0 && $4.ab == 0)
- w0 |= 0x088000;
- else if($3.ab == 1 && $4.ab == 1)
- w0 |= 0x098000;
- else
- yyerror("illegal R:Y move");
- } else {
- yyerror("illegal R:Y move");
- }}
- ;
- : LMEM ea ',' regs /* lsd */
- {if($4.flags & R_CTL_REG) {
- yyerror("please use MOVEC for control register moves");
- break;
- }
- w0 |= 0x40C000 | ($4.lsd & 3) << 16 | ($4.lsd >> 2) << 19;}
- | regs /* lsd */ ',' LMEM ea
- {hot_rreg = hot_nreg = hot_mreg = -1;
- if($1.flags & R_CTL_REG) {
- yyerror("please use MOVEC for control register moves");
- break;
- }
- w0 |= 0x404000 | ($1.lsd & 3) << 16 | ($1.lsd >> 2) << 19;}
- | LMEM abs_short_addr ',' regs /* lsd */
- {w0 |= 0x408000 | ($4.lsd & 3) << 16 | ($4.lsd >> 2) << 19;
- if($4.flags & R_CTL_REG) {
- yyerror("please use MOVEC for control register moves");
- break;
- }
- if($2 > 0x003F && pass == 2)
- yywarning("warning: address operand truncated");
- w0 |= ($2 & 0x3F) << 8;}
- | regs /* lsd */ ',' LMEM abs_short_addr
- {hot_rreg = hot_nreg = hot_mreg = -1;
- w0 |= 0x400000 | ($1.lsd & 3) << 16 | ($1.lsd >> 2) << 19;
- if($1.flags & R_CTL_REG) {
- yyerror("please use MOVEC for control register moves");
- break;
- }
- if($4 > 0x003F && pass == 2)
- yywarning("warning: address operand truncated");
- w0 |= ($4 & 0x3F) << 8;}
- ;
- : x_or_y /*XMEM*/ ea /*ea_strange*/ ',' regs YMEM ea /*ea_strange*/ ',' regs
- {int eax = $2, eay = $6,
- regx = ($4.flags & R_AB) ? $4.ab | 2 : $4.xreg,
- regy = ($8.flags & R_AB) ? $8.ab | 2 : $8.yreg;
- hot_rreg = hot_nreg = hot_mreg = -1;
- if((eax & 0x400) == (eay & 0x400))
- yyerror("registers must be in opposite halves");
- if(!($4.flags & (R_AB | R_XREG)))
- yyerror("invalid X move register");
- if(!($8.flags & (R_AB | R_YREG)))
- yyerror("invalid Y move register");
- if($4.flags & R_AB &&
- $8.flags & R_AB &&
- $4.ab == $8.ab)
- yyerror("duplicate destination register");
- w0 = w0 & 0xFF | 0xC08000; /* both write */
- w0 |= eax & 0x1f00 | (eay & 0x300) << 5 | (eay & 0x1800) << 9 | regx << 18 | regy << 16;}
- | x_or_y /*XMEM*/ ea /*ea_strange*/ ',' regs regs ',' YMEM ea /*ea_strange*/
- {int eax = $2, eay = $8,
- regx = ($4.flags & R_AB) ? $4.ab | 2 : $4.xreg,
- regy = ($5.flags & R_AB) ? $5.ab | 2 : $5.yreg;
- hot_rreg = hot_nreg = hot_mreg = -1;
- if((eax & 0x400) == (eay & 0x400))
- yyerror("registers must be in opposite halves");
- if(!($4.flags & (R_AB | R_XREG)))
- yyerror("invalid X move register");
- if(!($5.flags & (R_AB | R_YREG)))
- yyerror("invalid Y move register");
- w0 = w0 & 0xFF | 0x808000; /* X:write, Y:read */
- w0 |= eax & 0x1f00 | (eay & 0x300) << 5 | (eay & 0x1800) << 9 | regx << 18 | regy << 16;}
- | regs ',' x_or_y /*XMEM*/ ea /*ea_strange*/ YMEM ea /*ea_strange*/ ',' regs
- {int eax = $4, eay = $6,
- regx = ($1.flags & R_AB) ? $1.ab | 2 : $1.xreg,
- regy = ($8.flags & R_AB) ? $8.ab | 2 : $8.yreg;
- hot_rreg = hot_nreg = hot_mreg = -1;
- if((eax & 0x400) == (eay & 0x400))
- yyerror("registers must be in opposite halves");
- if(!($1.flags & (R_AB | R_XREG)))
- yyerror("invalid X move register");
- if(!($8.flags & (R_AB | R_YREG)))
- yyerror("invalid Y move register");
- w0 = w0 & 0xFF | 0xC00000; /* X:read, Y:write */
- w0 |= eax & 0x1f00 | (eay & 0x300) << 5 | (eay & 0x1800) << 9 | regx << 18 | regy << 16;}
- | regs ',' x_or_y /*XMEM*/ ea /*ea_strange*/ regs ',' YMEM ea /*ea_strange*/
- {int eax = $4, eay = $8,
- regx = ($1.flags & R_AB) ? $1.ab | 2 : $1.xreg,
- regy = ($5.flags & R_AB) ? $5.ab | 2 : $5.yreg;
- hot_rreg = hot_nreg = hot_mreg = -1;
- if((eax & 0x400) == (eay & 0x400))
- yyerror("registers must be in opposite halves");
- if(!($1.flags & (R_AB | R_XREG)))
- yyerror("invalid X move register");
- if(!($5.flags & (R_AB | R_YREG)))
- yyerror("invalid Y move register");
- w0 = w0 & 0xFF | 0x800000; /* both read */
- w0 |= eax & 0x1f00 | (eay & 0x300) << 5 | (eay & 0x1800) << 9 | regx << 18 | regy << 16;}
- ;
-/*%%%******* absolute address and immediate data fields ************/
-num : CHEX
- {$$ = $1;}
- | CDEC
- {$$ = $1;}
- | FRAC
- {$$ = $1;}
- ;
-ix : '#' expr
- {$$ = $2; expr_seg = ANY;}
- | '#' '<' expr
- {$$.val.i = n2int($3) & 0xFF;
- $$.type = INT;
- expr_seg = ANY;
- long_symbolic_expr = FALSE;}
- ;
-ix_long : '#' '>' expr
- {$$ = $3; expr_seg = ANY;}
- ;
- : expr
- {$$ = n2int($1);
- expr_seg = $1.seg;}
- ;
- : '<' expr
- {$$ = n2int($2);
- expr_seg = $2.seg;}
- ;
- : SHL expr
- {$$ = n2int($2);
- expr_seg = $2.seg;}
- ;
- : num
- {$$ = $1;}
- | SYM
- {$$ = sym_ref($1); free($1);}
- | io_short_addr
- {$$.type = INT; $$.val.i = $1; $$.seg = expr_seg;}
- ;
- : num
- {$$ = $1; expr_seg = $1.seg;}
- | SYM
- {$$ = sym_ref($1);
- free($1);
- long_symbolic_expr++;
- expr_seg = $$.seg;
- }
- | CHAR
- {$$.type = INT; $$.val.i = $1 & 0xFFFFFF; expr_seg = $$.seg = ANY;}
- | '*'
- {$$.type = INT; $$.val.i = pc; expr_seg = $$.seg = ANY;}
- | OP_PI
- {$$.type = FLT; $$.val.f = acos(-1.0); expr_seg = $$.seg = ANY;}
- ;
- : OP_INT '(' expr ')'
- {$$.type = INT;
- if($3.type == INT)
- $$.val.i = $3.val.i;
- else
- $$.val.i = $3.val.f;
- $$.seg = $3.seg;
- }
- | expr '|' expr
- {$$ = binary_op($1, '|', $3);}
- | expr '^' expr
- {$$ = binary_op($1, '^', $3);}
- | expr '&' expr
- {$$ = binary_op($1, '&', $3);}
- | expr SHR expr
- {$$ = binary_op($1, SHR, $3);}
- | expr SHL expr
- {$$ = binary_op($1, SHL, $3);}
- | expr '-' expr
- {$$ = binary_op($1, '-', $3);}
- | expr '+' expr
- {$$ = binary_op($1, '+', $3);}
- | expr '%' expr
- {$$ = binary_op($1, '%', $3);}
- | expr '/' expr
- {$$ = binary_op($1, '/', $3);}
- | expr '*' expr
- {$$ = binary_op($1, '*', $3);}
- | '-' expr %prec '~'
- {$$ = unary_op('-', $2);}
- | '~' expr
- {$$ = unary_op('~', $2);}
- | OP_SIN '(' expr ')'
- {$$ = unary_op('s', $3);}
- | OP_COS '(' expr ')'
- {$$ = unary_op('c', $3);}
- | OP_TAN '(' expr ')'
- {$$ = unary_op('t', $3);}
- | OP_ASIN '(' expr ')'
- {$$ = unary_op('S', $3);}
- | OP_ACOS '(' expr ')'
- {$$ = unary_op('C', $3);}
- | OP_ATAN '(' expr ')'
- {$$ = unary_op('T', $3);}
- | OP_EXP '(' expr ')'
- {$$ = unary_op('e', $3);}
- | OP_LN '(' expr ')'
- {$$ = unary_op('l', $3);}
- | OP_LOG '(' expr ')'
- {$$ = unary_op('L', $3);}
- | OP_ABS '(' expr ')'
- {$$ = unary_op('a', $3);}
- | OP_POW '(' expr ',' expr ')'
- {$$ = binary_op($3, 'p', $5);}
- | '(' expr ')'
- {$$ = $2;}
- | num_or_sym_expr
- {$$ = $1;}
- ;
-/*%%%****************** end ******************************/
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#include <sys/signal.h>
-int yydebug;
-struct n binary_op(a1, op, a2)
-struct n a1, a2;
-int op;
- struct n result;
- int iarg1, iarg2;
- double farg1, farg2;
- if(a1.type == UNDEF || a2.type == UNDEF) {
- result.type = UNDEF;
- return result;
- }
- iarg1 = a1.type == INT ? a1.val.i : a1.val.f;
- iarg2 = a2.type == INT ? a2.val.i : a2.val.f;
- farg1 = a1.type == INT ? a1.val.i : a1.val.f;
- farg2 = a2.type == INT ? a2.val.i : a2.val.f;
- /* figure out target segment */
- if(a1.seg == a2.seg)
- result.seg = a1.seg;
- else if(a1.seg == ANY)
- result.seg = a2.seg;
- else if(a2.seg == ANY)
- result.seg = a1.seg;
- else
- result.seg = NONE;
- /* promote to float automatically */
- if(a1.type != a2.type) {
- if(a1.type == INT) {
- a1.val.f = a1.val.i; /* truncate */
- a1.type = FLT;
- } else {
- a2.val.f = a2.val.i; /* truncate */
- }
- }
- result.type = a1.type;
- /* do the op */
- switch(op) {
- case '+':
- if(result.type == INT) result.val.i = a1.val.i + a2.val.i;
- else result.val.f = a1.val.f + a2.val.f;
- break;
- case '-':
- if(result.type == INT) result.val.i = a1.val.i - a2.val.i;
- else result.val.f = a1.val.f - a2.val.f;
- break;
- case '*':
- if(result.type == INT) result.val.i = a1.val.i * a2.val.i;
- else result.val.f = a1.val.f * a2.val.f;
- break;
- case '/':
- if(result.type == INT) result.val.i = a1.val.i / a2.val.i;
- else result.val.f = a1.val.f / a2.val.f;
- break;
- case '%':
- result.val.i = iarg1 % iarg2;
- result.type = INT;
- break;
- case SHL:
- result.val.i = iarg1 << iarg2;
- result.type = INT;
- break;
- case SHR:
- result.val.i = iarg1 >> iarg2;
- result.type = INT;
- break;
- case '|':
- result.val.i = iarg1 | iarg2;
- result.type = INT;
- break;
- case '&':
- result.val.i = iarg1 & iarg2;
- result.type = INT;
- break;
- case '^':
- result.val.i = iarg1 ^ iarg2;
- result.type = INT;
- break;
- case 'p':
- result.val.f = pow(farg1, farg2);
- result.type = FLT;
- }
- return result;
-jmp_buf unary_env;
- longjmp(unary_env, 1);
-char *unary_name(op)
- switch(op) {
- case 's': return "sin";
- case 'c': return "cos";
- case 't': return "tan";
- case 'S': return "asin";
- case 'C': return "acos";
- case 'T': return "atan";
- case 'e': return "exp";
- case 'l': return "ln";
- case 'L': return "log";
- case 'a': return "abs";
- }
-struct n unary_op(op, a1)
-int op;
-struct n a1;
- struct n result;
- void (*orig)();
- double farg;
- if(a1.type == UNDEF) {
- result.type = UNDEF;
- return result;
- }
- result.seg = a1.seg;
- /* do the op */
- orig = signal(SIGFPE, sigfpu);
- if(setjmp(unary_env)) {
- yyerror("floating point exception in function %s", unary_name(op));
- result.val.i = result.val.f = 0;
- } else {
- farg = a1.type == INT ? (double)a1.val.i : a1.val.f;
- switch(op) {
- case '-':
- result.type = a1.type;
- if(a1.type == INT) result.val.i = -a1.val.i;
- else result.val.f = -a1.val.f;
- break;
- case '~':
- result.type = a1.type;
- if(a1.type == INT) result.val.i = ~a1.val.i;
- else result.val.f = ~(int)a1.val.f;
- break;
- case 'a':
- result.type = a1.type;
- if(a1.type == INT) result.val.i = a1.val.i < 0 ? -a1.val.i : a1.val.i;
- else result.val.f = result.val.f = a1.val.f < 0 ? -a1.val.f : a1.val.f;
- break;
- case 's':
- result.type = FLT;
- result.val.f = sin(farg);
- break;
- case 'c':
- result.type = FLT;
- result.val.f = cos(farg);
- break;
- case 't':
- result.type = FLT;
- result.val.f = tan(farg);
- break;
- case 'S':
- result.type = FLT;
- result.val.f = asin(farg);
- break;
- case 'C':
- result.type = FLT;
- result.val.f = acos(farg);
- break;
- case 'T':
- result.type = FLT;
- result.val.f = atan(farg);
- break;
- case 'e':
- result.type = FLT;
- result.val.f = exp(farg);
- break;
- case 'l':
- result.type = FLT;
- result.val.f = log(farg);
- break;
- case 'L':
- result.type = FLT;
- result.val.f = log10(farg);
- break;
- }
- }
- signal(SIGFPE, orig);
- return result;
-struct n n;
- if(n.type == UNDEF)
- return UNDEF;
- else if(n.type == INT)
- return n.val.i;
- else
- return n.val.f;
-struct n n;
- double adval = n.val.f >= 0.0 ? n.val.f : -n.val.f;
- if(n.type == UNDEF)
- return UNDEF;
- else if(n.type == INT)
- return n.val.i;
- else if(n.val.f == -1.0)
- return 0x800000;
- adval -= (double)(int)adval;
- adval *= (double)0x800000;
- adval += 0.5;
- if(n.val.f >= 0.0)
- return adval;
- else
- return -adval;
-extern struct {int n; char *name;} tok_tab[];
-extern int n_tok;
-char *tok_print(tok)
-int tok;
- int i;
- static char buf[32];
- if(tok == '1') {
- i = 1;
- }
- if(tok < 256) {
- sprintf(buf, tok < ' ' ? "\\z%02X" : "%c", tok & 0xFF);
- return buf;
- } else {
- for(i = 0; i < n_tok; i++) {
- if(tok == tok_tab[i].n)
- return tok_tab[i].name;
- }
- }
- return "*bogus*";
-yyerror(s, a0, a1, a2, a3)
-char *s, *a0, *a1, *a2, *a3;
- extern int error;
- char buf[1024];
- error++;
- sprintf(buf, s, a0, a1, a2, a3);
- if(pass == 2) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: line %d: %s (tok=%s)\n", curfile, curline,
- buf, tok_print(yychar));
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", cur_line);
- printf("%s: line %d: %s (tok=%s)\n", curfile, curline,
- buf, tok_print(yychar));
- }
-yywarning(s, a0, a1, a2, a3)
-char *s, *a0, *a1, *a2, *a3;
- extern int warning;
- char buf[1024];
- warning++;
- sprintf(buf, s, a0, a1, a2, a3);
- if(pass == 2) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: line %d: %s (tok=%s)\n", curfile, curline,
- buf, tok_print(yychar));
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", cur_line);
- printf("%s: line %d: %s (tok=%s)\n", curfile, curline,
- buf, tok_print(yychar));
- }
-char *luntab(s)
-char *s;
- static char buf[1024];
- int p;
- strcpy(buf, s);
- untab(buf);
- p = strlen(buf);
- if(buf[p - 1] == '\n')
- buf[p - 1] = '\0';
- return buf;